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Some general Question


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Hello, Am thinking about joining the army(regular force).  But before i apply, i have some important question.

1) health and dental benefit- from reading it seem that my family will be offered health and dental care after six month.  But does this extend to my parent?  (am single with no children, my only existing family member is my mother)

2) After basic training, ill be assign to a base living in barrack.  I know every base is different, but generally speaking will i have access to internet in the barrack?  Will i be able to carry a desktop or a laptop to the barrack??

Thanks everyone for helping~~~  Am sorry to trouble you guys, i tried searching for answer but couldn't find much straight answer.  Many thanks  :)
1. Coverage is for your spouse and children; as far as I know, parents, even if declared as dependants, are not covered.

2.  Many folks living in barracks have internet service, and use laptops or desktops. 
I should point out that health benefits are not given to anyone who is not in the service. You will have to pay for the health care coverage of your spouse & dependants.,. And no, you can't sign up your parents for coverage.

With respect to cable TV, internet & WiFi, you need to subscribe to a provider at your expense, unless you piggyback on someone else's service.
You will most likely have room mates in the shacks so it's easy to split wifi. Jr ranks mess most likely will also have free wifi.
Can anyone give me some advice please.
I am wondering what i will/won't need if i plan on living in a single quarters on base.
I currently have a furnished apartment and I leave for bmq 1 Feb 2019 an on to MOT for combat engineer after. I realize some things like my cookware wont be needed, but im wondering about maybe desk, furniture etc.
I just don't want unnecessary items being delivered to me, whereever i end up, if i use the long term storage option available atm. Thanks in advance
There's a number of different sizes and styles of single quarters that you may be put in on base.

What I recommend is wait until you see the exact layout of the quarters you're staying in and then buy accordingly.


If you really want to submerge yourself in the CAF ambiance all you need is a CAF issued folding cot, sleeping bag, barracks boxes for clothes and writing desk and chairs to study PAMs and your regimental catechism. Maybe some picture frames for the various CAF dignitaries and command staff.
I appreciate the response,
So basically offload as much as possible of my current possessions and rebuy later?
Too many factors to factor brother. Really depends on you and your situation.

Can you afford to sell your stuff and just buy new?

Stay away from "Canex planning" everything.

Could you put your stuff in storage and once you see what your new single quarters looks like then decide what you want to sell and what you want to keep?
Store stuff at your parents?

You might not pass your course.
You might hate the military and want to quit.

It really depends on your financial situation.
