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Selling of issued boots, illegal?


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I asked because I cam across this the other day, contacted the seller as to where we able to obtain the pictured green boulet boots. They appear to be the ones that were trialed a couple years ago (they apear to be suede and not have the nylon sides like the new ones (correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't been issued either boots)

He has no person information listed on his profile on the site.

Me - Where did you manage to acquire Brand New green Boulet Boots?
Him - Old issued kit from the military. Tried them on once and didn't like them. They still issue them out from time to time.


Just wondering what kind of action should be taken. I've saved an offline version of the page incase it disappears and needs to be referenced. I don't want to contact the moderators of the website in case they try to sweep it under the rug to save face if this turns out to be illegal. Any pointers?
That pic below is of the CF stocked and issued desert boots (not the new brown combat boots) for wear overseas on operations.  Those one's below are either on his own clothing docs or someone else's.

Dude's a f'n thief.
This guys is selling issued items. Just like other things that come up from time to time... issued combats, issued LBV's, issued boots, etc.  NIS sometimes deals with this kind of info, especially if there is a large stock of issued items being sold...

Short answer, it's not on. This is not military surplus being sold here... it's current issue, and by a private seller, probably items off his or someone else's docs, as Vern mentioned.

Short answer:  Go to your local NIS/MP Section/Det and report the guy.  Have all the facts.  Have links to his postings.  Document what he is selling.  Once the MPs have the info to work with, they can investigate and charge the guy.
So, what are the chances that particulatr boot is no longer on trial and the wearers were told "Trial's over, they belong to you. Nothing on your card, have a good day"?

I'd say, if that or similar, is the case, he can do whatever he wants with them.

If they were that interested in them, and they are not\ or are on his charge, they'd ask for them back.

They didn't ask for them, they're not on his charge (just guessing), he can do what he wants with them.

Once I retire, if they leave me with my boots, to add to the collection of all the others given and written off over the years, I don't expect some internet Joe Friday to start an NCIS investigation or Ministerial inquiry, if I decide that 20 pairs of boots are too many and I decide to sell some.

Especially if they don't have all the facts.

But if that's what makes your day, fill your boots.
recceguy said:
So, what are the chances that particulatr boot is no longer on trial and the wearers were told "Trial's over, they belong to you. Nothing on your card, have a good day"?

I'd say, if that or similar, is the case, he can do whatever he wants with them.

If they were that interested in them, and they are not\ or are on his charge, they'd ask for them back.

They didn't ask for them, they're not on his charge (just guessing), he can do what he wants with them.

Once I retire, if they leave me with my boots, to add to the collection of all the others given and written off over the years, I don't expect some internet Joe Friday to start an NCIS investigation or Ministerial inquiry, if I decide that 20 pairs of boots are too many and I decide to sell some.

Especially if they don't have all the facts.

But if that's what makes your day, fill your boots.

100% agree, which is why an investigation could end up being completely pointless.  The most serious criminal offense if found to be true, would most likely be theft under $5000, which in reality would be the same charge as someone shoplifting a chocolate bar.

NDA charges could be stealing, a 129, or perhaps others, however, the seriousness of the offense is always taken into consideration.

My recommendation would be to drop it, and move on with life... boots aren't serialized kit by any means. However, there are other MP's that would disagree with me and would possibly make it a full fledged report.
Those two pair of boots are not trial footwear. They are the desert boots that came into the system circa 2005.

They are also not boots that the member was allowed to retain upon release because we can not allow troops to keep brand new footwear upon their release (and they are obviously brand new; still retain the tag/no worn sole) because it can be reissued. When members release, they bring their footwear into their release appointment with them, if used and member wishes to retain, then the tongue of the boot is also hole-punched so that they cannot be exchanged ... also not the case with the footwear below.

The pair of boots in the right of the pic are the obsolete desert boots that proceeded the new version (in 2005) shown on the left.
Can I sell cf clothing that was issued to me but no longer on my docks?

What about if I try and turn shit in and supply says you can keep it if you want or throw it out we don't want it?
ObedientiaZelum said:
Can I sell cf clothing that was issued to me but no longer on my docks?

Not if it is not permanent issue/operational kit. You are obligated to report it as surplus to your clothing docs so that it can be brought on charge. Your clothing docs are known as an IA (Individual Account) and it is your Service Number thus each individual in the CF has one, same as a SCA (Supply Customer Account - previously known as a DA [Distribution Account]). It is auditable and you are supposed to go in to verify your holdings on your IA once per three years (and to report surplus' & defeciencies). Civilian employees also have IA accounts that are their PRI numbers.

What about if I try and turn shit in and supply says you can keep it if you want or throw it out we don't want it?

Many items are like this if they are now obsolete/worn/can not be reissued. OG combats come to mind. If it is footwear, staff will punch the tongues and allow you to retain if you wish etc. If you do not, they will still punch then send to R&D for disposal action. Uniforms will be marked in silver marker pen with a large "D", then sent for disposal at R&D. Next to skin also does not come back to clothing so if you don't want it, you can toss it out.
ArmyVern said:
They are the desert boots that came into the system circa 2005.

The pair of boots in the right of the pic are the obsolete desert boots that proceeded the new version (in 2005) shown on the left.

I think the brown boots are newer then 2005,  but closer to 2009/10.  For TF 1-08 we were issued the tan boots on the right,  depending on size/stock some were issued the old Jungle Boot style desert boots.
Not sure if Clothing Stores does this anymore but, the tongues haven't been punched so if they still do this then clearly haven't been okay'd by Stores as surplus and allowed to be taken home.

I'm just an FNG  ;D
-Skeletor- said:
I think the brown boots are newer then 2005,  but closer to 2009/10.  For TF 1-08 we were issued the tan boots on the right,  depending on size/stock some were issued the old Jungle Boot style desert boots.

They were phased; same as the brown combat boots now. Old stock (black) will continue to be issued until it is depleted. All depends upon what size you wear as to how fast you'll end up with them.
PrairieThunder said:
Not sure if Clothing Stores does this anymore but, the tongues haven't been punched so if they still do this then clearly haven't been okay'd by Stores as surplus and allowed to be taken home.

I'm just an FNG  ;D

Did you miss this post Mr. FNG ?

ArmyVern said:
Those two pair of boots are not trial footwear. They are the desert boots that came into the system circa 2005.

They are also not boots that the member was allowed to retain upon release because we can not allow troops to keep brand new footwear upon their release (and they are obviously brand new; still retain the tag/no worn sole) because it can be reissued. When members release, they bring their footwear into their release appointment with them, if used and member wishes to retain, then the tongue of the boot is also hole-punched so that they cannot be exchanged ... also not the case with the footwear below.

The pair of boots in the right of the pic are the obsolete desert boots that proceeded the new version (in 2005) shown on the left.
Damn, I completely missed that line... I don't even have the excuse of age for this one.  :P
Well then, there is a guy in Nova Scotia who has filled Ebay with issue Cadpat and even makes an effort to state it is issue.  This guy sells nothing but issue Cadpat, uniforms, tac vests, gas masks and boots, both AR and TW.  He seems to have a never ending supply of it with 270 odds sales so far.

-Skeletor- said:
I think the brown boots are newer then 2005,  but closer to 2009/10.  For TF 1-08 we were issued the tan boots on the right,  depending on size/stock some were issued the old Jungle Boot style desert boots.

And you're correct on the dates of the pictured footwear; it is the boots on the right that were the ~2005 and the two pair to the left ~08/09.
fraserdw said:
Well then, there is a guy in Nova Scotia who has filled Ebay with issue Cadpat and even makes an effort to state it is issue.  This guy sells nothing but issue Cadpat, uniforms, tac vests, gas masks and boots, both AR and TW.  He seems to have a never ending supply of it with 270 odds sales so far.


Buying these combats would probably be the only way soldiers in Petawawa could get cadpat uniforms now days..
fraserdw said:
Well then, there is a guy in Nova Scotia who has filled Ebay with issue Cadpat and even makes an effort to state it is issue.  This guy sells nothing but issue Cadpat, uniforms, tac vests, gas masks and boots, both AR and TW.  He seems to have a never ending supply of it with 270 odds sales so far.


Beals should be advised his/her arid floppy is for sale. Seller is not to quick on the uptake leaving names on there.
If it was just the boot's I wouldn't bother contacting the MP's...but after checking out the link that guy got a ton of kit for sale!!

And not one uniform got the same size.

There is an EvilBay dealer from St Albert Alberta that sells those kind of boots new all the time.  Also Arid pattern cadpat tac vests, cadpat clothing etc.  He gets it two ways.  He buys tri walls full of "D" marked kit at auction.  Secondly, he buys tons of boots straight from Boulet.  They are seconds or rejects and are the company"s to do with as they please.  Not all the new looking kit out there is stolen.