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SIC Scale of Issue/Entitlements (merged)


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Just a question to see if anyone knows what a CIC Officer is issued for Kit. Some Officers in our Corps have everything you could imagine issued to them and others only have the basic uniforms. Is there a posted "Scale of Issue" for CIC Officers?
What scales are you asking about

1.Dress Uniforms.We have access to order it form Logistik unicorp

2.Field Kit. It seems to change from day to day ( I have been asking the same question myself on this one )
Clothing stores should have all scales of issue. Just ask what you're entitled to the next time you go in.
...Dress Uniforms...Yes
Combats (Cadpat) (2)
Combat Boots
Wool Socks
IECS Jacket
duffle bag (2)

And thats about it.

No field kit per say...sleeping bags, ruck ect. Stores tell us we are not entitled to anything else. I assume when we do a weekend exercise with Cadets, we are expected to purchase our own sleeping kit. Makes no sense as CIC Officers who have transfered to our Corps from another Corps have all this sort of kit issued to them. Does anyone realy know what we are entitled to?

There is (as I understand it) no current CIC specific scale of issue.  A friend in supply had inidicated that the instructions there were given is to kit CIC officers with the same basic scale as any other reservicst based on their element.  When I was kitted, I got it all.  Now trying to exchange field kit etc. has never been easy because we (the CIC) seem to be a largely unknown quantity out there without firm standards for issue of equipment.  It all seems to depend on where and what day you got kitted.
CFS8 D107 Issue to a CIC Officer But it is different at all Bases it seems to be up to the guy on the counter at the time you go in.I've learned to bring Tims coffee with me when i go in to supply.now if your lucky to get IECS gear(gortex,fleece, pollypro) don't say any thing we are not intilted to it yet and if you make any waves some one will ask for it back.
This is the list that I was given from Capt Green, at ASU Chilliwack, when I was the SupO for my Unit.   Basically, he told me that if I applied for anything else, I wouldn't get it   ;D   This is the initial kitting out for Army CIC, the Air folks gets 2 weights of DEU and a set of 'work dress' and no combat clothes, and the Navy get Black and White and Naval Combats (from what I understand).

1 Beret, Green
1 Raincoat, Plastic, CF Green      
1 Coat, CF Green                      
1 Coat, All Weather, CF Green      
1 Sweater, V-neck, CF Green      
1 Shirt, Long Sleeve, Linden Green      
2 Shirt, Short Sleeve, Linden Green      
2 T-Shirt, Olive Green                      
1 Trousers, CF Green                      
1 Boots, Ankle, Black                      
1 Shoes, Oxford, Black                      
1 Overshoes, Rubber, Black      
3 Socks, Wool, Grey                      
3 Socks, Black                      
1 Gloves, Dress, Black                      
1 Scarf, CF Green                      
1 Necktie, CF Green                      
1 Belt, CF Black                      
1 Cap, Knit, CF Green                      
2 T-shirt, Athletic, Grey                      
2 Shorts, Athletic, Grey                      

All the above are replacable on the logistiks website

These items below, are only replacable from the ASU, or your stores, or whatever.

2 Undershirt, ECW, Olive green      
2 Drawers, ECW, Olive Green      
1 Insignia, Collar, CIC Army      
1 Insignia, Headdress, CIC Army      
1 Insignia, Shoulder, CIC                      
1 Bag, Duffle                                      
1 Coat, Combat, Olive Green      
1 Liner, Coat, Combat, Olive Green      
1 Jacket, Wet Weather, Olive Green      
1 Trousers, Wet Weather, Olive Green    
3 Shirt, Combat, CADPAT      
3 Trousers, Combat, CADPAT      
1 Gloves, Combat, Outer, Black      
1 Gloves, Combat, Inner, Olive Green      
1 Cap, Knit, Olive Green                      
1 Scarf, Olive Green                      
2 Boots, Combat, Black                      
2 Insoles, Combat

Now, with that being said, I know many CIC officer who have 'aquired' other kit, but whether it was issued, I have no idea.

my72jeep said:
CFS8 D107 Issue to a CIC Officer

Do you have a quote for that?   Is it different from what I just posted?


are you ever issued white belts or are those 'temporarily issued' on course?  I've seen some pics of courses where the course candidates wear them on final parade
Catalyst said:
are you ever issued white belts or are those 'temporarily issued' on course?   I've seen some pics of courses where the course candidates wear them on final parade

White dress belts are a Temp Issue.  As for field kit (ruck, Sleeping Bag, etc...) when you are planning a ex and file your TSR, include that stuff in there.  Most cadet exs I have seen (or have been apart of) have not required rucksacks.  If you plan doing a ruck march, ask for the rucks in your TSR.  If you don't ask, you won't get.

Webbing and such are dealt with in the same way.  Tac Vests are out of the question.
and the only thing that we can get temp issued as far as webbing is concerned, is a belt and canteen.

On that note, many CIC that I know have usually gone out to a surplus store and purchased a full set of webbing (myself included).   While we don't use it to pack along ammo and grenades, it can come in handy for that cadet that is 'just starving' and snivelling, if you have a couple granola bars kicking around in your c-9 pouch   :o

Other items that I have are a 1982 pattern rucksack (surplus store) a CADPAT modular rucksack, with assorted pouches (CPGear), and assorted other CADPAT stuff from CPGear.

Yeah, the CIC is definitely the poor cousin of the CF Reserves, as far as gear goes.   I don't want to deprive any of the Reserves or Reg Force guys their stuff, but hmmmmmm, let me think.   I wonder what is happening to all that webbing that is getting turned in for the Tac Vest.   Do you think that it will be coming my way?   I doubt it.   I wil still have to go out to the surplus store and pay my $ for it.

Ah well, I didn't get in the CIC to make money, or get fancy gear. :warstory:

Yes there is a scale of issue for CIC Officers. And yes, some support bases have given CIC officers the same kit that Reserve officers get from their scale of issue. I sent a memo to RCSU(P) Major Braun complaining of the imbalance in the issue of CIC gear. For army types, when CADPAT came out we were issued 3 sets, no jackets. Shortly after they started issuing it, they cut in down to 2 sets. The scale of issue says three sets. The rain jacket I rec'd on re-issue (coming off SHR) I am sure came from the Korean war. It was so well used it stunk. My combat boots were used. This was from ASU Chilliwack. Other CIC officers have rec'd tremendous support from other bases but those of us from ASU Chilliwack have only rec'd our exact entitlement (or less) and nothing more. Mac Green (who has now retired) was not impressed with my memo to Major Braun. He thought I was slagging him and his staff. I wasn't. I was complaining of the imbalance and crappy  :P kit I was issued. We should do something about this and get some action. We now wear old combat jackets with new CADPAT.  ??? What is up with that? When will we get new jackets?  :rage:
Welcome to the CIC. We are lucky to get some kit. I am in Ottawa our supply is at NDHQ it seems from who is behind the counter gives it out. I saw a Air force CIC officer getting his Field Kit and was amazed in what he was getting issued. I asked his what he needed a T.V for he said i don't know. We all don't need th Gucci Kit do we ::)
I am Airforce and got 2 sets of the older style of CADPAT but did not get a cap badge.  ya win some, ya loose some!

something new to think about do we get this new equipment or don't we :salute:
"but we are not operational think about it"
how long have you been around to Not know wether or not we have a scale of issue.  Everyone has a scale of issue.  And yes, there is only one.  The "problem" is with sup pers who are not familiar with our MOC.  All they know is that we are reservists, so some people get issued with everything but are too greedy to mention that a Kevlar helmet is of absolutely no use to them.  I do agree with the comment on our wearing OD four season jackets with Cadpat.  We  look retarded.  I actually got dragged into the adj's office this summer, and asked what I though I was doing mixing uniforms.  Nice.  Did he really think I liked wearing the old bushcap?
primer said:
something new to think about do we get this new equipment or don't we :salute:
"but we are not operational think about it"

Primer, would you be able to copy this text here, or via PM?  I don't have dwan access.


I would recommend people to read ERCO 701 (www.cadets.net/est/intro_e.asp - look it up in the library and then ERCO, you will be able to find it) which explains what should be issued to CIC officers. It has the references of D01, D02 and D03 I believe.

This is what I got for my initial issue at ASU Longue-Pointe:

1 Naval NCM forge cap
1 Naval beret (black)
1 CIC naval cap badge metal
1 pair of gloves - leather
1 Tuque
1 Neck tie Black
2 PT t-shirts grey
1 PT sweat shirt - grey
1 Longue sleeve shirt - white
2 short sleeve shirts - white, naval officer
3 naval combat shirts
2 naval combat jackets
2 top of long johns
1 tunic, naval
1 trench coat - naval
1 raincoat - naval
1 white trouser belt
1 black trouser belt
1 pair of black trousers
1 pair of white trousers
3 naval combat trousers
2 pairs of PT shorts - grey
1 pair of PT sweat pants - grey
2 pair of long john - bottoms
3 pairs of wool socks
3 pairs of black socks
1 pair of white socks
1 pair of safety boots (parade boots)
1 pair of black oxfords
1 pair of white oxfords
1 pair of NCdt shoulder boards

Later on, I got my naval parka when it became an issued item of naval CIC officers, however, they gave me at my initial issue an old army combat parka, which I've never used.

ASU Longue-Pointe forgot to give me my slip ons, the screws for my shoulder boards, and they forgot to order my name tags (NCD and DEU).

I hope that this could help naval officers out there.

Good day!
For those of you who are complaining about not receiving the Goretex combat jacket, its not just a CIC thing. I am an as yet unqualified officer cadet at RMC and I have been told that I am not entitled to, nor will i be until i'm comissioned, which is 3 years from now... and i'm reg force
I've never had a problem getting kit when I ask nice. but there are a few of us who walk in demanding this that and the other thing,and acting like gods gift to the military and that makes it hard to even get what we are entitled to.