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Scottish Muslims Are Outraged - At Puppy

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Don't "Muslims" ever get annoyed? Irritated? Why are they always outraged? (I say "Muslims because that is how it is stated in  the article. I know that these folks probably aren't really representative)


From this article on FoxNews:  http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,374564,00.html

Ad Featuring Popular Police Pup Sparks Anger in Scottish Muslim Communities
Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Adorable, or "ritually unclean"?

Muslims in the Scottish district of Tayside are outraged by the appearance of a wide-eyed, 6-week-old puppy on postcards distributed by the local police force, according to the Daily Mail.

Postcards showing police dog-in-training Rebel, a German shepherd born in early December, are causing a furor among the region’s Muslims who believe dogs are "ritually unclean," the Daily Mail reports.

The cute cards were meant to notify locals of a new telephone number for non-emergency phone calls but instead have become a flashpoint for a clash of cultures. Shopkeepers are refusing to display the offending ad and a Dundee city councilor is calling for an investigation.

Read the rest at the link posted...
Well hey, if they want to live in a country that advocates the distribution of cute little puppy postcards, they are just gonna have to deal with it.  I would love for the Scottish people to protest on things they feel are not "clean" in regards to the Muslim faith.  Oh wait, they can't, its "racist".  ::)
I'm sure that Gordon Brown is trembling in his brogues... ::)

I'm surprised that they haven't expressed even greater outrage at what they see on the plate of the average Scottish breakfaster.e.,  the equivalent of a whole pig, gutted, bled, deepfried, sprinkled with brown sauce and garnished with fried bread (yum, yum).

A SINGLE muslim was outraged.  Glad every time someone gets angry about something it makes the news.    ::)
I wonder if they cross the street to avoid getting close to an "unclean" puppy?

What else about Scottish culture offends them? Bagpipes? Haggis? Scotch Eggs? How about dancers that show off quite a bit of leg in kilts?

Hawk said:
I wonder if they cross the street to avoid getting close to an "unclean" puppy?

I don't know.

But: I do know that there have been many official complaints lodged here in Ottawa, and in other cities, about Muslim taxi drivers who refuse to carry a guide dog because it is unclean. We are so PC that we refuse to lift their licenses for failing to adhere to the conditions of their licenses. They don't need to kiss the dog - all they have to do is obey the city bylaws.
E.R. Campbell said:
I don't know.

But: I do know that there have been many official complaints lodged here in Ottawa, and in other cities, about Muslim taxi drivers who refuse to carry a guide dog because it is unclean. We are so PC that we refuse to lift their licenses for failing to adhere to the conditions of their licenses. they don't need to kiss the dog - all they have to do is obey the city bylaws.

Pretty sure all it would take would be one person suing the taxi company for failing to allow access based on disability (requires a service dog) for that to get sorted out right quick.
Strike said:
Pretty sure all it would take would be one person suing the taxi company for failing to allow access based on disability (requires a service dog) for that to get sorted out right quick.

And just would a person requiring a seeing-eye dog identify the cab company?  :P

I kid I kid.
Why is it that people who come to Canada (or any other country for that matter) can complain about things that offend them, and usually something is done about it, or at the least it becomes a news item, but if I (born in Canada), were to complain about the same thing I'd be ignored, told to suck it up, or at the worst labelled as a racist?  If I were ever to move to another country, I would never think to complain about their traditions, etc... unless it were a safety issue.

It must be nice is all I can say.
Harris said:
Why is it that people who come to Canada (or any other country for that matter) can complain about things that offend them, and usually something is done about it, or at the least it becomes a news item, but if I (born in Canada), were to complain about the same thing I'd be ignored, told to suck it up, or at the worst labelled as a racist?  If I were ever to move to another country, I would never think to complain about their traditions, etc... unless it were a safety issue.

It must be nice is all I can say.

Agreed.  Its rather insulting that people like to move to countries with the freedom to practice what ever they like without being executed (like back home), and then they turn around and complain about the system that gives them that right.
To be fair, in this case it seems to be 1 politician, who happens to be Muslim, trying to win votes of his constituents of the same religion.  The second article certainly doesn't make it seem that there's a huge outrage.

Edited to add:  It seems some can't see the forest through the trees.
Just curious how you guys know some of these people weren't born there?
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Just curious how you guys know some of these people weren't born there?

I'm generalizing for sure.  However, of the incidents I've personally seen, the majority of the complaints were from people not born in Canada.
They may have been for all i know.  But I don't think it changes anything.  They are still living in a country, and if they were born their, then their parents were not, and if they were, then their parents were not.  And they have to learn their faith and beliefs some someone.

 All I'm saying is if you hate the way a Country is doing something, don't live there.  Because Harris is right, there is no way a Canadian could walk into a Muslim country, start making headlines about their for distaste Muslin ways (especially if it was something as insignificant as a puppy), and not get labeled a racist.  What do you think would happen if I walked into a Muslim shop and told them that I thought cows were unclean?

Wait, is it cows that are holy for Muslims right?  Or is it Hindu?  I'm hazy.
Since 2001, I have made it a personal policy not to care about Muslim "outrage", as the media almost always blows it out of proportion. This is a case of one guy (who happens to be elected) who thinks people "might" be offended. The only time I consider reports of "outrage" as worthy of my time is if they are linked to rioting (Danish cartoon-level stuff).

If some religious nutso is truly offended, I dare him to grab his friends and give it a try. I'm afraid he'll only get to meet lots of not-so-nice puppies employed by the Police.
Strike said:
Pretty sure all it would take would be one person suing the taxi company for failing to allow access based on disability (requires a service dog) for that to get sorted out right quick.

THAT would be interesting!  The left-of-centrists would feel like a wishbone - "oooh, who do we root for?"  ;)

North Star - Agree you have to take media statements of outrage with a grain of salt (esp., as Strike said, when it's based on a statement from someone with a constituency to appease).
Looses it's shock factor doesn't it?

Muslims are outraged over BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH who cares. 

I'm waiting for Muslims being outraged over the count from count chocolia cereal boxes waving with his left hand or something. It's getting THAT silly now.
How come when my wife gets mad at me there aren't headlines reading "Roman Catholics Are Outraged Over Excessive Alcohol Consumption By Heathen Athiests"?
ARMY.CA senior posters OUTRAGED over noob's lack of using the search function!

Everyone, we're OUTRAGED! Hey, HEY aren't you listening? We said we're OUTRAGED! Now go out of your way to apologize to us and play cate us.
milnewstbay said:
THAT would be interesting!  The left-of-centrists would feel like a wishbone - "oooh, who do we root for?"  ;)

I'd buy tickets to that trial! 

Bruce Monkhouse said:
How come when my wife gets mad at me there aren't headlines reading "Roman Catholics Are Outraged Over Excessive Alcohol Consumption By Heathen Athiests"?

To borrow a phrase from Flawed Design "loses it's shock factor after a while, doesn't it?"   ;D
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