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Rick Mercer named Sea King squadron Honorary Colonel


Army.ca Veteran
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Why do I think Mess Dinners are going to be a tad more interesting over there...


Jan. 22, 2007

Rick Mercer

By Holly Bridges

Forget about talking to the Americans.  Canada's funniest political hit man is going to be "talking to the military."  At least more than he already does, that is. 

Rick Mercer, the man who has had more training on Canadian Forces kit than any other Canadian without actually having to join, has just been named the Honorary Colonel (HCol) for 423 (Maritime Helicopter) Squadron at 12 Wing Shearwater, home of the CH-124 Sea King helicopter. 

"I was certainly very flattered that they asked me.  I asked the squadron to make sure I was someone they wanted to be associated with," says Mr. Mercer, host of The Mercer Report on CBC Television, laughing. "But they assured me that they did and I liked the idea of it being with the Sea Kings because I've always had a penchant for the underdog."  Ba-dum-pum.  Well, you knew that was coming.

But seriously (you knew that was coming, too), the native Newfoundlander, who's perhaps the hottest Canadian comedian going nowadays - "God love you, that's nice of you to say" - spent 10 years living in Halifax, so the idea of going back east to mix with the folks at 12 Wing Shearwater was just too good to resist.

"I miss Halifax so I always look for an opportunity to get ‘home'.  Newfoundland is my real home but obviously I like the notion that this is on the east coast and it's Sea Kings." Mr. Mercer flew on a Sea King off HMCS Ottawa over Christmas during his visit to Afghanistan with the Chief of the Defence Staff and a gaggle of Canadian performers.

It was obvious during that trip, and others, that Mr. Mercer is a huge supporter of the Canadian Forces and says he will continue that support as HCol for 423 (MH) Sqn, except perhaps a little more discreetly than on national television.

"It's not about me bringing a camera there because I can do that anyway.  So we'll just have to play it by ear and see what happens.  The obligations of an Honorary Colonel  are pretty straightforward, and it's stuff that I kind of do anyway."

So as 423 (MH) Sqn prepares to host its newest HCol for his first official visit later this spring, "Colonel Rick" as some now call him, says there's just one tiny, little thing he can't quite get used to - military briefings.

"I've been briefed on a number of occasions about what to expect, but you know, I was never very good at briefings," says Mr. Mercer with a chuckle.  "My retention of detail is quite poor."

Never mind, "Colonel Rick", have your people call our people and we'll give you the drill - just remember to iron your shirt, polish your shoes and do a lot of push-ups.  The military likes push-ups.  A lot.

I pre-emptively claim Mike Myers for the next HCol of the Windsors.  Called it first.  :P
Inch said:
Yes it's true, my Sqn rules.

You're going to have to rent halls for your mess dinners, and you will be able to scalp the tickets!  Bloody brilliant, you Blue types.  :salute:
You're not kidding, the whole Sqn won't fit into a mess, not even the Halifax Wardroom.
Add to that any Navy types that will want to go -- divers, detachment reps.  That mess was never poor and it certainly won't be now, especially when he's out for a visit.
See now you guys have to use this situation for recruiting, join us and get to meet Rick Mercer. Might be able to use this to your advantage.

Now Mercer, combined with Ron McLean and Don Cherry. Maybe the CBC ain't half bad after all. Anyways congrads to the squadron for getting him!
This story made my day. Great to see Rick Mercer bestowed with such an honour. ;D :salute:
The CBC has now infiltrated the military......I find this disturbing....But then again, he's a funny dude....

Rick Mercer for PM.
Ahh, that explains the four bars he was wearing when he visited us forgotten ones here in Kabul  :salute:
interesting choice

overall, he has been good to the troops and has not abused our hospitality.

Good one 423 MH Sqn
Colonel Mercer, doesn't that just make your ears perk up?  ;D Great story.
i have never watched his program or watch much of cbc but i think after reading about him and his visits to the troops it sounds lieka  great idea. He stands tall on his support for the troops and likes to travel to visit them, so I am sure he will be a good HCol and will look  good in uniform and be a nice addition to the mess halls
Inch said:
Yes it's true, my Sqn rules.

Inch said:
Yes it's true, my Sqn rules.
Inch, here's a blast from the past...
"If you can't hover, you're queer."
I can defineatly see an increased presence at the Sea King Club, or is it now the Warrior?
Cheers, BYTD
How about having The Trailer Park Boys as H-Colonels? They'd fit right in... well at least with the drinking part.  :D

And just think, the most popular game during the annual X-mas dinner would be "Who can out-drink the Colonel".  ;D