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Social Worker Officer occupation

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A curious question:

I'm currently in the application process for the CF and am heading in the the direction of DOE in the social work field.

I'm just wondering if there are any CF social workers out there who can give me some idea of what social work w/ the CF is like.

Any feedback / info would be greatly appreciate. Anyone who isn't a social worker who reads this and knows someone that is, maybe you could direct them to this post.

I'm in the final stages of my application. Applying for DEO (social work).

Does anyone out there know any social workers in the CF who may be able to provide me with some insights to the work and life as a social worker w/in the CF? (also where most social workers are based).


For Information about Social Workers in the CF, contact the Maritime School of Social Work,Dalhousie
University Halifax Nova Scotia. There are usually several CF members attending for BSW designation
at any given time. MacLeod
You could also try the below links



Good luck

I am currently a Sig Op working at a static unit. I was planning on getting out of the CF once my contract runs out in three years to get some education in order to become a social worker or a teacher. My question is this, is anyone on here a Social Worker with the CF, and can give me any idea what the job is like in terms of work environment, education, etc? As well what effect would having four years in the CF have if I decided later in life to become a Social Worker in the CF? Does anybody know specifics about the trade, the pros and cons of the job? I would really like to get into this line of work, and would like to get an idea of what the job would be like in the military.

Thanks for the responses.
Well for being a Social Worker in the CF you will need a little more than "some education" to be one.  Straight from the website:

To be eligible for selection as a Social Work Officer, you need to possess a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree from an accredited social work program at a Canadian university (the accreditation is from the Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work). A concentration in clinical practice is required. You also need to be eligible for membership in the professional social work association of a Canadian province or territory.
Hey Sigs Guy,

Here's a link: http://calendar.lakeheadu.ca/current/programs/Graduate_Studies/gradsowk.html

Looks like it's about two years, on top of the usual 4 year BA.

Once you've completed that (or maybe during, if can get it subsidised by the CF) you'll have to do the Officers' basic. It's changed since I last did it nearly 10 years ago, so I can't speak to that.

As far as what a social worker in the CF does, well, I can't really speak to that either, except to say I saw one as part of my DAG for going overseas.  ;D Otherwise, I'm assuming, like a lot of support trades, they offer to the CF what they would otherwise offer in civvie land. On top of that, you'd have the rest of the usual rigamarole accompanying being in the CF: unlimited liability, overseas tours, and stellar pay.

Good luck!

I am about to do my final interview to become a reg force social worker. Is anyone a reg force social worker? I seem to only be able to connect with civillian social workers and it is getting frustrating not being able to consult with anyone in preparation for every stage. (I have also been told by my recruiting office that I am one of the first DEO SWers to apply in nearing on a decade so they are unable to answer my most specific questions) Anyone able to help?
I didn't even know this existed as an MOC so you're already a step ahead of the game from me. I think it might be interesting for other people considering the same path if you detail some of your experiences here since there seems to be so little information around.
gunnars said:
(I have also been told by my recruiting office that I am one of the first DEO SWers to apply in nearing on a decade so they are unable to answer my most specific questions) Anyone able to help?

Hmmmm...well I knew and spoke to one that went thru St Jean in fall of '06, DEO as well, who was posted to Greenwood last I knew (I bumped into her in Halifax about a year ago).  You might try finding out who the SW Officer is down there, if it is still her, she wears Navy DEU so she should be a SLt or Lt(N).  I can't recall her last name or I'd PM you it to give you a place to start.
gunnars said:

I am about to do my final interview to become a reg force social worker. Is anyone a reg force social worker? I seem to only be able to connect with civillian social workers and it is getting frustrating not being able to consult with anyone in preparation for every stage. (I have also been told by my recruiting office that I am one of the first DEO SWers to apply in nearing on a decade so they are unable to answer my most specific questions) Anyone able to help?
I'm wondering, did you apply for direct entry with a master's degree or bachelor's (with subsidized master's to follow)?
Thank you PMedMoe, I have that web page basically memorized. Rheostatic, I applied with a BSW with a subsidized MSW (hopefully to follow). A brief outline of my experience so far is as follows. I finished my BSW in Dec 08. August 09 I wrote my CFAT and then began my paper application. So far, my app has a few extras stages from what is outlined as a typical app in the app package. 1) I needed to write an essay on why I want to be a social worker (so hard to not just write, well I am one so I want to continue to be one) and why a social worker in the military... I will refrain from boring everyone with those details 2) It was mandatory that I had an acceptance to a MSW program before I could move past the medical stage. Well I gained acceptance into my MSW program in early March, one of the earliest accepting schools in Canada. Interview did not get scheduled till the end of April because SW was closed and reopend in April 2010 as high demand. 3) Different thing, I have a telephone interview with Ottawa and then my file goes to the board. I have been doing insane homework and research to ensure that I am ready for the questions that will be thrown at me. As well, I intend to highlight the diversity of professional experience I have gained both prior and post BSW. I am comfortable with the process so far and I am pleased at how I have performed but I am anxious to find out whether I am immediately eliminated because basic cannot be done before school starts. I am so confused about that and I cannot find an answer. I know a CF dentist who thinks I would be the same as dentist and complete that part of training post-education but I have no idea. But oh well, if eliminated because of no time for basic, then the next question is "how soon can I re-apply?" hahahha!
gunnars said:
Thank you PMedMoe, I have that web page basically memorized.

It was more for niceasdrhuxtable.  But you're welcome!  :)
There is one in Esquimalt.

I too am contemplating a social work career - am working on pre-social work and am waitlisted for the Manitoba program. Hopefully next year - so please, keep positing how things are going :)
Good luck on the waitlist. There are so many good schools near Manitoba that have shorter programs if you have a degree already? have you looked into those? CASSW website will show you every accredited program in Canada.
I have my BSW and was applying for the subsidized MSW program this year, but I missed the board because of the recruiting center and confusion on whether or not the subsidized MSW program even existed. Sounds like you had better luck than I did :) I have some prior military experience as a NCM reservist and experience with social work with military families through work at an MFRC.

I know the military sent out a message offering 2 yr MSW subsidization to other serving officers who wanted to switch to social work because they are so short. I spoke to a military social worker who said that if you get through the basic recruiting selection, the selection board interview involves questions about basic social work concepts that anyone with a BSW should be able to answer. I think you may have an advantage in the selection process as well as you only need one year of school and have experience. The military really needs social workers from what I hear, so I am sure you will get in. Best wishes. Hope it all works out.  :)

Oh P.S. As for basic, from what I heard they run a short (few weeks) course on basic military intro for officers, then put them on basic after the MSW.
My husband has been contemplating for a couple years now entering the military as a Social Work Officer. We're now looking more seriously at what options / opportunities might be available to him, considering his qualifications. We know he needs to visit the local Reserve Unit / Recruiting Centre, but he won't be able to do so until late next week. I happened upon this board in looking for info about it. We've watched the promos on the forces.ca website.

He's 45, decent shape (healthy enough to get where he'd need to be), MSW with 4+ years post-grad work experience.

How in-demand is the Social Work field in the military? Would you suggest starting with reserves and going from there, or (considering how long the app process seems to potentially take) instead starting right in with a reg. force application. Does a DOE app take longer?

As a family, is there anything, other than considering coping with regular absences and relocation, we should take into consideration?

