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Sapper songs & poems


Reaction score
This is not really a reply.   It is a little poem about the engineers I heard shortly after I came back from overseas following WW2.   The engineers have hairy ears
                                    They live their lives in ditches
                                      The'll drink your wine
                                      And steal your wives
                                      The wily sons of bitches.

We are, we are, we are, we are, we are the Engineers
We can, we can, we can, we can , we can demolish 40 beers........... take over ..........
Drink rum, drink rum, drink rum all day, and come along with us
'Cause we don't give a damn for any old man who don't give a damn for us!


(do it from memory, no looking it up  ;) )
An engineer and maiden were sitting in a park
the engineer was doing some research after dark
his scientific method was amazing to behold
while his right wrote the figures his left traced the curves :salute:
Definately a well known song at engineering schools across North America

UBC Version as follows (chorus between each one of course)

Godiva was a lady who through Coventry did ride,
To show to all the villagers her lovely bare white hide.
The most observant man on Earth, an Engineer, of course,
Was the only one to notice that Godiva rode a horse.

Said she, "I've come a long, long way; the man will go as far
Who takes me off this goddamn horse and leads me to a bar."
The man who took her off her horse and stood her to a beer,
Was a bleary eyed surveyor and a hell of an Engineer.

My father was a miner from the Upper Malamute;
My mother was a hostess in a house of ill repute.
They kicked me out of the age of five to tend to my own beer,
So I said to hell with them, and I joined the Engineers!

An Artsman and an Engineer once found a gallon can.
Said the Artsman "Match me drink for drink; let's see if you're a man!"
They drank three drinks, the Artsman died, his face was turning green.
The Engineer drank on and said, "It's only gasoline!"

On reading Kama Sutra, he tried position nine.
For proving masculinity, it truly was divine.
But then one day, the girl rebelled and threw him on his rear,
For he was a feeble artsie and she was an Engineer.

My mother peddles opium, my father's on the dole,
My sister used to walk the streets but now she's on parole.
My brother runs a restaurant with bedrooms in the rear,
But they won't even speak to me 'cause I'm an Engineer.

Godiva was a lady well endowed there was no doubt,
She never wore a stitch of clothing, just wound her hair about.
The first man ever made her was an Engineer of course,
But on just one beer an Artsie (edited, rhymes with "beer" though   ;)) once made Godiva's horse.

Venus is a statue made entirely of stone.
There's not a fig leaf on her, she's as naked as a bone.
On noticing her arms were gone, an Engineer discoursed:
"The damn thing's busted concrete, and it should be reinforced!"

I happened once upon a girl whose eyes were full of fire;
Her physical endowments would have made your hands perspire.
To my sruprise she told me that she never had been kissed;
Her boyfriend was a tired Engineering Physicist.

Sir Francis Drake and all his men set out for Calais Bay,
They'd heard the Spanish Rum fleet was headed out that way.
But the Engineers had beat them, by a night and half a day,
And though they were so far away, you still could hear them say...

Caesar went to Egypt at the age of fifty-three,
But Cleopatra's blood was red; her heart was young and free.
And every night when Caesar said good-night at one o'clock,
A Roman Engineer was waiting just around the block.

A maiden and an Engineer were sitting in a park;
The Engineer was busy doing research in the dark.
His scientific method was a marvel to observe;
While his right hand wrote the figures down, his left had traced the curves.

The army and the navy men were out to have some fun,
Looking for a tavern where the fiery liquors run.
All they found were empties, for the Engineers had come,
And traded all their instruments for gallon jugs of rum.

An Engineer once came to class, so drunk and very late,
And carrying a load that you'd expect to ship by freight.
The only thing that held him up and kept him to his course,
Was the boundary condition and the electromotive force.

Now you've heard our story and you know we're Engineers,
And like all jolly good fellows, we drink our whiskeys clear.
We drink to every fellow who comes from far or near,
'Cause we're a hell-of-a, hell-of-a, hell-of-a, hell-of-a, hell-of-an Engineer!

sdimock said:
do it from memory, no looking it up ;)  
Just to keep things honest, I forgot two of the verses, so I went back to the "UBC Engineers Handbuk" for them and to get the exact punctuation to make it the "official" UBC version.

edit: removed line relating to original thread before this was moved.
A man read kama sutra and learned position mime
for proving masculinity it truely was divine!
but one evening he was thrown on his rear
for he was an artsie and she was an engineer
By Rudyard Kipling, British Army

When the Waters were dried an' the Earth did appear,
("It's all one," says the Sapper),
The Lord He created the Engineer,
Her Majesty's Royal Engineer,
With the rank and pay of a Sapper!

When the Flood come along for an extra monsoon,
'Twas Noah constructed the first pontoon
To the plans of Her Majesty's, etc.

But after fatigue in the wet an' the sun,
Old Noah got drunk, which he wouldn't ha' done
If he'd trained with, etc.

When the Tower o' Babel had mixed up men's bat,
Some clever civilian was managing that,
An' none of, etc.

When the Jews had a fight at the foot of a hill,
Young Joshua ordered the sun to stand still,
For he was a Captain of Engineers, etc.

When the Children of Israel made bricks without straw,
They were learnin' the regular work of our Corps,
The work of, etc.

For ever since then, if a war they would wage,
Behold us a-shinin' on history's page --
First page for, etc.

We lay down their sidings an' help 'em entrain,
An' we sweep up their mess through the bloomin' campaign,
In the style of, etc.

They send us in front with a fuse an' a mine
To blow up the gates that are rushed by the Line,
But bent by, etc.

They send us behind with a pick an' a spade,
To dig for the guns of a bullock-brigade
Which has asked for, etc.

We work under escort in trousers and shirt,
An' the heathen they plug us tail-up in the dirt,
Annoying, etc.

We blast out the rock an' we shovel the mud,
We make 'em good roads an' -- they roll down the khud,
Reporting, etc.

We make 'em their bridges, their wells, an' their huts,
An' the telegraph-wire the enemy cuts,
An' it's blamed on, etc.

An' when we return, an' from war we would cease,
They grudge us adornin' the billets of peace,
Which are kept for, etc.

We build 'em nice barracks -- they swear they are bad,
That our Colonels are Methodist, married or mad,
Insultin', etc.

They haven't no manners nor gratitude too,
For the more that we help 'em, the less will they do,
But mock at, etc.

Now the Line's but a man with a gun in his hand,
An' Cavalry's only what horses can stand,
When helped by, etc.

Artillery moves by the leave o' the ground,
But we are the men that do something all round,
For we are, etc.

I have stated it plain, an' my argument's thus
("It's all one," says the Sapper),
There's only one Corps which is perfect -- that's us;
An' they call us Her Majesty's Engineers,
Her Majesty's Royal Engineers,
With the rank and pay of a Sapper!

Chimo fellow Beavers!!!!!!!!
a lot of the good ones you can find on the CHIMO! cd
$5 last i checked
Our C.O. was a merry Arsehole,a merry Arsehole was He.
He called for his Spr.'s  three _  _ ?

Any one know that one?
Back in 76 when I joined we all sang even the Regs,there were so many songs most I forget now.
One which was always sung in Wain. when in the Ranks when the Pats were in was and caussdd many a punch up. ;) (Ah the days of Unit Pride and all done in fun )

Deep in the heart of the B.C. Jungle you can hear the Engineers rumble.
Oo ah can't get it in,Oo ah can't get it out.

Deep in the heart of the Alberta Prairie you can hear the Pickly Fairie.
Oo ah can't get it up,Oo Ahhhhhh

All in fun. ;) :salute:
zerhash said:
a lot of the good ones you can find on the CHIMO! cd
$5 last i checked

Can a civvie buy the Engineers cd from the kitshop? :)
SprCForr said:
Yes, you can buy from the kitshop.

Thank you for your reply, SprCForr!
The Engineers cd would be great to own!
I just wish that my father could hear the cd; he
would enjoy it. :'(
Feel free to buy anything else in there that strikes your fancy. Hey bro, money coming in beats money going out everyway!
Play the CD real loud, yer ol' Dad'll hear it. I promise.
SprCForr said:
Feel free to buy anything else in there that strikes your fancy. Hey bro, money coming in beats money going out everyway!
Play the CD real loud, yer ol' Dad'll hear it. I promise.

Thank you for your kind words, SprCForr! :salute:
My father was a great guy and proud to be a Sapper! :salute: