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Sept 19th "International Talk Like a Pirate Day"


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Sept 19th is International "Talk Like a Pirate Day".

Just google it and you'll see.


There are plenty more links as well.

Have fun with it.
Avast ye filthy bilge rats! Smartly ready your pirate talk, for I intend to be swashbuckling with ye!

Yar, pirate talk be silly and fun. YARRRR!
For Pirate day, I wanted to watch a pirate movie with my kids, but we couldn't:
It was rated "Arrrrrrr"

Check the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster - http://www.venganza.org/about/open-letter/

I won't go into details (you know, that whole Pope/jihad misunderstanding), but this faith clearly demonstrates the undeniable relationship between pirates and global warming.

Global warming, and indeed, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are a direct effect of the shrinking numbers of pirates since the 1800s! Don't believe me, look at the graph. Go on, look.

This is the sort of scientific accuracy that has been informing political discussions recently - - if the Toronto Star will quote Steven Staples, then this should be plenty good enough for you!

So, while not delving into any religious debate that could get my family beheaded, suffice to say it is disrespectful to teach these beliefs without wearing a proper outfit, which of course is full pirate regalia.

So tomorrow, with there being more pirates about, watch how the temperature drops. You'll see.

Thar ye have it, lubbers! Save the planet!  Support International Talk like a Pirate day!  YARRRRRRRRRRR! :skull:
Arrrrr... hoist the mainsail, set the royals,... run out the starboard broadside........ FIRE
Avast maities my secret job is out: On weekends I run the Projectarrrrrr! PG no ARrrrrr!

Tomorrow, don't forget, every time you pass a CWO check your arms and say, "A Hoy RRRRRSM!"
Wrote this a while ago, for a website of a friend, when I was really bored. Enjoy!
(Note that this entire article is based on the long-standing geek joke that pirates, ninjas, and dinosaurs are arch-nemeses.)

A Brief History of Pirates by Rice0031, January 4, 2006

While Pirates are not as prominent as they had once been, they are still associated with being the undisputed champions of the Seven Seas. Pirates - swashbucklers who navigated the seas all over the world since before even baby Jesus was born originally began their conquests for plunder and booty in Antarctica in the early years after the Earth was formed. However, there was not much of the sought-after treasure to be had during the early years of Piratry. On top of the unaccounted-for booty, there were no rivals; no enemies. Pirates were the unchallenged and un-defied rulers of the world. This era is unofficially dubbed as the "Golden Age of Pirating". During this time Pirates were not marauders that traveled the high seas in search of combat, but a great civilization that was highly advanced for its time, best known for its prestige and power.

During the Golden Age of Pirating Pirates made many of the ancient Wonders of the World since they were not pre-occupied with battle and conquest throughout all the high seas. These "Wonders" were later claimed to be made by other primitive civilizations who were not as technologically inclined as the pirates but still wished to be recognized as a significant civilization. The main creations that Pirates were responsible for but received little credit for, if not none at all, include: the statue of Zeus in Olympia; the Colossus of Rhodes; and last but not least - the primitive form of humans known as the Neanderthals. As unbelievable as the list may be, they have all been scientifically proven in recent studies by an anthropology student at the University of Helsinki in Finland.

By the time that Pirates had accomplished all these great undertakings the world was a much different place. Many different civilizations were formed and had began to start claiming parts of the world as their own. Pirates, unaccustomed to this rivalry, began planning ways to counter this new aggression that they had never seen. Even with some of the great Wonders of the World in their repertoire, Pirates were almost completely new to the warfare scene. However Pirates did have one advantage: their ships were much more advanced than that of their enemies. The Pirate civilization, which migrated early from Antarctica during the Golden Age of Pirating over to areas around what is currently known as South America, had thousands of years to develop their sea-faring vessels. Pirates, while no longer combat-proven due to their thousands of years of peace since their last war, were still prepared for much travel amongst the high seas. This factor contributed highly to the success of the Pirates during the primary stages of any acts of war that they may have been involved in.

Pirates began staging offensives against rival civilizations around 1500 B.C. when the opportunity for them to strike was best. Pirates became involved in many different conflicts. Winning several small skirmishes, the Pirates became over-zealous, and under-compensated for what they were about to face. Since Pirates were not adept at combat at this time, their numbers began to diminish very quickly. Pirates suffered defeat against the Egyptians, the Romans, the Babylonians, and even the Atlantians. By the 17th century, the Pirate civilization as it was in the Golden Age of Pirating almost completely ceased to exist. Most of the Pirate population was no longer even considered a threat by most other civilizations; and for good reason. Pirates now only existed as scavengers: Buccaneers and Corsairs preying upon merchant trade vessels. As little as what was left of the Pirates, they did make a come back for a short time. This was known as the "Renewed Age of Pirating". This era was witness to many Pirate successes, including that of their conquests against the English, the French, and the Japanese.

As unfortunate as it may have been that the Pirate population almost completely ceased to exist, the Pirates were not always completely inept at battle. Shortly after the early years of The Golden Age, Pirates were presented with a problematic demise. Giant predators roamed their lands, preying on the innocent and those who could not fend for themselves. These giant predators were known as what we now call dinosaurs. This was the beginning of a rivalry that would last for centuries. The Pirates are known for that very such war to this day.

The dinosaurs were completely devoid of compassion, remorse, mercy, or even morality. Completely insentient, these animals raged through Pirate territories destroying towns, villages, and even some of the greater Pirate cities. The Pirates were faced with their biggest problem to date, and had to somehow counter the attacks being made by the dinosaur forces. And thus ensued what is known as "The Great Pirate War".

Faced with the total destruction of their civilization at the hands of the dinosaurs, the Pirates quickly dispatched raiding parties throughout their lands, sending offensives against the dinosaur forces. However these raiding parties proved to be insufficient, as most of the raiding parties never even returned. Thus the Pirate civilization quickly raised armies that were willing to march against their lizard enemies. About midway through their conflict with the dinosaurs the Pirates had established many elite units that were extremely effective against the dinosaurs. These units were known as the Corsairs and the Buccaneers. Properly trained in hand-to-hand combat with a vast array of melee weapons, these units were the primary force that the Pirates used to succeed against the dinosaurs. However, the elite units did not make up the majority of the Pirate armies. And as such many of these armies were crushed by the vicious dinosaurs. After centuries of struggle and conflict of this Great Pirate War, the Pirates prevailed against the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs had become almost completely extinct and no longer constituted what could be considered a force big enough to wage a war against. The pirates had driven the dinosaurs to extinction and were once again the unrivaled rulers of the world.

Returning to the Renewed Age of Pirating, the Pirates were small in number, but once again hardened for battle. Learning from their defeat at the hands of their victors – such as the Egyptians and French, the Pirates were ready for a new war. And a new war they would soon be engaged in. One of their old creations, the Neanderthals, vanished from the Earth. Neither the Pirates nor any other civilization knew what had come of the Neanderthals. As far as any one knew, the Neanderthals became extinct, much like the dinosaurs. However, unbeknownst to the Pirates, one of their greatest creations would become what is now their greatest rival.

Back during the time of the dinosaurs, the Neanderthals were a primitive form of human. The Pirates originally created them in Central Asia here there was an abundance of food and land. The Neanderthals slowly and steadily began to evolve. Over millions of years the Neanderthals migrated from central Asia to what is currently known as Japan. Unfortunately for the Neanderthals, however, their numbers had shrank by the time they finally made it to Japan, leaving their numbers as about the same size as the Pirate population.

Becoming very skilled in the ways of the hired mercenary, the Neanderthals developed their own school of war which emphasized stealth, efficiency, honour, and martial arts as their main forms of combat. Plied with a form of war discipline that developed the Samurai, the Neanderthals, which were more or less completely evolved humans by the time they had founded their war school, had become The Ninja Society. Fierce covert operatives of stealth and grace, the Neanderthals were out for their own land. The Ninja Society, or just The Ninja, was very discriminative with their battles, keeping mainly to Japan and western Asia. Upon learning of their creators’ success in the Renewed Age of Pirating, they became jealous and envious, as the Ninja was not seeing any renewed age for themselves. The Ninja declared war against their creators, and thus battle ensued.

Making strikes against each other, the once-again-elite units developed by the Pirates - the Buccaneers and the Corsairs - and the elite units of the Neanderthals - The Ninja - were ensnared in a deadly struggle that would last to this day, with each side returning attacks with counter-attacks while neither side gains the advantage for long. This bloody struggle between Ninja and Pirate has claimed the lives of thousands of the remaining Pirates and Ninja, thinning their population to extremely low levels to that of which border extinction.

The outcome of this conflict is hard to predict, as both sides are of formidable warriors, and both sides are willing to fight to the bitter end. One day, the struggle will be over and the final victor will be decided. Both The Ninja Society and the Pirates face utter extinction without hope of redemption.

As it has been pointed out, Pirates have been around for millennia, almost as long as their Neanderthal creations. Pirates have gone through a very long and interesting history, much of which was only just summarized within the contents of this article. Pirates, intelligent and once technologically inclined, have contributed greatly to the world as it is today, and moreover, proven themselves to the world as respectable, formidable combatants. What will become of the Pirates we may never know, but we do know that they are, always have been, and always will be one of the greatest races ever known to mankind.
Don't forget to get your pirate name: http://gangstaname.com/pirate_name.php
navymich said:
Don't forget to get your pirate name: http://gangstaname.com/pirate_name.php

i shall from now on be known as.........

Shoutin' Sid Smythe
career_radio-checker said:
Avast maities my secret job is out: On weekends I run the Projectarrrrrr! PG no ARrrrrr!

Tomorrow, don't forget, every time you pass a CWO check your arms and say, "A Hoy RRRRRSM!"

Handsomely now!  T'would be "Ahoy Coxn" ye'd be wanting to say
Scow Wolf
...cast loose your gun... level your gun... out tompion... run out your gun... prime... fire... stop your vent... sponge your gun... load with cartridge... shot your gun... level your gun... fire.....

Beware the mighty pirate Warspite HANNIBAL THE DISGRUNTLED... ARRRRR.....

My name be... Mast Hugger Hannibal????

Now wh't exactly be that mean'in??? Yarrr!
