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Sports in the army

Is it an official "no boxing" declaration, or is there just a lack of interest?
It is Official.

Contact Sports, like Boxing, are gone.  Too many head (Brain) injuries.
George Wallace said:
It is Official.

Contact Sports, like Boxing, are gone.  Too many head (Brain) injuries.

No Hockey ?  ???

(or just non-contact?)
I believe he means pugilistic...  Contact hockey's alive and well in Esquimalt.  :)

George Wallace said:
It is Official.

Contact Sports, like Boxing, are gone.  Too many head (Brain) injuries.

Believe me George, the brain injuries are still here! LOL
2023 said:
Believe me George, the brain injuries are still here! LOL

Must..not..take....bait!  Must...not... ;D
And there's still rugby, so you can work on brain AND liver damage  ;D

...unless you're one of those 'squat to pee' guys that doesn't play rugby   >:D
God, my staff at CFSCE almost went pale when I suggested rugby instead of soccer for PT one morning...guess they didn't play...

Besides, we don't eat the young...we drink liquid bread
Sig_Des said:

Hey kid...stay in your lane! This thread is for soldiers.....not jimmies.  >:D

You know I'm just messin' with you, A
Journeyman said:
Hey kid...stay in your lane! This thread is for soldiers.....not jimmies.   >:D

You know I'm just messin' with you, A


I am perfectly aware that Journeyman is making fun at my expense, though he is doing so in good-humour, as reciprocation to comments I have made to him in the past. I do not wish to make a harrassment complaint, as he is actually showing his fear and feelings of inferiority to Jimmies*

There ya go, B, CYA  ;)
Journeyman said:
And there's still rugby, so you can work on brain AND liver damage  ;D

And spinal damage.

Man wasn't designed to endure to pack down for a scrum against a ton and a half of pacific isladner. 

My advice, if you ever start playing rugby, avoid being a prop, hooker, or second row,otherwise you'll learn a whole new meaning of pain.  :blotto:  :crybaby:
That's why you play wing...faster than those big mean forwards, and you get to score tries, too!
False.  Most trys are scored by the forwards.  The days of the winger leaving a flanker in the dust ended with Jonah Lomu's career.
Sig_Des said:
That's why you play wing...faster than those big mean forwards, and you get to score tries, too!
Unfortunatly I'm not faster than the lightning footed Fijians I played with.

Kat Stevens said:
False.  Most trys are scored by the forwards.  The days of the winger leaving a flanker in the dust ended with Jonah Lomu's career.
Not in the Southern Hemisphere they didn't. And Jonah's career isn't totally dead yet, he's still trying to make a comeback.
cobbler said:
My advice, if you ever start playing rugby, avoid being a prop, hooker, or second row,otherwise you'll learn a whole new meaning of pain.   :blotto:  :crybaby:
OK, I don't want to imply expertise in all things rugby.....I guess there are things relevant to those not wearing a number 4 or 5 - - I just don't know what those things are.

JM - - #5