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Still waiting for the final stage...


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I can't believe I am still waiting???  Since I applied for DEO in Aug 2007 and did my CFAT in Oct 2007, I have waited over a year for what the recruiters told me was the security clearance.  Then finally I went in for the interview last month and had my medical booked for the same month.  I thought I should be near the final stage.  Now that I have submitted all the additional forms given to me at that point regarding my medical history and my references(which was redone for some reason) I find myself waiting again...

I wonder what is the next step.  The recruiting centre has just moved from Downtown Vancouver to New Westminster, so that probably delayed things a bit.  Apparently none of my references have been contacted yet.  How much more waiting should I expect?
What trade are you entering? What is your citizenship status?
If there's one thing that I've learned working my way through the recruiting system it's that everyone is a special case. It sounds like your security clearance is taking longer then normal because you were born outside of the country. That's to be expected. For me it was digging up my old medical documents (OMD's). It took me a little under a year from application to offer. If you are in doubt, drop by the recruiting centre or give them a call. I did that a couple of times and every time I did it seemed to move my file along nicely. Ask the recruiting centre when you should check in next with them ("So, if I don't hear back, should I give you a call next month?") and keep it at that.

The other thing that's helped me with the wait is to turn the wait into something positive. Rather then think about it as a delay to the start of your career, why not take the opportunity to fully prepare yourself? Personally, I've been reading everything that I can get my hands on related to my trade, Canadian military history and any relevant memoir while trying to work out as much as possible.

Hang in there, it will come in due course.
Dreamer- Because of the trade your entering, the process will be longer. First off they have to do a long clearance for you becaus of the trade, plus the fact that you where born out side of Canada.  Also your medical will probably take longer as well because of the aircrew rating.
dreamer02 said:
Entering AEC. 

Well, hurry up and get that offer so you can join our group on Facebook.  ;D  We need more AECs on there; the Artillery guys are taking over!  ;)

Just kidding, of course. Hopefully, it won't be too much longer for you now. It sounds like you are almost there. Just keep in touch semi-regularly with the CFRC staff and keep working out!
Oh yes I am looking forward to this.  Just wait until I receive a pass on everything from my interview to my aircrew medical to my basic training and so on...

I will prepare myself for basic training as much as I can.  Hopefully then basic training will become a piece of cake ;D