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second thoughts...


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Just wondering if any of you have experienced what I am going throught right now. I was all psyched up to finally get into the Army since way before I even decided to hand in my application. Now here it is my BMQ is just around the corner. I leave on the 24th and I am getting "cold feet". I can't help but think of what a big commitment it is. I am not worried a bit about BMQ training or taking orders or any of the "stuff" they put you through during basic. What I am having second thoughts about is the afterlife. Please...I don't need any criticism as I have been beating myself up over this for the past 4 days or so and I'd be embarrassed as heck to pull the plug now after getting my family and friends all in support of my decision to join. Has anyone else been here that can help me get my feet back on the ground and keep me focused. I don't want to back out and then a year down the road, kick my ass because its something all new recruits go through.. :-[

I don't think I had cold feet, but everyone is a bit nervous. Just try concentrating on what's going on right now and worry about after course when you get there. You've got 10 weeks to figure out if the military is for you, if it is, you'll be glad you stuck with it, if it's not then you can just release. Nothing owed, nothing lost and you won't go through the rest of your life wondering "what if I had stayed in?"

You're going to meet a ton of great people that you'll really bond with, I still talk to guys I went through BOTC with 5 years ago even though none of them are posted to Shearwater and I don't see them on a regular basis.

If all else fails, tell that little voice that wants to throw in the towel to STFU!  ;D

Good luck.
Hey everyone gets nervous before things like these... it's just anxiety, anticipation .. etc

Best thing to do is not to fight it, then it will be like going upstream and you'll be creating unnecessary waves.

If you just go with it and then understand it's a normal thing it will be easier for you. Whatever you do, don't let fear rule your thoughts. Acknowledge it but don't let it derail you now when you're so close.

It's like before a fight with me. Before a fight (especially with a more experienced fighter) I am somewhat jittery from anticipation, the anxiety to just get in there already and do it, a healthy dose of fear because I stand a greater than normal chance of being defeated. But what you gotta do is just breathe, calm down, acknowledge these things and then control it. Never ever block it or stand against it cause like I said it'll wear you down more. Once you ride it out and understand things, they will calm down and your feet won't be so cold, and you will be able to think rationally.

I hope that helps any. The first thing you gotta do is stop "beating yourself up" cause it will just prevent you from the aforementioned progression. Ok now I'm done rambling
Remember, that kind of feeling is only temporary. Better to try and put up with the nerves, etc. now, then to quit, and be feeling like crap, possibly for the rest of your life..

Just be cool, and like the other guy said, tell that little voice to STFU...

Good luck!  ;D
I guess it's mainly the 3 yr commitment that gets me. It's so ulike any other job where you can just quit if you don't like it. If I don't like the military I am stuck. ouch! Then , the other little voice says...For Christ's sake, you came this far...what are you thinking! Get you friggin gear packed and get pumped to go.
Just wondering if there is an option to go into a later BMQ to give me time to do some soul searching :-\

You're not locked in for 3 years, you can put in your voluntary release at any time as long as you're not on some sort of obligatory service (ie, ROTP, other reimbursed education, or pilots after receiving their wings).
I can't give you any better advice than you have already received so far.  Three years is nothing.  I just did over twenty-eight and it seems like yesterday.  Relax.  What you are feeling is normal.  People have the same feelings about Marriage, University, and other jobs, etc.  Why should you be any different?
Seriously Bojangles, don't put it off for "soul searching" .. it's not only unfair to yourself because you're just giving into post <insert event here> jitters but unfair to everyone who would jump at the chance to go but are still waiting patiently, while you who have this chance do not take it.
bojangles, a quote comes to mind.

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

In the greater picture, 3 years is nothing. You're guaranteed to learn something about yourself, so dive in head first and roll with what you get.  If anything, take it as a personal challenge. Overcome those butterflies and rise to the occassion, rather than be dwarfed by the moment.
The more nervous you are about something the better it turns out to be, from my experience.

Gotta jump in with both feet now that you're at the edge of the board and it's always better in the water then it is on the shore anyway.

Go for it and don't look back, you're at an age where you can't stall, you've got to push over the threshold and give it the old college try.

"Pain is temporary, Glory is forever." -- I dunno, doesn't QUITE relate, but I thought I'd post it anyways..
Thanks for all the advice. I feel alot better and starting to get my feet back on the ground again. The knees are still knocking together but I have duct tape! ;D

I luv all you guys....what a support system!
bojangles said:
I guess it's mainly the 3 yr commitment that gets me. It's so ulike any other job where you can just quit if you don't like it. If I don't like the military I am stuck. ouch! Then , the other little voice says...For Christ's sake, you came this far...what are you thinking! Get you friggin gear packed and get pumped to go.
Just wondering if there is an option to go into a later BMQ to give me time to do some soul searching :-\


There is a unbelievable amount of information available on the CF for any person to come to a well-informed decision on whether the CF is the life for them before they sign the dotted line.

If you are not 100% sure this is the life for you then stop now and give someone else a chance and contrary to what others would counsel you about, it is not that easy to pull the plug after you have joined.

Best of luck to you in coming to your decision but make up your mind soon.   :salute: :cdn:

Sorry I should have read your post before posting.  Does this mean you are going for it?  If so good decision and Good Luck.
Steve said:
Seriously Bojangles, don't put it off for "soul searching" .. it's not only unfair to yourself because you're just giving into post <insert event here> jitters but unfair to everyone who would jump at the chance to go but are still waiting patiently, while you who have this chance do not take it.

What he said, do it for us poor saps gettin left behind.  I'm sure you will have a good time.  Best of luck.
Go for it! Whenever I have a tough decision to make (not quite so life-altering, but anyway) usually I think of the following:

If I do it, then I might not like it, but I'll either get used to it, and it'll make me a stronger person, or I'll suck it up and it'll be over soon enough.

If I don't do it, I'll either regret not doing it and spend the next while wondering about all the "what if's...."

When I was on the plane to my basic, (it was reserves, admittedly, but I had never been away from home for 8 weeks at the age of 17) I was scared shitless as to what I was to encounter. But I met so many great people and had so many great experiences plus I would've been kicking myself for quite a while had I backed out. True, reserves is not quite the commitment reg force is, but the idea's the same...

Best of luck! :)
Hell yes I had cold feet. Only I had them the day I was supposed to hand in my application... It was November 11th... My school decided to show the DDay scene from Saving Private Ryan and the person sitting beside me kept saying "Thats gonna be you!" while pointing to the guy lying down on the ground with his guts hanging out... Meh, I figured life's not worth living if fear is guiding it so I didnt back down.

I think the second thoughts you are having are a result of "loss of control" of the situation - this BMQ, and the resulting 3 year contract are rushing up on you.  It's not uncommon to have cold feet about your decision.  The cool part is that you are aware of it.

My suggestion about the big commitment?  Take it a day at a time.

As far as the afterlife part of it goes (ie. military service):  You get out of it, directly what you put into it!  That's the beauty part of it, you have control over your military experience, it's what YOU make of it.  Attitude, as they say, is Everything.

I've had these "second thoughts" myself about stepping into the unknown and, in every case, have been pleasantly surprised with the results:  usually affirmation about my abilities, ie. - "I can DO it!"

For me, being in the military for six years was one of the better things I have done for myself on a number of counts.  So much so, that I am considering returning to service.

Good luck on your course,

The more I think about it and the more I prepare for the day that I leave for St.Jean for BMQ, and the more and more I'm starting to get second thoughts about joining. Kinda ridiculous given that in my other posts, I'm very enthusiastic about it. Dont get me wrong but yes I am, I've always, always wanted to join. But reason being for not wanting to join, especially this early in the game is that out of all my friends I'm the only one who truly believes in our Military, wholeheartedly. But I'm always hearing them say what a bad thing the military is, and how everyone who joins is "lost" to put it nicely..so that much harder..I dont know if anyone has or is goin through the same thing as I am....

So I ask you...is there anything I can do to help me stay focused on what I want?
