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Tattoo Question: Gun or Soldier?


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Okay, so I wanted to get a tattoo saying basically that the soldier was the primary weapon of war, but I've heard before that the "gun" is the most primary weapon...
I just wanted some opinions from you guys...
I've been in the army, infantry, just over a year now...
So, do you believe...
1. The gun is the most primary weapon; or
2. The soldier is the most primary weapon
(or maybe you don't agree with either, I am just really interested to know the opinions of fellow troops)

(Edited by Moderator to place "Tattoo" in thread title.)
First things first, you're not even 18..........why would you want to disfigure yourself for life at such a young age?
Well i'll be 18 in a couple days...
and I've been begging my parents since I was 16, and they finally gave in.
ac12 said:
Well i'll be 18 in a couple days...
and I've been begging my parents since I was 16, and they finally gave in.

Before you get a tattoo, and I'm not saying 'don't get one', think long and hard about what you are getting and why.  If you have any doubts at all about what you're getting, don't get it. Otherwise you risk getting a regret tattoo.

Also, as it is a military tattoo (or somewhat military); consider the message you are conveying with it.  War isn't something you want to publicize with a tattoo... and having never been in combat, you might not want to put that on your body permanently... and if you ever deploy into a combat Op, your opinion on having that inked on you might change.
You also have to consider that you've only been in for a year, you have a lot left to do in your life, and the military might not always be a part of your life... What happens if you have a change of views in a few years... now you have a tattoo on you promoting war... think about it.

Along those same lines, I don't know about the RHLI, but the policy at our unit is; No unit tattoo's until you've either been in 5 years or reach the rank of MCpl... I know this isn't a unit tattoo, but it's a good way to look an military ink... I know lots of guys who got corny-*** army tattoos on them when they were young and now regret it cause it just looks stupid.

Just to throw in a personal touch to this;  I got a tattoo right after my QL3 (BIQ) course... it's Japanese Kanji that says soldier (about 1 inch square) on the back of my leg... I got it cause I was proud to be a soldier... I regret it a lot.  first because its Kanji and I now think Kanji tattoos are lame, cause everyone has one and secondly because I had only been in the army for a year and didn't really know what soldier meant... Now I've been in for 9 years, (finally) have an operational tour under my belt (even if just 3 weeks of it) and I'm considering a Unit tattoo, as well as a commemorative tattoo for all the friends and brothers we've lost during my tour... and even then, I have my doubts about what I want.  So I'm holding off until I know for sure.

I guess to sum up;  You're young, you're new to the forces and you need to consider very carefully what you want to get done before you go out and get cut. 
My personal opinion is that tattoos should reflect who you are... And not bluntly... And it should be something that is a part of you, and will be a part of you forever. 

Anyway, enough ranting from me... just think about it.
If you have to ask people on an online forum what tattoo you should get, you definitely are not ready to get it.  Think for yourself man.  It's your body.
Thank you so much guys!
I thought about what you said, and I'm willing to admit it's so true!
Thank you for all your help!
Reccesoldier said:
Says the guy who got his on The Bounty with Mr. Christian and the boys.  :P


My family said, "What is that going to look like when you're 80?"  And I said, "If I make it that far, I won't give a ****!"  ;D
I wanted my Branch tattoo on my leg.

Then they changed the branch logo before I went to do it.  :-\ :-X :P ::)

Best Advice Ever from this site is above
, but of course you've already taken that into consideration.  :)

I got my tattoo at 32. I got one that would mean the same to me then as it would 50 years from now....a poppy with my deceased husband's name under it. It has personal meaning that will never change. Don't be in a rush just to get one. Wait til you get the right design and meaning for you. That way you can minimize the "regret" tattoo.
There's been some EXCELLENT advice given out here.

I used to want to have all the cap badges I've worn tattooed on my arms (PPCLI, Admin, Log, N Sask R, the old "ER", Cdn Ab Regt, UN), and a big full colour Canadian flag on my chest (it's a smooth canvas - I'm not a hairy guy).  But, for various reasons - mostly because the various tattoo parlours I visited wouldn't have anything to do with drunks - I didn't.

Now - I could care less.  I don't need to advertise who I am or what I've done - I know, and those whose opinion of me is important to me (an EXTREMELY short list) know.

I'm not adverse to tattoo's - once in a while I think "I'll get THAT tattoo'd on", but I haven't followed through yet.

Suckin' back and reconsidering for a few years is good advice.
I remember a young gunner who got a tattoo (while drunk) in the US, it was supposed to be a skeleton in combats , helmet carrying a M16 with “death before dishonor” below it.

It was so badly done that it looked like Bozo the clown and the words below were barely readable which was likely a good thing as he was about 98lb soaking wet.

I suggest that you join up first, do some interesting stuff overseas, then consider maybe getting a tattoo with your mates which would mean something.
I have two tatoo's a tribal band around 1 bicep and a canadian flag on the other, I dont regret either on of them but i knew what i wanted well before i went to get them, so i know i will never regret them, but in your case a gun or a soldier then only why I can answer your question is that a rifle is only one of the many tools a soldier has to perform his duties! It's the soldier that is the truest weapon, anything else is just a tool with which we do our job. :salute: :cdn:
1RNBR said:
I have two tatoo's a tribal band around 1 bicep and a canadian flag on the other, I dont regret either on of them but i knew what i wanted well before i went to get them, so i know i will never regret them, but in your case a gun or a soldier then only why I can answer your question is that a rifle is only one of the many tools a soldier has to perform his duties! It's the soldier that is the truest weapon, anything else is just a tool with which we do our job. :salute: :cdn:

That is the answer I was looking for!
Thank you sooo much!
I understand everybodies perspective, and I do intend on waiting now :)
I just really wanted to know your opinions on a soldier or a gun
Thanks so much
Well, it's a soldier with a rifle (bayonet fixed) of course.

Colour Sergeant Bourne: It's a miracle.
Lieutenant John Chard: If it's a miracle, Colour Sergeant, it's a short chamber Boxer Henry point 45 caliber miracle.
Colour Sergeant Bourne: And a bayonet, sir, with some guts behind.

Oh, and if you think you might want to try for SF/SOF or another 'prone to capture' or sneaky-peeky type job in the future, avoid tattoos at all costs.
daftandbarmy said:
Oh, and if you think you might want to try for SF/SOF or another 'prone to capture' or sneaky-peeky type job in the future, avoid tattoos at all costs.

I dunno; I've seen  some US SF/SOF types with tattoos, and I believe a few Canadians.
Not a good idea, believe me, especially if you're under interrogation by someone who knows what they're doing.