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Support of troops in KAF


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A speedy recovery to the injured soldier... And to the soldiers that returned fire and killed the attacker damn good job...

I'm glad the boys greased that terrorist where he stood.
Wookilar said:
It is against policy to "officially" release the names of CF members involved in shootings of any kind.

In this case, the other soldier himself is speaking out on the incident. As Armymedic said earlier, listen and learn. If something doesn't look or feel right...odds are that it isn't.

My condolances to the families of those brave men we have lost this week. My best wishes to them and to all our other men who are continuing to soldier on. You make us proud.

javascript:playVideo('mms://ctvbroadcast.ctv.ca/video/2006/03/05/ctvvideologger3_218kbps_2006_03_05_1141537924.wmv', 'mms://ctvbroadcast.ctv.ca/video/2006/03/05/ctvvideologger3_45kbps_2004_02_21_1077386308.wmv', '00:01:11.78', '00:06:02.68', 'CTV News: Capt. Kevin Schamuhn\'s eyewitness account', 'CTVNews', 'afghan_canada_bomb_060304', '20060303','ctvnews.20060305.00135000-00135417-clip1', 'World');
i was the first soldier to shoot the man then the Capt and a Pte in my sect opened up! it was one of the most crazies things i have ever been involed with. The second man was about 250 m away from us and we tried to get him, he was hit but running for his life. I wish wish i was just alittle bit fast thats all ! but to Capt Greenes family i hope for a speedy recover my troops who were involed prayers are with him!
silentbutdeadly! said:
i was the first soldier to shoot the man then the Capt and a Pte in my sect opened up! it was one of the most crazies things i have ever been involed with.

You probably saved not only the Capt's but many other's lives as well ...  :salute:
silentbutdeadly! said:
i was the first soldier to shoot the man then the Capt and a Pte in my sect opened up! it was one of the most crazies things i have ever been involed with. The second man was about 250 m away from us and we tried to get him, he was hit but running for his life. I wish wish i was just alittle bit fast thats all ! but to Capt Greenes family i hope for a speedy recover my troops who were involed prayers are with him!

Well done Sgt ! :salute:
silentbutdeadly! said:
i was the first soldier to shoot the man then the Capt and a Pte in my sect opened up! it was one of the most crazies things i have ever been involed with. The second man was about 250 m away from us and we tried to get him, he was hit but running for his life. I wish wish i was just alittle bit fast thats all ! but to Capt Greenes family i hope for a speedy recover my troops who were involed prayers are with him!

You did the very best that anyone could have, don't second guess yourself. Look after your troops, keep up the good work and come home safe when you're done.

All of us wish the Capt. a speedy recovery and safe trip home.

Regardless of public opinion, one way or the other, know that your families are proud of you all and thinking of you and waiting for you all to safely return home.  Look after each other over there and best wishes for the injured and families of the fallen.
Since moving to Edmonton I have found a lot more know about the military, and support it. (Most likely because of the large base on our outskirts) In northern Alberta, where I am from, I found most don't have much of an understanding of what the military even is. Probably because there is no military presence, and most have lived there all their lives. I think whether or not you have been exposed to people who are in the military definitely have an impact on how you feel.
The majority of 'us' civvies support you wholeheartedly. Or else you would be home. We voted for the government in power. Unfortunately, some of those that are in disagreement with the powers in place lack the intelligence on whom they should be communicating their opposing views with. I've used this analogy before, but try this on for size. The next time you feel a strong disagreement with the our federal health care system try spitting in your family physician's face... see where that gets you. We are not created equal in intelligence, and some of us lack decency in regards to courtesy and respect, but... Canadians are not known for the few rejects that sometimes make the headlines. Canadians are often related with the actions our government takes since it represents the wills and desires of the majority of the country's citizens.
Here in Edmonton I have heard mixed views on the CF and Astan. I think it helps to have a base near a major city for influence so you don't have the
Vancouver....home of the misinformed hippie...
  SGT well done!!!... watch your six.

I can say only this. My thoughts and best wishes are with you and the troops. You are all doing an excellent job in very difficult circumstances. Capt Greene and yourselves serve our Country honourably and professionally and my thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Rob -- good job.

I will be down next week -- PM me if you want a care package of anything that may be hard to find in your AO  ;)

Stay Safe.
SBD - As a Seaforth and a friend of Trevor Greene's, thank you for putting that savage down.  Good shoot.
My best wishes and respects to Capt. Greene and his family. By all accounts, the troops involved did a stellar job of responding and deserve the highest praise. I'm sure Capt. Greene will be proud to hear of their performance upon his recovery.  :salute:

Bang on Brother,

You have summed it up better than Icould have wished for.

You guys are a credit to our family, and nation.

A speedy recovery Capt. Greene.



Please place all support and best regards for the troops in KAF here.

For besh wishes and support for Capt Green:


For updates on the incident:
