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Reserve Forces Foreign Service Arrangements

The Bread Guy

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Canadian and Australian reservists agree on Foreign Service
Government of Canada news release, 2 Mar 07
Article Link

(BRUSSELS) – Canada and Australia have signed an agreement that allows Reserve Force members from each country to serve in the other country’s military. At NATO Headquarters today, Major-General Herb Petras, Canada’s Chief Reserves and Cadets signed a memorandum of understanding with Australian Major-General Neil Wilson, Assistant Chief of Defence Force (Reserves) and Head Reserve Policy. The document outlines a Reserve Force Foreign Service Arrangement between the two countries.

“It is to our advantage to have Canadian reservists serve both at home and overseas. This new agreement will help us retain members who might otherwise leave the military because of their move to Australia. When they return home, they’ll have current skills and experience, and that’s a significant benefit for our military.” says Maj.-Gen. Petras. His colleague Maj.-Gen. Wilson adds “The chance to serve and train in Canada is going to help us offer a more comprehensive training program for our reservists – and we look forward to having Canadian reservists join our units. This is an efficient way to retain more reservists, and contribute to our countries’ joint security.”

Reservists may become temporary residents in an allied nation because of a job transfer or to attend an educational institution. This new arrangement will allow Canada’s 25,000 part-time soldiers, sailors and aircrew, and Australia’s 20,000 reservists to continue their training and military service during their temporary residence in each other’s lands. A similar agreement was signed between Canada and the United Kingdom in 2005, and Australia and the United Kingdom are working on their own foreign service arrangement.

The document signing is a highlight of the ongoing meeting of NATO’s National Reserve Force Committee (NRFC). With reservists in NATO countries playing an increasing role in international military missions, the NRFC’s work is critical in strengthening the operational readiness of NATO reserve forces by broadening the exchange of information about mobilization (organization, systems, experiences, etc.), organization of peacetime Reserve Forces and the integration, motivation and transformation of Reserve Forces.

What are the administrative details?

It will probalby take a while for my CoC to get on top of this. So I wonder, are you getting paid throught RPSR? Same rate? Pension? PER?
Any chance this will extend to the British Isles in the near future?  I may be spending a semester with my university in Scotland/England - I'd love to keep up with the training, especially since the place in Scotland that I could go would be quite close to where the sister regiment trains!
You must have missed the last bit of the article: "A similar agreement was signed between Canada and the United Kingdom in 2005..."
This is nice, because now I could go live with my relatives in Australia and not worry about leaving the army!  ;D
"It will probalby take a while for my CoC to get on top of this. So I wonder, are you getting paid throught RPSR? Same rate? Pension? PER?"

When I did it (twice), I faxed pay sheets back to my home unit, who processed them.  Assessments were completed by the CoC of the host unit.   
Just curious what exactly Australia's status within NATO is ?

"The document signing is a highlight of the ongoing meeting of NATO’s National Reserve Force Committee (NRFC)."

Is Australia is a de facto member?
well, now I am just going to go and post this up in Whistler, I might be able to get a few trained troops that want to do more then snowboard.
AJFitzpatrick said:
Just curious what exactly Australia's status within NATO is ?

"The document signing is a highlight of the ongoing meeting of NATO’s National Reserve Force Committee (NRFC)."

Is Australia is a de facto member?

Oz is not a member of NATO.
tomahawk6 said:
Oz is not a member of NATO.

But Australia and New Zealand were, back when I served, frequent 'guests' at some NATO meetings.

In fact in one group, which I chaired - it (the chair) rotated, nation-by-nation every two years, a Kiwi was the chair of one of the sub-groups.  The ABCA is (was) very, very influential in many NATO groups and the CCEB (Combined Communications Electronics Board) (the last 'holdover' from the WWII Combined Chiefs of Staff Committee, I think) was even more influential within its specialized areas of responsibility.
Australia and NATO signed an agreement way back in 2005.  http://www.spacewar.com/2005/050401061536.dgdq2fwi.html
Maybe I am quibbling but Australia IS NOT a member nation of NATO. There are letters of cooperation but they are not a member. Why would Australia or Japan want to be a member of NATO ? Its a europecentric defense alliance. Australia has a defense agreement with Singapore and Malaysia. Of course Australia and the US have agreements.

That would be cool to do some training in Australia.Wonder how that would pan out for civilian work.I could use my journeyman certification as a welder.I guess watch and shoot!

well, now I am just going to go and post this up in Whistler, I might be able to get a few trained troops that want to do more then snowboard.
I wish I was in Whistler good times, good times.After TF08 I'll be moving to B.C... ahh the powder. ;D
This is great! I was going to propose a lovely exchange between my unit and one of the reserve units in Aus, and frankly this signing just made everything a heck of alot easier!
And its all thanks to me... :D
Well not really, but hey! I'm more then willing to have been the test case. Anyone who wants to come down here i'd say go for it. We do a hell of a lot of stuff and from what i saw of Canadian Reserves you'll do a hell of a lot of stuff you wouldnt do otherwise.
Remember to keep going Reg's in mind though.
This is a great idea. When I was a young and skinny Militia Rat this would have been perfect. Oz is to use an American term a Major Non-NATO Ally and An ABCA ( American,British,Canadian,Australian/NZ ) country. What about other Commonwealth nations? :cdn:
I've always felt the program which allows full-time members of the Canadian, US, UK, Australian and NZ armed forces to serve on exchange duty with each others forces should be extended to the reserves so I think this is an excellent idea.  I think Canada should explore a similar arrangement for reservists with New Zealand as well, if that is not being looked at already.  Cheers.