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Sig Op hopefuls out there


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I'm currently applying to become a signal operator in the forces after I could no longer go infantry. The more I hear about the types of duties Signal Operators have to do, the more and more I like it. Just wondering who all is in the application process, or even who's already a signal operator, and why they decided to go in as a Signal Operator in the Canadian Forces???
Hey Futuretrooper,

I'm in the application process right now too, everything is complete just waiting for the call to come now.

I'm a Sig private. i can't tell you everything....but i can tell you what the job is like and things along those lines as well as training.

Just PM me:)
I am another  Sig op hopeful waiting on "the call". I finished all my tests and had my interview in early May. Before I began the application process( Jan) I did a lot of research on the internet and talked to lots of people. After much thought I decided it was definitely the trade I wanted to go for. Like you Futuretrooper, the more I learn about it the more excited I am.
So right after my last post I called the recruiting center, and actually got to talk to a person! That was awesome within itself, but even better I got fantastic news. Turns out I have a job offer(Sig op), and will be going to BMQ Sept 26th- Dec 9th.  I don't even know how to express how excited I am!!! They told me the only reason no one called was because it is so busy right now and they were waiting to call people who's job offers were so far off. Hopefully there will be some good news for you guys in the near future too!!! Who knows, we could end up at the same BMQ!!!
I'm going to BMQ from September 12 to December 9th at St Jean. Actaully how I got into SigOp's was kindof a fluke, went into the process to go infantry, after getting a job offer with the PPCLI told my vision was no longer good and instead accepted an application as a Signal Operator. However the more research I do the more interested I got in it, and can't wait till I can get through training. I'm going to do my best to be as successfull as I can be in the forces.

Good luck to all of you applying.
Hey J_Mac, my timeline is about the same as yours. Started the application at the end of January and had my interview, aptitude and medical on May 11th, I've been debating calling the recruiting center or not over the past few days and after reading your last post I think I'll go ahead and phone them on Monday morning..won't hurt I suppose. I've always been anticipating leaving sometime in September or October but a definitive date would be great,

Did they tell you if you'd be going to St. Jean or to Borden?

Heya P-free, I didn't ask where my BMQ would be because at that point I thought there was just the one in St.Jean. However after reading various posts about Borden, and the dates other people were told, it looks like Borden might be where I am headed. A few people going from Sept 26th to Dec 9th have said they were told Borden, whereas futuretrooper for example was told Sept 12th- Dec 9th in St. Jean. I'll definitely ask my recruiter when we speak next, it does seem odd to have two BMQ's of different lengths coinciding.
My recruiting center is expecting results by the end of the month for the selection board held on July the 18th. Not sure though, because kincanucks said SigOps go to a different selection board.

Ah well, I'll phone them again at the end of the week I suppose.

Hey Guys,
I am another new Sig Op recruit. I have been advised by Srgt Braida at my local recruiting office in Barrie, On that I will be merit listed today or tomorrow.  But I have read through several threads on this forum and have heard that because Sig op is distressed they are not merit listing  people, just filling vacancies as fast as they come up.  I have also read that August Bmq is full, their filling Sept now and Oct is the last month to get in for this summer.  I am hopefull for late September or October.

Can anyone clarify or confirm this info for me?
Will I be going to BMQ this summer if I am merit listed as of July 24?

Fluck, I'm pissed. Just phoned the local recruiting center (after being merit listed since June 22nd - more than a month) and I'm told there is a problem with my file. I've got no drivers license and no drivers license equals no Sig Op. Took them 8 months and me giving them a call before they realized the error. So check and double check your files often and ride your recruiters jock or else this may happen to you!

Now my first choice is Combat Engineer and I am set back 1 month. No wonder people tell the recruiting system to get stuffed daily! I might join them if I could but fast food work isn't all its cracked up to be.

I am going for Sig Op as well as I was just merit listed on Tuesday.  I was also told that Sig Op is fast tracked which means that there is no monthly selection board.  I have also been informed by reading other posts that they are almost full with the September BMQ is almost full.  There is still a chance that you will get in either September or October. 

If anyone else with more knowledge can verify this, please do.
Since when is having no driver license means no sig op? All you need to qualify on as a pte is the LSVW.
P-Free said:
Fluck, I'm pissed. Just phoned the local recruiting center (after being merit listed since June 22nd - more than a month) and I'm told there is a problem with my file. I've got no drivers license and no drivers license equals no Sig Op. Took them 8 months and me giving them a call before they realized the error.
meni0n said:
Since when is having no driver license means no sig op? All you need to qualify on as a pte is the LSVW.

On my first visit to a recruiting centre I was given a sheet of the minimum qualifications for all trades and it lists a drivers licence for Sig Op. Take ownership of your own situation and know what you need!

I applied for Combat Engineer and was asked for my drivers licence so you might want to make it crystal that you don't need it.
Take ownership?! I went there, talked to a recruiter who was also a SigOp, he explained the whole trade and I took every piece of paper he handed to me. Can't request a piece of paper you know nothing about!
looks like my hopes of being SigOp is not likely, I failed my CFAT on my Spatial Ability...I did really good on the vocab and the math...but i guess some people have it some people don't...and it's not something you can really learn..

oh well infantry should be fun :P
Too bad, I was kind of looking forward to you going in for a Sig Op since I was going in for one too.

Good luck in the Infantry :salute:
requires a licence does it? huh... guess that changes from res to reg, cause i many reserve sigs that don't have thiers (mostly highschool kids that joined at 16), however you do need to get your 404's for LSVW as soon as possible.
Alright to answer alot of questions. I am a sig Op.. Currently in kingston on my QL3s, and to answer the question NO you do NOT need a civilian drivers licence to be a signal operator, you do however need a 404 that enables you to drive the LSVW that is all, which you can get without having a civi licence,

I know this because i do not have a civi licence but i have a 404 for staff car (civi pattern vehicle) and LSVW as well as the Milcot

so if you want to be a signal operator, do not believe the myth you do not need a civilian licence to become a sig op
It even says on your 404s that you do not require a civilian license to drive DND vehicles(owned or leased).

Anyways, I'm currently being processed for Sig Op in the regs, so hopefully I'll be going to Kingston soon to do my QL3.