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Reserve Summer Courses/Taskings


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Hi everyone.

I‘m just curious if you‘ve received information about summer taskings and courses for Reservists.

I have received some lists for taskings but they are all for cadet taskings and no word on courses or med taskings for places like Wainwright. I have talked to someone who knows people from other units and they‘ve already received information about upcoming courses.

I am just wondering how things are going communication wise with other units.

I‘m in a bit of a bind because I need to know the courses fairly far ahead of time to get time off work.

If you can, please tell me if you‘ve applied for any summer taskings or courses and if you‘ve heard any word on whether you‘ve been loaded or not or when you expect to hear word as to if you are loaded or not. (any trade reply)
What I have been told: All medical taskings are in a single task list which has very recently been issued by the medical group HQ. As always, go through your chain of command to the unit ops cell. And, note that anyone desiring a medical tasking must complete the MCSP (Maintenance of Clinical Skills Program) before the tasking starts. Seek, attend, and (successfully) complete the training / assessments.
I thought all the courses were going to be cut down to 2 week blocks. I see the RMS courses are all 4 weeks. Sorry, but even if my civvie boss can be convinced to release me, I‘m having a hard time deciding to give up my annual vacation and/or taking a cut in pay (life is good on civvie street these days) to go to CFSAL for a month just to be treated like a child (got 3 days extras last time cause my bed wasn‘t made to someone‘s satisfaction :rolleyes: ) and moreover, be taught reg force admin, be told before every second lecture "don‘t take notes you will never use this in the reserve world" and not even learn about RPSR or those things directly affecting my job in the reserves.

Are there other trades in which the courses still have not been cut down to manageable blocks? 4 week courses are great for high school kids but those of us with adult jobs have a harder time getting time off or just plain getting motivated.
As far as I know, the "manageable chunks" are 4 weeks, not 2 (20 training days). That‘s why the BMQ is 4 weeks, same with the SQ, and why the JLC/JNCO is now broken down into bite-sized chunks as well.

4 weeks may still be too much time for someone to get off, but it‘s a big improvement on the 16 week ISCC monster they used to require.
According to the dates I have been given by people from 15 Med (who knew their course dates since January), it seems that the QL4 Med A (or Med Tech whatever the heck they want to call it now) looks like it is 6 weeks long.

The trade I feel sorry for is Vehicle Techs... I hear they really have trouble getting their courses.

And if a battle breaks out in the Middle East, I‘m sure courses are going to get cancelled this year just like some of the Armour QL3s last summer.
I guess it might depend on what trade you are going for..I think CFSME is again running QL2/QL3 courses (not really sure how this is going to work as the new recruits must also do SQ training).