As a person who has subordinates, tell your CoC nothing. I mean, I love surprises. I really do! Nothing satisfies me more than getting something all lined up for someone, when all of a sudden, (and without warning, I may add), that someone shits in my hand. "Oh, sorry boss. I know you did all that work for me, and I do appreciate it, but go fuck yourself, I'm outta here."
So, let me get this straight. You may VR, but if and only if something better comes along (the police application). And you don't want to tell your CoC because they may not put you on training? I mean, how dare they give that jammy go to someone who isn't in the shadows, plug in hand, getting ready to pull it? WTF are they thinking?
Tell them. They can help you. Yes, you may "lose out" on some training, but you know what? You're already looking at the door, whereas others aren't. Your PER won't be influenced, expect maybe the potential part. I mean, that's just honest. How much potential do you have when you are getting out? None. And if it doesn't pan out, well, like the prodigal son, you'll be welcomed back "into the fold".
EDIT TO ADD: My own opinion is that it sounds to me as though you want your cake and to eat it too. Tell your chain of command, seriously. They may actually be able to salvage your military career, find out why you wish to go elsewhere, and maybe give you opportunities to make the forces more attractive to you.
But if you were a subordinate of mine who came up one day and said "You know, I've been planning this a while, but tomorrow's my last day", and if I had already nominated you for some "jammy good go", I would feel betrayed by the lack of trust and honesty. I personally believe that you are being selfish and are trying to work the system to your own advantage. Very shitty indeed.
(And the troops so rightly hate it when their superiors keep shit from them, or lie to them. Well, that street goes both ways)