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ruck sac quesiton


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Hey .. i was wondering, im starting my BMQ in a month from now, and i wanted to know.. how heavy is the ruck sac.. I am 5'4'' about 135lbs and im wondering how i can prepare for it.  Im not that  tall and that thing apprently is pretty heavy. So yeah, if anyone can give me a little heads up would be cool :) :) OH and im going as a Weapon tech, anyone here is in this trade?

Welcome, I did search for ruck sack and found this;

Ruck Sack

One good answer was this;

PPCLI Sgt said:
Answer #1: The weight load marches on SQ range from a 5km march with a 10kg rucksack during week one to a 10km march with a 24.5kg rucksack during week five. This all culminates with the LFCPFS 13km march, commonly known as the BFT.

Good luck in your path, and enjoy the site.  This joint has loads of good members and threads than can help you.



To be honest, the weight will just keep piling on and on the farther you go. Might as well get physically fit and live with it.
hehe yeah i am physicly fit already.. since a while actually..  just that there is still a diff between someone 5'4'' 135 lbs and someone 6'2 190 lbs carrying the same ruck sac lol  was just wondering how heavy it is so i can ajust my training and dont look like a retard at my BMQ :P ;D
Well i'm 6f. And I've seen people who are 5f2 carry ALOT more than me. Height is no limitation when you put your mind into it.
have to agree with you on that.. some small people could really suprise others... hope that'll be me  ;D ;) :P
As already mentioned it is mostly a state of mind, especially if your in fairly good shape as it is. When I joined in '84 I was only 5'3" (Ok so I haven't grown any since either). I have seen large people fall back and smaller people who kept slogging, it is all in the attitude.

If it's any consolation, my daughter is currently in BMQ and she's all of 5'1" and 110lbs.  You can do it, just let determination help with the load.
Ruck sacks are horrible.  They aren't too heavy.  In my platoon there were a couple ~100 pound women who could lug them around with minimal difficulty.  The problem I had was preparing the thing for inspection!  It has a lot of little straps and things that need to be french rolled and straightened and tightened, etc. 

THAT is the worst thing about the rucksack
cyncarrier said:
...  was just wondering how heavy it is so i can ajust my training and dont look like a retard at my BMQ :P ;D

If you keep that attitude you should be okay.  ;D

I'm the same height as you and had to get some extra padding for the hip strap.  I find the frame dug in to my rear and caused some nice abrasions.  Feels great in the shower right after.  Not sure what they allow in BMQ, but if you are allowed, I would see about picking up the hip strap with padding they have available at CP Gear or duct taping (with green tape of course) some foam on the corners.  Of course, that's only if you can get away with it.
Well it could be worse, you're unit might the small pack as a ruck...have fun with the valise if u ever get to try that.

The small sack, The ruck pack; whatever way you word it- it sucks.
the standard that i commonly deal with is 50 lbs for the bft with some  carring more then 75 lbs  more sweat in training equals less blood later .
cyncarrier said:
hehe yeah i am physicly fit already.. since a while actually..  just that there is still a diff between someone 5'4'' 135 lbs and someone 6'2 190 lbs carrying the same ruck sac lol  was just wondering how heavy it is so i can ajust my training and dont look like a retard at my BMQ :P ;D

In airborne forces you'll often see the smaller guys carrying heavier loads out of the plane. Why? Because they're lighter and the parachute doesn't work too well when the big guys also haul the heavy stuff. I had a signaller who was about 5 ft 5in and weighed in at about 145lbs. He regularly jumped and humped a pack weighing over 90-100lbs. I know this because we weighed our containers before every jump. He always carried a massive steel thermos full of coffee as well and when I asked him about it said "Well, I figure if you have to carry a heavy Bergen, it might as well be a MEGA heavy Bergen and keep you comfy as well". Gorgas are all about 5ft 4in too, and they are renowned for hauling heavy loads.

So, good news: Little guys can haul the heavy loads. Bad news: Now you have no excuse not to!  ;D

I've seen a tiny female soldier once, and she literally looked like a mushroom with legs once the rucksack's on her. But she kept up and was good to go all around :)
Gorgas are all about 5ft 4in too, and they are renowned for hauling heavy loads.

In all fairness, Gurkhas have an advantage. Don't ask me to provide scientific proof, but I'm willing to bet that living in the mountains has altered their genetic code to the point of natural super-athletes.

Camp Julien held a charity overnight marathon a few years back. Deployed at the time was a CF Major who was known for running 100km ultra-marathons and actually ran a marathon's worth of laps around Julien every sunday. He was skinny as a rake and had legs like a Kenyan - we were sure that he'd win the race for sure.  Sure enough, he was beat out by this short little Gurkha dude. A hard ticket, if I ever saw one.

I had the opportunity to work with them for a few days a little while later. Talking with one of them, he had been to hotspots all over the world in the time it took me to finish battleschool and workup training. They were a very professional bunch of guys and a pleasure to work with.

Back to the original topic, I'm 5'6" and about 140lbs. Guys like you and I definatly wern't the first to hump alot of weight, and we sure wont be the last either.  Its a non-issue.  Just deal like everyone else. ;)