1. This annex prescribes the policy and procedures governing the
acceptance of post-graduate (PG) scholarships by officers of the Regular
Force following graduation from baccalaureate level university courses.
2. For the purpose of this annex, eligibility extends to officers of the
Regular Force who are in their final year of baccalaureate study attending
a Canadian Military College or university under:
a. the Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP) - CFAO 9-12;
b. the University Training Plan -Non-commissioned members (UTPM) - CFAO 9-13;
c. the University Training Plan -Officers (UTPO) - CFAO 9-40; or
d. special authority while on leave without pay (LWOP).
3. Receipt of a PG scholarship by an officer of the Regular Force does
not automatically imply that the officer will be permitted by NDHQ to
proceed on such training.
4. Eligibility to proceed on scholarship training will take into
a. the officer's academic and military records;
b. the military applicability of the PG course; and
c. the prestige associated with the scholarship.
5. Preference will be given to those scholarships that are universally
recognized, such as the Rhodes scholarship. As a further guide,
scholarships that will be considered by NDHQ will normally be those in the
high dollar value range that do not require the candidate to expend more
than six hours of work a week for the university concerned. Scholarships
usually considered as teaching or research assistant-ships offered by
universities are, for purposes of the PG programme, not considered to be
prestigious and therefore are excluded.
6. No specific quotas are established for PG scholarship training. Attendance will be determined annually by NDHQ, based on the availability of officers and current military requirements.
7. The selection of candidates who will be authorized to pursue
scholarships with subsequent attendance on PG-On-Scholarship training
directly on graduation is controlled by NDHQ/DGPCO. The aim of the
selection process is to ensure that only those undergraduates who have a
good record of military performance and a high level of academic
achievement are authorized to pursue scholarships.
8. The selection board will convene in early December of each year.
Applicants shall forward, through the Canadian Military College (CMC) or
the university liaison officer (ULO), to NDHQ/DPCAO, their request to be
considered in the competition, using the form at Appendix 1. Applications
must reach NDHQ no later than 30 November.
9. The applicant is not required to have made application to the
academic institution for a scholarship before the selection board convenes
as this step is not necessary prior to consideration in the initial
selection process. It is essential, however, that the intended graduate
programme and proposed field of study be clearly stated.
10. The selection board will review the files of all applicants and,
based on merit and military requirements, recommend for the approval of
DGPCO, those applicants deserving of PG-On-Scholarship training. This
phase of selection only serves to authorize successful applicants to pursue
the acquisition of a scholarship; it is not a guarantee of final approval
to proceed with PG-On-Scholarship training.
11. All applicants will be advised of the disposition of their
application, and the successful applicants will be given specific direction
regarding the follow-up action required.
12. Successful candidates who are awarded a prestigious scholarship shall
forward, through the CMC or commander of the support base, to NDHQ/DPCAO,
particulars of the scholarship complete with the additional information
that will have been directed in accordance with paragraph 11. In this
phase of the selection process, particulars of the scholarship,
recommendation of the CMC or he base commander and ULO and military
requirement will be reviewed. Final approval and authority to proceed with
PG-On-Scholarship training will then be issued.
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