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Russian army recruitment

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Hello everyone. I am 19 years old now. About 4 years ago back in Russia i was in grade 8 as far as i remember and the all the boys from my class had to go to recruitment center because you have to get a passport but most importantly you HAVE to go in the army. If you don't have a passport you are considered homeless and you will be but in jail once you are 18 and finished high school.
  Let me tell you how and how long the recruiting process took us. There was a guy in front of us all and there were about 9 rooms and recruiting people. Well the crowd was moving so fast that it took only 2 hours for 30 people to get through all the rooms. Then i got in the first room. I walked in and there was a woman who measured my height and weight. OK next room. Now there was a man who didn't even notice me when i walked in and was writting something on a paper. I sat down after 2 minutes but then he screamed "Did i tell you to sit down???" I said no but i saw a chair so why not sit down in it? He became as red as a the stripes on Canadian flag. He went somewhere and about 5 minutes after that a few soldiers walked in with the guy and one of them hit me in a chest with his AK-47. I got got in less then one second. Soldier said "This is what's waiting for you in the army you fucker". I don't know how much i was lying on a floor but i thought i was dying. When i stood up i the guy told me to sign a paper and told me to move on. In a next room there was a woman and i thought OK i can sit down now. So when i sat the woman screamed "Stand up" and i stood because i didn't want to get hit by one of those ak's anymore. She took my vision and hearing in less them one minute. OK i probably went in too much details about the whole thing but the important part is that with all my illnesses such as ulcer, asthma, bronchite and 9 more that i didn't memorise they said "OK kid your good to server the Russian army". I mean people like me should be home on a strict diet and care. Well after 2 years the army was expecting me. But my family left in Canada a year after that and the army was far behind.
  I didn't wanted to think or even to know what might have being and what would happen with me in their freaking army but let me tell you a couple of things. You have to go in the army unless you are dead. If you don't go in the army you go in jail, but the Russian army and jail are almost the same things. Remember the soldier i was talking about. Some time ago i saw a documentary on History television about Russian army. A new soldier comes in and says hello to everyone and introduces himself. Then the last thing happened to him was a knife that went in his throat. He didn't die instantly but slowly. This happens when there is an excess of soldiers per one house. Those soldiers who were in army for 2 years are called Grandpas and those who are new called Spirits. So if you are a spirit you better be in a best shape and know how to fight because they beat up spirits everyday. Once you are a grandpa you get to beat up spirits and they can't do anything because 2 years of fighting  everyday will get you fists of still.
  Now I'm here in Canada very pissed because i see how much effort you have to put to join the Canadian forces like interview, aptitude test, medical test, physical test. Forget about that in Russia, you can be a retard, a worm that can barely walk but you have otherwise you go in jail where you don't see sumlight for 5 years compared to 2 years in army. So guys this is about it and don't throw a lot of comments on my spelling because I'm still learning the language and i hope this story will amaze you to what other nations in the world experience. Peace!
I can't comment on how accurate it is but from my fairly brief study of the current Russian military I'm inclined to believe most of it.
  I think you can find a lot of info on the net, just by typing " Russian army grandpas and spirits" in the search engine. Try wikipedia as well :warstory:
so in other words you went to wilkpedia, read what it was about, and then cam here pretending you got "hit with the but of an AK.."

Pal, On yer bike....

Again I fly the BS flag...



Now I'm here in Canada very pissed because i see how much effort you have to put to join the Canadian forces like interview, aptitude test, medical test, physical test. Forget about that in Russia, you can be a retard, a worm that can barely walk but you have otherwise you go in jail where you don't see sumlight for 5 years compared to 2 years in army.

That is because we have a volunteer, professional, and career oriented army, not the conscripted masses in Russia.

Here its a good paying job, which when the recessions hit, is one of the better places to work. For quite a while the CF was turning away applicants, and hence why they have the procedures they have in place.
 I thought that you liked my story but now i see that it is a waste of time because i said that you can do a reasearch in need of more information to fill in your brains. Well most of the story about the army of my country that is RUSSIA is saw on History television. But before that my father told me about his story but i didn't belive it untll i saw the documentary. The whole film was like word in word that my father told me. And yeah, i don't know if there's any info on the net about Russian grandpas because the International Media doesn't really give shit about what's happening but i can find you 100 of Russian web sites about Grandpas.
 The story about my recrutment process however was real. And the army that was waiting for me with their Grandpas was real as well. Trust me if you will ever travel in last Soviet Union countries and if  COPS stops your the first thing he will ask you is THE PASSPORT.
Armymedic if you were refering generally to me then this aint no news for me. But if it referes to mostly other people thank you for backing up my story!
I am not going to comment on the validity of your comments, as I could neither prove or disprove them. But after seeing and hearing how certain third world armies are "recruited"...

Sorry, You have convinced me, I appologize.

Feel free to research the site with the Magical "Search" button;

Ð¿Ñ ÐµÐ'анный


 I just don't understand why you can't be certain about it. Even to me when i was younger i didn't care too much about army. i knew life was good but untill one day when me and my bodies went to a party and had a couple of drinks, well a couple is always too much for me. So we were a little bit drunk and were waiting for a bus while smoking a ciggarete. We were talking and saw a man coming towards us. Withing 2 metres he takes out a gun and says "On your knees, let me see your passports" while on our knees he was searching us and when he didn't find them he decided to take us to police station to verify our age. When we got there there were 3 big guys siting there and drinking Vodka, so we knew what will happen next. Well 3 of us were beaten untill we spited with Blood. So either you have a passport or don't have a passport you are FUCKED if you get caught by COPS. They are corrupted. The only thing that might help is money.
 But this isn't the only think that happened to me. Ever heard of Russian Skinheads? There are serious idiots who have nothing to do but to go out and kill a couple of people because they are not slavic. it's like their motto- Not Russian, not alive. So immigrants in this country particularly JEWISH die each day from skinheads
 Just like i said, if you want to know the truth you might want to spend some of your money to Travel in Moscow. That's were all the action lives. Street Arbat. Oh and buy yourself a gun. A machine gun with a couple of granades. This way you will see the reality and you will not disaprove my story
the 48th regulator

  Служи сынок, как Ð'еÐ'ушка служил!!!!!!
  You must live in stone age. Didn't you know that Russia isn't communist anymore?
Ok this is taken from http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Barracks/6122/dedovshina.html

Russian Draftees Still Fear Beatings In Army

"Argumenty i Fakty" on 22 February reported that 78 percent of new Russian draftees fear that they will be beaten by more senior soldiers, a practice known as "dedovshchina." The paper said they have good reasons for such fears: crime in the military rose 30.6 percent from 1999 to 2000. PG
остановите ÐµÑ ÑƒÐ½Ð'у



  Ok i found a big piece of info about RA.
  Ohh here's a video that might convicnce you about the Russian army. Here's too see what really happens. Please see it before saying anything

[Moderator edit: I took out your link because it violates the Conduct Guidelines.  However, I am assuming it is the Russian getting his head cut off by the Chechens - nasty (and not something that is permitted to be linked to an Army.ca).  Infanteer]
the 48th regulator said:
please elaborate your study.



If you'd like to pm me an email address I'd be happy to forward you some articles ranging from newspaper articles to human rights watch studies, unfortunately I have no links and don't want to clog up this thread. Hopefuly that will be okay.
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