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Sgt Ernest Smith VC dead at 91


Click on the Smokey pic link on right side of page. There are some nice photos of him lying in state.
signalsguy said:
I was probably pretty close to you then, as I was on the steps when the family came out and overheard them talking as well.

If you were on the stairs when they came out I was no more than 20 people behind you.  :salute:

Next time I will stop and say 'hi'  ;D

I read an interesting article the coffee shop today by army.ca's own sussex11. Unfortunately I can't paste the entire text, as it's available only to Insider Edition subscribers, and I'm too lazy to transcribe the whole article from the dead-tree edition (then there's that whole "copyright" thing, too  :o)

Why we're saluting Smokey


Thursday, August 11, 2005, Page A15

Crowds lined up outside the Parliament Buildings on Tuesday to pay tribute to Smokey Smith, winner of the Victoria Cross, lying in state in the Hall of Honour. Private Ernest Alvia Smith of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada earned the Commonwealth's highest decoration for his extraordinary bravery in driving off German tanks, self-propelled guns, and soldiers in an action on the Savio River in northern Italy in October, 1944. The last of Canada's VC winners, he was 91....
PKR_Chequer said:
I read an interesting article the coffee shop today by army.ca's own sussex11. Unfortunately I can't paste the entire text, as it's available only to Insider Edition subscribers, and I'm too lazy to transcribe the whole article from the dead-tree edition (then there's that whole "copyright" thing, too   :o)

Why we're saluting Smokey


Thursday, August 11, 2005, Page A15

Crowds lined up outside the Parliament Buildings on Tuesday to pay tribute to Smokey Smith, winner of the Victoria Cross, lying in state in the Hall of Honour. Private Ernest Alvia Smith of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada earned the Commonwealth's highest decoration for his extraordinary bravery in driving off German tanks, self-propelled guns, and soldiers in an action on the Savio River in northern Italy in October, 1944. The last of Canada's VC winners, he was 91....

It's here: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/32944/post-251302.html#msg251302 for army.ca members.
HollywoodHitman said:
The issue is specifically that the Powers That Be do not want CADPAT on Parade. They will be able to participate with 'Those not in Uniform'.........Troops in the MO don't get issued DEU's until after one year.

This seems to be the case.  The first thing I was asked when I phoned the armoury to get more information on what would be expect of me, I was asked if I had a DEU.  After explaining that I didn't, I was told to wear a suit and tie and I would be part of the "military members without uniform."  It seems, though, that predominantly, my time will be spent serving as aide to veteran grandfather-in-law.
Pte serving as aide to a veteran is a service you will long remember and cherish. Maybe they didnt earn a VC but they too served and have interesting stories to tell.

As an side I wonder why CF members are not issued service dress when they join ? Seem's odd to me.
Seaforths and Friends,

As we draw close to the appointed hour, just a few bits of info.  As you know, the Funeral Parade and Funeral Service will be televised live.  The coverage is on CBC, Channel 26 locally and should begin around 10:30hrs.  CBC has the exclusive media rights and will be the only medial allowed in the Armory and the Church but there will also be the local media around cover it as well.  Thanks to Capt Dan Thomas, 39 CBG for keeping me (and the Seaforths) in the loop on things  The issue of parking and church access still eludes my confirmation BUT I believe that the representation of the Seaforths and friends that parade with us, decked out in medal's and head dress shall not look appropriate standing "outside" the church!  Let's hope that those of us that are unable to parade will save us a seat!

The reception back at the Armory will be restricted to those of the Funeral Parade and Service.  A correction to my previous emails it IS NOT open to the general public but for the Seaforth Family and guests.  I will endeavor to make ALL CLEAR by parade time.  That being said, please pass on to those not on the email loop that I would request all who will be on parade assembled on the parade square (space permitting and authorized) no later than 09:45 hrs so I may get organized.

On a point of condolences, please visit the attached link:


This is an electronic Guest Book in Memory of Smoky.  Thanks to Ken MacLeod for passing that on


Roger K.L. Fordham, President

Seaforth Regimental Association
tomahawk6 said:
Pte serving as aide to a veteran is a service you will long remember and cherish. Maybe they didnt earn a VC but they too served and have interesting stories to tell.

As an side I wonder why CF members are not issued service dress when they join ? Seem's odd to me.

Oh, trust me I look forward to it!  Much better than spending the day at work.  :)
tomahawk6 said:
As an side I wonder why CF members are not issued service dress when they join ? Seem's odd to me.

All regular force members get issued service dress from the word go.  In t militia, from what i have been told, they get it later on as some people don't stick around long enough to make the money spent ona uniform worthwhile.  But thats only what i have been told !
This is going to be one beautiful service...one that I wish I could attend. :'(

Pte (R) B, I think you will enjoy being able to help out those veterans.
They have amazing wisdom and experience, and LOVE being able to share it with young ones like all of us.
Feel honoured, I know I would.  :)
anyone know the time that  CBC will begin their tv coverage of this funeral?
my grandmother is in the hospital and we have to book the tv room for this so she can see it
please let me asap
thanks in advance
FormerHorseGuard said:
anyone know the time that   CBC will begin their tv coverage of this funeral?
my grandmother is in the hospital and we have to book the tv room for this so she can see it
please let me asap
thanks in advance

From the CBC.CA website:

"The funeral will be covered live on CBC Newsworld from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (PT) on Saturday. "

Thanks for everything, Smokey. Hope I'll see on the objective some day. Rest easy, Sarn't, we have it from here.
Jeez I should have got on this earlier.

Thanks Smokey for all you did, not only during the war, but for everything following. You were, and remain always a great man. :salute:

tomahawk6 said:
As an side I wonder why CF members are not issued service dress when they join ? Seem's odd to me.

I was issued service dress at basic training. It even got tailored there.
Rest in peace Smokey.  :salute:

All available pipers in Wainwright should report to Bldg 626 at 1100hrs, 13 Aug 05 for the playing of the lament.
It really was quite a send off for Smokey. The jazz was a nice touch. I thought the Lt. Gen of BC was really good. You could tell that she knew and admired Smokey.The Seaforth Highlanders did a fabulous job in every way. The airforce did a missing man formation over the parade. His ashes were scattered at sea the day after the funeral. So Smokey got the 'full meal deal'. Very fitting indeed for such a humble servant.

Rest in peace Smokey.