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Still lookking for letters and emails


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Hi Everyone: I am writing a historical, nonfiction book on Canadians serving in Afghanistan. I have previously published two books on the military and this third book is very similar to my last one. It is a collection of the letters, emails and blogs of Soldiers serving in Afghanistan. I DO NOT analyze, criticize or otherwise tamper with the letters, they are presented VERBATIM, in order to tell the story of that soldier's tour. I simply put it together and contribute a small bio of the soldier along with historical context of the regiment and the area of ops.

It is crucial to historians, scholars and Canadians that we save these records of our soldiers. Because most comms from the frontlines are now via email they are even more likely to disappear over time if we do not make a record of them.

Even if you do not wish to contribute to the book, PLEASE print out your emails and keep them for the future!

You can see samples of my previous work at my website (link below) and please note that I am a Canadian (my previous books are on the American military) and an ex member of 1st Battalion PPCLI (C Coy 8 PL).

I can be contacted here or via my website www.duffreysigurdson.com

Thanks everyone, duff
