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Sworn In


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I thought I'd share my experiences with you guys about my ceremony I had today, incase someone out there is wondering what it's all about. Also cause I'm excited: P

I got to the RC at about 8:20am (10minutes earlier than what I was supposed to be). Met with the other 6 guys who were there with all pretty cool guys. We were called into a meeting room with nice comfy chairs :D. We went over some of our old paper work we filled out at the beginning of our recruiting process and some other forums they gave us to bring with us at the ceremony. Then we starting to fill out new forums like a will and some other stuff than after that we just verified all our stuff was correct. We finished at about 9:30am with an hour to spare. So we all decided to go down to Tim Hortens for some coffee :) Got to know each other a bit better. We headed back to the RC with another 30minutes to spare before the Guest showed up so we're watching the discovery channel with one of the office clerks :D It was pretty funny because a commercial came up about bow flex and this lady said I got this wonderful body and I'm only 50. The office clerk was like "F*ck That Your 50 Maybe 30" :D Finally the guest arrived we watched a movie the exact same movie that is in one of these forum post. (Which I watched about 30+ times). Then the commander came in, swore us in, signed a certificate, got a package called "welcome aboard!" talked with the other 6 guys a bit more after. 3 were leaving tomorrow and the other 3 and I are leaving on the 4th. I'd have to say this was far by the best experience I had while applying. Best of luck to all of you guys who are in the process, and DON'T give up! Just wait, the feeling you get of pride is worth it.

- Shaun Tasker
Good luck! The feeling is great - just remember it when you are sitting on course being screamed at and  wondering why you are there  and you'll get through fine! :)

Btw, its forms, not forums. :)

Also.. has anyone ever noticed that the first 3 forms you fill out on enrollment all have to some degree something to do with your death, dismemberment or something aweful?  Talk about sobering. :)
I think the last thing I would need is a cup of coffee for that.  I would be bouncing off the walls just being in the building. 
yeah god i cant wait after i clear my medical up I'm good to go i cant wait to go down to the armoury on parade night and get sworn in man I'm bouncing off my walls just thinking about
congrates and good luck,

Remember to do what your told, make your timeings and work as a team and you and your whole platoon will do fine.
congrats ! Well... I can't sleep there's my phys. test tomorrow and I already can't wait to get this call... Well, good luck in your BMQ!


Got the call yesterday afternoon.
T-minus 6 days. get sworn in Thursday Night!!!
  :cdn: :warstory:
Applied end of Feb and finally sworn in...well I can't really say finally, because it seems it was a lot shorter of a "walk" then others have had to take.
But HEY! IM HAPPY NOW!!! ;D  Less then 5 months.
Start weekend BMQ locally in the fall.

That's excellent. Congrats and good luck at BMQ. I hope I am not far behind you. Merit listed in June and hoping for the next selection board.


good on ya, good luck at BMQ, I was merit listed last week, and will hopefully hear after the july 18 selection board.

my app was sent to borden a few weeks ago, Should make it in time for the july 18th board... I got doubts, but hopefully I'll make BMQ before xmas... Arg.
Congrats!  Judging from your profile and avatar you've switched from the Seaforth Cadets to the regular Seaforths.

Looks like we'll be in the same BMQ!
Well I just got sworn in; feels good to be apart of a team now. I signed up back in May so the wait wasn't too long from what I'v read.
Just got back from my swearing in ceremony.  Quite an experience.  The paper work was the biggest part of the 2.5 hours....2 hours of it.  Read here, sign here, make sure this and that are correct.  All in all it was quite interesting.  The ceremony itself was only about a half hour.  Recite the oath/affirmation, shake a hand, take some picture and that was it. It was a very proud moment for me.  I waited a long time to here those words and it was over so quick.
Anyway the CF is now a little larger by six--1 electrician(ed-tech)
                                                          1 carpenter(construction tech)
                                                          1 avionic tech
                                                          1 medic
                                                          2 cooks