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RIP - Sgt Shane Stachnik (3 Sep 2006)

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I am going to miss you friend!!! It was surely a joy to serve with during my stay in 2 CER. You were an outstanding soldier and an excellent leader. You being in the same Sqn, and at times, the same Troop was a real benefit. While not always recieving the clean end of the stick, you always conducted yourself professionally and absolutely refected the best that 2 CER had to offer. I remember how you used to keep me in check when I was Sqn Ops and you were the CP Driver..........good times for sure! Remember the Thunder Flash in the Coyotes mouth?? HAHA I was chuckling about that yesterday! Remember the Sqn party down at the Yacht Club??? Man oh man, was the next day ever a long one!!!!

I miss you Hank and will see you again soon.

Godspeed and Chimo!!!!!


(Moderator edit to add name to thread title.)
shane was a good friend of mine also when i did my tour with 2 CER. He was a great guy and could always count on him. Im gonna miss him also. Chimo Brother beaver.
Ha ha....thinking about that T-Flash in the coyote's mouth and Shane's reaction makes me smile. That was a loooooooooong night.....

For a guy who didn't like being in the limelight, he'd sure be pissed to see his face plastered all over the news and papers.

See you on the other side Snaplink  :salute:
I was an instructor on Shane's Adv Water Supply course, and spent the entire next summer working with him at Swan Lake in the boat shed.  We ran into each other a few more times over the years, and it was always a good time.  He was never anything but a standup guy. Rest easy, Shane, mission ends, CHIMO, brother.
Shane had been a freind for a decade or so.  This is a big loss for the engineer family.  Shane was an oustandin guy and soldier.

I'm sorry, i'm at a loss for words this morning.

:salute:  :cdn:
A great loss to the Engineer family!

condolences & best wishes to family & friends

At the going down of the sun,
and in the morn,
we will remember them!

Shane was one hell of a great friend....

We did our Basic and QL-3 together and ended up as section members working for the infamous Grooter. We've been following each other around ever since. I think back to many good times like when he was left on the side of the road in Bihac taking a leak, decorating the Mamba with porn gum stickers, slobbering together staring at that Brit Sig chick at the bottom of Castle Grey Skull everyday after lunch, him "accidentally" hitting the bilge pump switch on the APC while Dusty and I were grabbing the demo cable off the back in our Winter Whites, trying to use a Zoomboom on a piece of MR to move dock anchor shots during a driving snow and hail storm (serious Mehlitz/Crosson factor on that task :) ), hiding that stupid spy novel "The Eiger Sanction" in each others kit for the last 8 years, which he was kind enough to send me last year. I will keep that stupid book til the day I die. When my Ex and I split up in 99, Shane was right there to help me move and gave me a place to stay until I got posted. We spent many weekends taking off into the woods shooting old TV's and stuff, joking about starting up the "Kings Road Chapter" of the "Chalk River Militia". Having Ronny Dix (next door neighbour) coming over with the homebrew beer and spirits and politely asking us not to shoot guns in the yard after 11pm. I can't cound how many times Nick, Skins and I destroyed his garage, but he never got mad enough to not forgive me after a couple bottles of Canadian. In a nutshell, Shane was a guy who could be counted on no matter how shitty and uncomfortable things got and there was no problem in the world that couldn't solved over a beer in the garage.

Shane, enjoy the eternal ride on your Sportster man. There will be plenty of furniture burning and guns 'n whiskey for everyone when we all meet up on the other side.

Fire up the Chalk River Militia!

Take care of yourself Scotty!!!!!!
Memories are best healers with time. RIP Shane.... Didn't know him but my prayers are with him. :salute: :cdn:
I guess its only fitting that my first post should be in the thread about Shane.Last spoke to Shane on Family day this summer,the usual chatter about days gone by and things to come.Just happy to have spoken that last time with him.


Retired 041 now the Zam driver
Rest in Peace Sgt Stachnik.  Although I didn't serve with you, you were a sapper and that is all it takes to have my respect.


          R.I.P  Sgt. Stachnik
      a past sapper from 2 CER CHIMO      :salute:
I served in 2 CER with Shane. I never had him in my troop, but always admired and respected his "quite Leadership" and outstanding morale. 

Missed but not forgotten.

Chimo.  :cdn:

I know you passed awhile but have yet had a chance to write anything. Even though I only knew you for about 9 months I found that throughout pre deployment training that I trusted you and would follow you into combat without question. I remember you as the one Sgt who never raised his voice when he was angry and somehow managed to stay extremely calm towards the section even after we had screwed up numerous times in one day and the higher ups would give you shit for it. You always put us first before yourself and that is most important in a leader. I am glad to have served and fought along side of you and the rest of the section that you led!!!  :salute:


Spr McTeague
Chimo Shane, your going to be in some good company in sapper ville, say hi to Chris H for me.
keep your stick on the ice lad,
Randy T