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Sticky Situation


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Okay this is a weird one.(at least I think so)

I joined a res. unit,signing my papers not more then a week after turning 16.
I shipped out on my BMQ where I tore my knee up.
I meded out of the BMQ but returned to service in my unit after a bit of rehab(through a personal friend not through the army)
I then slacked on training days for a couple reasons.(these are not oh pity me reasons.Just want all the details out.)

1.I was faulting in school between sports and working until 1 am training nights(I commuted)

2.I felt kind of useless as I was the only person in the unit without BMQ+(and I didn't feel the unit was doing anything to help)
Yes I have since matured to 20 and realized this is all crap that should have been ignored and I should have grown a set on but some kids are thick and stupid.

I then tried 3 or 4 times to be transferred to a local infantry unit that would have allowed me to solve issue 1.
I was again and again informed yes you can now train with them.Yes you are part of there unit etc.

At the start of the training schedule I started training with the infantry unit and I served every training day(with exception of off base activity) for a month and a half.I received my 3rd "If you don't show up to work we will 5f you"
After addressing them the 1st and 2nd time as just "slow paperwork"(and speaking to the orderly room) I decided to address this with my infantry CoC.
They came to the final realization that no one had even attempted to contact them about my transfer.
I made one final call to my previous unit where I was actually patched through to a major(surprised me)He then attacked me with a "You haven't even served a single day in the infantry unit" I explained to him I was signing the wrong pay sheets and I had more then 30 soldiers of all ranks that could contest to that.
He then told me he didn't think I was worth his time.(my excuses would have made me think the same thing)
I then broke down and decided you know what just let me out.

I was never contacted again by either units. I was told that the old one would start the paperwork and get back to me.

Like I said I'm 20 now and I haven't heard anything. I did however still receive a t4 this year from them.I think they never removed me from the unit and that I have just  been an idle PTE for 4 years.

I have had the I ruined my life thought and decided that I am a soldier anyway I cut it(I come from a pedigree if you will)
I decided I want to get back in with a mature aspect in the reg forces.Preferably in an officer position.+ROTP

I kinda have 2 questions though(If you read all that I more then will take heart to your opinion)

1.Do you think I have a fighting chance of getting let in after my terrible history?
2.Should I quit and swear out of the res. unit that I might still be part of or try to get a res. to reg. transfer? And which would be quicker??
Interesting story.  Before you do anything you will need to clarify if you were indeed NES for a sufficient amount of time to warrant a release.  Were you actually released.  Were you actually transferred to the new unit.  This all easy enough to do.  Go to your OR as for a copy of you master pay records.  This will prove what days you worked.  You can also get a copy of your MPRR, that too will show any NES days.  Also, both orderly rooms should have the message traffic showing your request to transfer from one unit to another.

If it turns out your were released then all you docs should be in archives and you will have to go through the privacy act to get them.  The OR will have this form or you can Google it.

If you feel that you have been shafted by either or both units it is up to you to get as much supporting documentation as you can to get it sorted out.  It is in your best interest.

Part of the process of doing a CT is to release from the res first.  So if you are still in you can do that.  If you have actually been released you just need to go to the recruiting office or apply on line.

Having said that, if you were released 5F it will not look very good when you apply to the reg force.  I'm not saying that they wont take you but it is definitely not a good thing.  So that is another reason for you to get all the info you can on what happened and get it straighten out.

I am a Chief Clerk at a reserve unit, so if you have questions about the process send me a PM and I will see what I can do to help.
You don't have any qualification at this point... Component transfers do not apply!
You will have to release & reenrole

That having been said, you MUST clean up after your last show. 
Get a calendar, work out your parade days & the when you paraded with both units.
Go and visit - no, don't try to solve things over the phone... go and visit BOTH units, figure out who "owns" you - and square things away.... else, these are going to be sticking points, sore points when you try to sign up for your ROTP

Just do it!