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so here is where it stand...


Reaction score
orginal app process started applied for regF infantry july 2001 phy&meds completed 2 weeks later...cleared 1 month after
interview 1 week later..
pre sec ...cleared (opp and national level)
ERC(level3) with CSIS....waiting waiting waiting
phy&meds expired..redone...and some more waiting and waiting (redone 2002)
phy&meds expired..redone...still waiting and waiting and waiting( redone 2003) fast forward

update on ERC..none....so  back to more waiting and waiting and waiting(2004)slow mo
update on ERC...none ...yup you guess it ..waiting and waiting and waiting(2005)..shite no batteries
update on ERC...uuhhh this is gonna take a whiile so yeah make some popcorn and get comfy your not going anytime soon...(feb 2006)

march 2006 walk in say alright seeing how it takes about 5 yrs to process an applicant ...(this done on a yearly basis), what do i need to do to to facilitate the process...oh nevermind now we kept you out long enuf..we had our fun...you wont need the ERC anymore as you will have been in country for 10yrs come aug.......I dont need the bloody ERC anymore  :o ... pause..rewind ..play..rewind..pause

home strech.. 5months till I have to redo phy&meds&interview..references maybe, who know they'll think of something >:D ..stop eject

Talk about commitment, staying the course...lol

So thats why I dont like whinners who applied last week and think 2 weeks later has been an eternity and wanna throw a fit coz things aint going their way.... I have been to eternity and it sure as hell aint a month later (parody??) or whatever the hell you wanna call it. Oh yeah and all the can I grow my hair paint it pink, what kinda kit, jtf2 super ninja stealth commando, bullying and all related questions.....wait till your in.
All I want is IN, afterwards i'll deal with those frivilous things.

just so you wondering...no implications with cops or the justice system till date
                               ...no credit implications
                               ...clean medical
                               ...just born in a different country..that im not sure is in bad books with Canada
                               ...no ties to bin frekin ladin >:(
everydog has its day and this dog sure needs to get his..lol its been a long time coming

phew that was a build up of 8months....feeling better already.

Muffin would know better than anyone... 

Sounds like a long time.. just be sure to ask that your
recruiting time all counts for "time in" towards your pension and CD  ;)
It definitely doesnt matter where you're born I was born in India I applied on November 1st and I was sworn in Feb 6th and am Currently on BMQ that started on Feb 20th..

How do you know that person got "screwed"?  Do you know all of the circumstances?  There are different reasons for everything and I hardly think you being in the military since coffee break gives you the experience or knowledge to decided that.
I agree that is took a long time, and I don't know why that would be either.  Perhaps there is more to the story.  That is between that person and the recruiting centre to figure out.
Stop confusing ERC with pre-sec and vice versa. The ERC is a five year check and is not done by CSIS and must be completed before a pre-sec can be done, which is done by CSIS and which goes back ten years and is not a Level 3 check.  It is a pre-sec plain and simple.