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SEM in Ottawa


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Did anyone else here receive their e-mail for the Subsidized Education Management Annual Mandatory Briefing? Anyone from the University of Ottawa?  Also, does anyone who has done it before know what it's about?  Thank you all in advance.

I'm at Carleton so I don't know how the payments work at UofO but you basically just get a receipt of fees from the Business Office at school and bring it with you to your claims appointment at NDHQ.  The Annual Mandatory Briefing is just to bring all OCdts up to speed on the current situation and what is expected of them.  Get it all done early and you will never hear from them all year until you get your next training message
Well, what happens to people like me who haven't been paid yet due to being on leave.  How can they pay upfront if they have no money?
ChaosTheory said:
Well, what happens to people like me who haven't been paid yet due to being on leave.  How can they pay upfront if they have no money?

Start panhandling?  On your message you will see the ULO who is responsible for you get in contact with that person or go see the CFRC/D and they will help you get in contact with the ULO.
Your SEM will take care of everything, but you must take the initiative.

YOU MUST contact the SEM on your message to introduce yourself, as he/she will probably not know that you are with him/her.

Don't expect an email for you annual mandatory meeting until as late as a couple weeks into September (it has happened to me).

The meetings are long and dry.  You will learn alot of what is expected of you the first time you attend, however every subsequent year it is the EXACT same briefing.  I guess they are just trying to keep us CIVIU types in line ;D.

You will go to your base orderly room after the meeting (at least this is what I did) and a clerk will add you to the payroll.  Have all your necessary banking information available for them.  AND DONT FORGET TO CLEAR IN EVERYWHERE (not that this happened to me ;) :o 8)).

Well, I am already on the payroll, I just have to start getting paid, which is 25 Aug.  I have received some payments from them for travel claims so I do know they have my banking information. 

I go see my ULO on 28 Aug as well as everyone else from BC so I assume that is where we get our stuff set up.  We then have that yearly meeting on 18 Sept, they said the head guy from Borden is coming that day.
ChaosTheory said:
We then have that yearly meeting on 18 Sept, they said the head guy from Borden is coming that day.

Head guy from Borden eh? I didn't know the Colonel was coming up to give the briefing this year :P.

The guy that will come is an air force Capt.  Extremely nice guy.

You might also see a Lt.(N) make the trip.  I have never met her before, as she got posted to this job last winter.

Ah, I've still got a few places to clear in, but I haven't even reached my COS date, and was told I didn't have to start doing any of that until then.  I have paid my fall tuition and I am shopping for school supplies, as soon as I'm done that I'll bring the receipts back to my ULO so everything can be finalised there.  Was just wondering if anyone else that browses these forums was gonna be attending the briefing here in Ottawa this year.
That is a good idea, maybe I should pay for tuition and books now, if I can, and my school supplies and when I go meet my ULO I can give the bills to him.

On a side note, I know that for my math classes I will need a graphing calculator, which can run at $200.  Now when I bring him the bill for that would I need proof that I would need that specific item?
Yes you may pay all the fees yourself if you have the cash. Make SURE to get ALL receipts. Otherwise an advance may be given.

In regards to the calculator. The military has a set amount for how much they will give you for a calculator depending on if you are in an arts program or a science program.

Currently if you are enrolled in a science or engineering program they will give you a max of $75.
If you are enrolled in an arts program they will give you $50.

I know that you guys in hardcore math programs need "nuclear reactor, frickin laser beam shooting" calculators, so looks like you might take the 75$ and contribute the other $150 on your own.

I have not been informed of this meeting at all, but I'll be there as I am going to U of O
I wish I had a hardcore calculator with a nuclear reactor that shoots fricken laser beams ...  :crybaby:

Anyways andpro, the meeting I have been talking about is for us BC people.  I was trying to contact my ULO for two weeks before he phoned me.  First I phoned him and left him a message on his machine and for the next two weeks, every mon - fri I would phone about every half hour from 11 - 4 and I never got a reply.  Then he phoned me and told me about that meeting.
Andpro, I received an e-mail about it less than a week ago and there were only about 15 people in the send column, so I'm sure they send out more than 1 e-mail, the meeting isn't until 18 September 06 either way.  Although you should check your junk mail folder just in case, the first e-mail I received from my ULO I found in there  :-\.
As well, I only spent 17$ on a calculator... and I'm going into Mechanical Engineering...  but that was with the advance I got for school supplies.  First year I was supposed to receive 150$ apparently, but I only got 100$, they told me to spend the difference and I will be reimbursed, they're fairly easy going if you do what you're supposed to be doing.  Well, that's my first impression.
Wow, $100-$150 a year is still a lot of money for school supplies.  I am mostly using my stuff from high school as it is all in good condition, and what I need, that is not going to be near $100 worth of stuff.
You just get the $100 straight up, no questions asked.

You do not need to provide a receipt for PP&S.
PP&S, I assume is school supplies, however, what does it stand for?

When would I get this?

On a side note, how do I find out my MOC?
PP&S stands for pens, paper and stationary.

On a more serious note, how are you accepted into the ROTP program (or the military in general), and you do not know your MOC?

When you accepted, you either accept the MOC they give you or reject it.  You don't accept to go into ROTP, you accept your MOC which then puts you into the ROTP program.

Something you should definitely look into.  What if you don't like the MOC they gave you, but you already signed the contract???
Well... I am a CELE, I just do not know what the MOC number for a CELE is or where to find it. 

I am not quite sure how to answer the question of how am I accepted into the ROTP program.
Ok...haha...i thought you didn't know at ALL about your MOC.

I don't know the MOC number you are after (There are all new numbers now to), but someone will respond here.