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Something strange going on here.....

army_paralegal said:
FYI, I passed PT just two weeks ago.

Me and my disciples have been praticing push-ups for some time. I passed the PT after four tries!

Besides, some of my disciples heard that in some militaries...
Your disciples ?? Care to explain this one...
You passed after 4 tries eh...?!? I guess those disciples are looking for real Leadership now !!  ::)
Ya I am wondering about that as well,  what DID you mean?
Jungle said:
Your disciples ?? Care to explain this one...
You passed after 4 tries eh...?!? I guess those disciples are looking for real Leadership now !!   ::)

Even the shallow end has an Alpha Male  ;)
Jungle said:
Your disciples ?? Care to explain this one...
You passed after 4 tries eh...?!? I guess those disciples are looking for real Leadership now !!   ::)

We are allowed to take the PT test as many times as is necessary to pass.

You think there should be a maximum limit?
well i dont know if there should be a limit. but I do however think that instead of waisiting the governement money I would make sure you WILL passbefore trying again
I know personally they paid me 78 dollars to travel to peterbrough to do my test.

if they did that four times.... id feel bad.

but thats not the question.. what do you mean by diciples?
I think Jungle was commenting on your "disciples"...

The CF entrance test is a farse, it does not give you an adequate idea of what to expect -- AND there should be chinups on it as well.

Secondly your "disciples" heard wrong - pushups are straight backed toes and hands as points of contact.  SOME militaries used to allow females to do bent knee pushups int he 80's - none that I am familair with allow that anymore.
as far as  I know.. ive seen every girl do them straight backed like we did, however during PT sessions you can do them bended knee
army_paralegal said:
We are allowed to take the PT test as many times as is necessary to pass.

You think there should be a maximum limit?

Yes, twice. If you fail the first time, they show you the proper technique so in one weeks time you can take the test again.

If you fail the 2nd attempt...see you again in 1 year, bye bye.
Very good thought Army Medic..

Really 19 pushups 19 situps are not many.if you do it 4 times and still fail.. wait till you can do it.. why waste time and money?
All I can say is, you've gone this far. Some of my friends and I would give anything to join at this point, but we have to wait our time. If all that stood in our way was a certain exercise, master that exercise we would...

Don't put up any more mental barriers and get her done.  :P
Tomas said:
as far as   I know.. ive seen every girl do them straight backed like we did, however during PT sessions you can do them bended knee

No you can't! I'm a female and have never once done pushups from my knees with the military...I don't know where everyone got that idea from. Just thought I'd clear that up once and for all.
No you can't! I'm a female and have never once done pushups from my knees with the military...I don't know where everyone got that idea from. Just thought I'd clear that up once and for all.

I agree.  Every course I have been on, the girls had to do push ups in the same form as the guys.  All my instructors were Infantry though, and would get a kick out of making us pay (I miss those good ol days..)  so I guess it might depend on your instructors.
army_paralegal said:
We are allowed to take the PT test as many times as is necessary to pass.

You think there should be a maximum limit?

Like others said - yes:2 attempts. 1 retest, then bye-bye. The test is a complete joke. Anyone who fails that test should be ashamed of themselves. How can you possibly be serious about joining the profession of arms and be so out of shape? Barring the flu, pregnancy, or an injury, you should never fail that test.

The army is not a weight loss clinic, it's not a fitness centre. You are supposed to show up IN SHAPE. It is not a place to go to get INTO shape. By showing up to a CF fitness test woefully out of shape, you are indicating your lack of suitability to the CF, IMHO.

PT should not be an issue for any recruit. PT to an Army recruit should be merely a test to ensure you have done your job and prepared yourself physically. Obviously you have not.

2332Piper said:
Personally, I think this thread is hilarious.

army_paralegal, you seem to be asking alot of pushup related questions...why? Weclome to the army, your going to do them.

Kinda like going to MIT and being afraid of math.
this whole tread is funny as h^%%, this must of started as a joke.  But like posted in another thread, if you want to skip push ups I believe its x,triangle, square, square, x on your game controller, you should be OK ( to skip math at MIT its square, square, x,x ( thought ceaser would like to know))

Now, what disciples are you talking about, are you part of that super ninja society? are you the grand koi fish master.

paralegal, if you have identified an area of weakness, there is a cure for that, its called hard work, IE I suck at pull ups, so I try to do 3 everytime I enter or leave my house( the numbers add up).

train hard.
We are allowed to take the PT test as many times as is necessary to pass.

I think he was pointing out that its a shame that it took you 4 tries to pass that pt test.

Tomas said:
well i dont know if there should be a limit. but I do however think that instead of waisiting the governement money I would make sure you WILL passbefore trying again
I know personally they paid me 78 dollars to travel to peterbrough to do my test.

You know what? In the current application forms, you have to indicate how many pushups you can currently do, among other things. I think they should take harsher actions on those that lie.
Hmm, i was going to to say that i think you should only get 1 shot at the PT test and its over, because you should be prepared if  you are thinking about joining the CF.

But hmm, perhaps you should be given multiple tries (if you pay for it) but be forced to wait 1 year between each try. Therefore you would know how serious the PT test is and be sure you can pass it.

personally, i only needed 1 test. It wasn't hard at all.

If i failed it i would not come back right away to be retested...especially FOUR times. That's so embarassing.

but to each their own.
heres an idea, when you drop off your application you are shown the correct movements and are told what is expected of you, so that when you show up for the PT test you should pass, if you do not then you get 1 more chance, if you fail again then  you wait 1 year to get to the level that is expected.  I stressed and stressed about the test, in the end it is not that hard, from what I have read and what I saw in the reserves it really does not compare to basic or the job for that matter.  If you want a job in an environment like the CF you should be in good shape and want to get better. 

After reading some of the things paralegal has written I think he is joking, trying to get people stirred up, he has to be.