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Taking new Recruits in April?

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Well, just did my interview. I got grilled for about an hour and a half but it wasnt stressful at all. I think i did well. 

The Interviewer (a P.O. first class I believe) told me that they probably wont be taking in new recruits for reg force 031 infantry until the new fiscal year (April, I think). 

If this is true, does anyone have a rough guess how amny will be taken in, and also, when they'll take the next group after that?
I hope thats not true i've been waiting for 7 months that would make it 10.....
Infantry 031 is closed until April. Thats what my recruiter told me too. All MOC's are closed until April except a few armour positions.
Same here had my interview on monday and they said 031 closed till April 01 told me there is another board meeting for armour in 3 week of feb(?) and then there only taking 10 or so.... but I guess artillary is really looking for people
Ya so seems like most of you guys including myself will forsure be out there in good ole St.Jean come April, you shouldn't all be too bummed we get to train in the summer :) Better then freezing our asses off!!! lol.. Well If any of ya wanna keep in touch in-case we do end up on the same course for Infantry 031. Regs.  I'm Justin and I'm 18 years old from Windsor,Ontario  add me to msn Infantry_Soldier_04@hotmail.com or yahoo JustinIverson2002    and i hope to hear more of ya guys soon.
Well i wonder how many guys are waiting for 031, if its not open till April I'm thinking there is alot of people before me and I might not be going in April.Which makes my wait longer, just what i needed. Just what everyone else needed also.

Justin, we might be in the same BMQ.How long have you been waiting?
I'm been waiting say since mind October or  Novemeber very beginging , yeah how old are you ? and where ya from?
Hey, I'm 19 and from Amherst, Nova Scotia. Like i said before the whole process for me has taken 7 months and still counting. They need to fix these wait times.
Is Infantry 031 closed until April for just the Regular Force or does that include Reserves as well?  What armour positions are still open?  Does anyone know?  Thanks.
Quote from Skinny,
Hey, I'm 19 and from Amherst, Nova Scotia. Like i said before the whole process for me has taken 7 months and still counting. They need to fix these wait times.

7 months and your thinking its long?....go tomorrow untrained and apply for a career-type job in a company and see how long it takes before something[if anything] happens,....don't forget to be checking for other options while you are waiting because they just might never take you.
Bruce, good point. Never saw it that way. Its not just the wait its the way they did things. All my tests and my interview had to be rescheduled, with no reason from them as to why. It just felt like they we screwing me around.
Bruce, good point. Never saw it that way. Its not just the wait its the way they did things. All my tests and my interview had to be rescheduled, with no reason from them as to why. It just felt like they we screwing me around.

That does seem to be a problem board-wide and we probably could fill a book here, all we can do is hope that it does get better.
7 months and your thinking its long?....go tomorrow untrained and apply for a career-type job in a company and see how long it takes before something[if anything] happens,....don't forget to be checking for other options while you are waiting because they just might never take you.

That is a very long time.  Take a look south of the border and see how they get things done.  It doesn't take 7 months, they take you in 2 weeks if you want.

We are talking about the army and 99.9% of applicants have 0 experience when it comes to infantry so just about everybody is untrained when they start yet they are able to do the job.
That is a very long time.  Take a look south of the border and see how they get things done.  It doesn't take 7 months, they take you in 2 weeks if you want.

You sure about this?......................facts?

We are talking about the army and 99.9% of applicants have 0 experience when it comes to infantry so just about everybody is untrained when they start yet they are able to do the job.

Not sure what you are trying to say here, but I hope it isn't that no training is required to be Infantry,.....oh, boy!
My point is go to Nortel and apply for a internet security job ;D but have no training and just see if 7 months is too long....
I am saying that they train you how to do the job.

Your not making a very good comparison because the requirements for a Nortel internet security job are very different than a job in the infantry.

You don't need to know computer programming to do the job of an infantryman and you don't need to be in good shape to work in an internet security job.

Yeah and if you want some facts a friend of mine in the US started his application around the same time I did and he is in and finished all his training and I am still waiting to even be hired.
Yeah and if you want some facts a friend of mine in the US started his application around the same time I did and he is in and finished all his training and I am still waiting to even be hired.

...two weeks, though?
His took longer because he didn't want to leave right away, took him about a month.
Ghost said:
Yeah and if you want some facts a friend of mine in the US started his application around the same time I did and he is in and finished all his training and I am still waiting to even be hired.

That's also in the States, where they have a bit of a different funding system for the military.  Namely, they have funds.  :)  7 months is nothing.  Talk to a few of us DEO's who are going to be waiting at least a year (my case) or more (Pieman's looking at 18 months now) before you start complaining.  7 months is (as Bruce has said) a drop in the bucket when you're choosing a career.  All good things come to those who wait, and trust me, as someone who's been working in the provincial and federal governments for many moons, patience is a REQUIRED virtue.  ;)

That is true, 7 months IS a drop in the bucket for the CANADIAN Forces.. Thats the sad part of it all...