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ROTP 2008-2009


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Hey everyone, this is a thread started for all of you who are starting the ROTP program this fall. I'm not just talking about the people going to RMC, but those of us who are going to Civ U as well. This would be a good place to introduce ourselves and get to know this class of ROTP candidates. Most of you will probably be going on BOTC next summer, so we may see each other on that course.

I'm living around Vancouver right now, and am excited to know my swearing in ceremony is scheduled fro July 1st (July 10th for anyone on Vancouver Island). I'm going into my second year at UBC, but it will be my first year subsidized. I'm a BA, majoring in Political Science.
Hey, you're lucky to get enrolled that early! My CFRC told me to call mid-August to set up an enrollment date for the end of August.
Are you going to RMC? Or are you going to a Civ University SMP? Enrolment depends on where abouts you are from as well.
Intelligent Design,

Good initiative on creating this thread. My name is Dave, I live in the Markham, Ontario area (about ten minutes north of Toronto), obviously going through the process via CFRC Toronto. I'm a Sociology student at York University, going into my third year of a four year long BA (Honours) program majoring in Sociology; with my third year of university being my first year of subsidization under the ROTP program.

I've been selected for Air Operations, and as I said I will be continuing to attend civilian university.

As far as I know (although I haven't really heard anything on this) our enrollment(s) (for those of us out of CFRC Toronto) will be on or around the 24 Jul 08 timeframe - so I'm really looking forward to getting the ball rolling around that time.

Look forward to meeting you, and the rest of the candidates out there.

Good to meet another air person. I've been selected for Air Support. :D No I don't think that's something to laugh at, without air support, air OPS don't get to fly or.... sit in the control tower if you happen to want AEC like I did haha.
I'm going Nursing Officer through Civi U, CT from PRes. So perhaps that's why they haven't said much about an enrollment date, but it would be nice to get in sooner!

I've accepted an offer for ROTP (air ops) at Uvic this fall. Will be continuing on with second year. I hope to end up with a degree in astrophysics.

Can't wait :)


By the way, for all ROTP candidates, a Facebook group has been created for essentially the same purposes as this Milnet.ca thread; to get everyone introduced to one another, etc.

SMP said:
I'm going Nursing Officer through Civi U, CT from PRes. So perhaps that's why they haven't said much about an enrollment date, but it would be nice to get in sooner!

If you were already in the PRes, doesn't that mean you've been sworn in already? If that's the case then they wouldn't do it again I don't think. You would probably just get your info package and be on your way.

Congrats on getting an offer as a NO though!
Intelligent Design said:
If you were already in the PRes, doesn't that mean you've been sworn in already? If that's the case then they wouldn't do it again I don't think. You would probably just get your info package and be on your way.

All the OCdts (both those at RMC and CiviU) that I know of who were in the reserves swore in again when they became OCdts.

Lumber said:
All the OCdts (both those at RMC and CiviU) that I know of who were in the reserves swore in again when they became OCdts.


Yeah, I'm in the same boat with that, being a CT. However, I think it would make sense (in my opinion) if everyone's prior military background were ignored (as obviously not all individuals are coming off of the street) for purposes of the enrollment ceremony and the formalities thereof, to bring all the candidates together for swearing in and undergoing all the same formalities. There is no real need to separate those with backgrounds and those without just for the purposes of the enrollment. It would just cause things to become more complicated, of course. Might as well just bring everyone together to undergo the same formalities.

That would just make the most sense, I would think.
I do see where you're coming from regarding the enrollment.  The CT process has been very complicated, but there clearly are benefits such as vested pay rights and course equvilancies. I was told that they would re-enroll me as a Pte 3 RegF, then the next day I would become an OCdt, to account for my previous time in.
SMP said:
I do see where you're coming from regarding the enrollment.  The CT process has been very complicated, but there clearly are benefits such as vested pay rights and course equvilancies. I was told that they would re-enroll me as a Pte 3 RegF, then the next day I would become an OCdt, to account for my previous time in.

Yeah, the pay protection is very nice. Count each year of your reserve experience as being 0.25 years of RegF time (so if you have say, 4 years of Reserve experience, it would be equivalent to 1 year of RegF time), plus any Class B you have (obviously counting as full time). That's what's been explained to me.
Air Ops for me too...    Starting at UVic this fall.

CT from CIC, so I'm resigning my commission to do this.
Curious question for most of you, but isn't Air Ops a branch, containing trades like Pilot, Air Nav, Aerospace Control, etc?  Do you not get the exact trade until after RMC/CivU?  I know it's a different program but my UT Offer had the trade on it, not the branch?
As it was explained to me, the system has changed this year for ROTP (only), so candidates are accepted to their respective branch initially.  Selection within that branch happens in a year, based on performance/other factors (CF needs)

This is apparently to keep the process competitive (eg. most Air Ops candidates will be competing amongst themselves for Pilot slots) and lets the selection board see how everyone handles their year of University & IAP

EDIT:  clarified entry plan
Jon Lemon said:
but my UT Offer had the trade on it, not the branch?

It is very likely that the provisions are different for those comming in from In-service programs like UTPNCM as oposed to ROTP for people comming from the street. CEOTP for serving members was trade specific and not "air ops" for example.
CDN Aviator said:
It is very likely that the provisions are different for those comming in from In-service programs like UTPNCM as oposed to ROTP for people comming from the street. CEOTP for serving members was trade specific and not "air ops" for example.

In service selection is different for sure, but that makes sense, I had a 2-1/2 to 3 hour interview for my application to UTPNCM, where I was expected to know all about the trades and the training I would be going through, etc.  My interviews for CIC Officer and then Reg NCM both were less than a half an hour and was just a recruiting officer asking questions off his piece of paper.  After all that I wouldn't want to see on my offer that after a year they'll tell me whether I will be a Military Eng or an Airfield Eng, or something else entirely.

I think CEOTP for off-the street would be trade specific too though, since as I understand it, it is only for the combat arms-"ish" occupations.
I live in Markham, going into my second year at University of Toronto for engineering. My name is Johnny, CTing from PRes.