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Reserve A-stan Tour in 2007; 36 bde

  • Thread starter Thread starter jmackenzie_15
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Ghost,  None of the reserves on Athena or Apollo where employed in trade.
  A CIMIC driver requires a lot less training than a Cbt Arms soldier - as such the Patricia's who went over as CIMIC driver two where brand new privates who had about 2 months in BN (a very stupid thing to do) before pre training - and they did not have much as far as pre training just sitting in a G Wagon or Iltis or attending culture lessons.  No shooting stuff etc.

Secondly IF you compress a reserve training schedule, into the reg schedule, you've lost a lot of the selection process unless you started with x2 pers at the beginning of it.  Ans then your doing selcetion during TMS trg where leaders should be absorbing the TMS not having to do their selection.
Britney Spears said:
GO, I had alluded somewhat to this in a previous thread <a href=http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/2276.345.html>here</a>, where I was sternly corrected by 2 Cdo, to wit:

Since I had no evidence to back up my assertion other than anecdotal conversations, I could only take his word for it

what say you to this?

Fact: 3VP HAD 3 full strength rifle coys last year, and a full strength cbt support.
Fact: The no. one reason the vast majority of new Pte's get out is that there are no opportunities to deploy, and when there are, very small numbers are sent, often with augmentees from the militia.

While I acknowledge that 2 Cdo time in the Bns may have seen a large number of deployments, and burn out, my generation is rusting out more than burning out. I did three workup trainings in 2004, and was undeployed as the commitment was cut once, then tasked to another unit, then reservists were picked up, in addition to a bunch of Belgians (who I hear did a great job).

One Pte put out some feelers at the militia unit in his home town and was told that he could probably get on a tour if he showed up soon. He got out, and was subsequently deployed, while the rest of his old unit sat in Wx and did yet another exercise.

The prevalent attitude in my unit seems to be "great we're trained, when do we go" answer: "2007" - maybe.

Basically, people quit the regs because of garrison routine, not because of op tempo. The giving of deployment positions to reservists is compunding this problem.
GO!!! said:
Basically, people quit the regs because of garrison routine, not because of op tempo. The giving of deployment positions to reservists is compunding this problem.


and for those who want to toss the BS flag - look at the VP NCO's who post here and I think you will see that as a theme.

I am sure the Royals (eh MG34?) and R22eR (Jungle?) will echo this as well.

Even Roto11 in Bosnia troops wanted to go -- not cause they had to vote in the next Bosnian election (having enough time for deemed citizenship over there) but to get away from Garrison.

The only combat arms that seem to have legitimate complaint are the Armoured and Engineers and talking to them they seem wanting to pop back into the breach.

We have guys seriosuly looking into private contractor gigs in Iraq, so we can go do the job.

The job aint in Canada - we are a country at war and we want to serve.

Ghost778 said:
Pre-Pre work up training
Pre work up training and
work up training 'enjoyed' by the reserves is seriously overdone.   You can easily compress it all down within the 1-3 month time period.

1-3 months work-up trg for Regs is (or should be) "seriously overdone." Of course, we no longer have formed units, so the "work-ups" are necessary. It would also help if we "trained as we fight" but that's another thread.

Plug-and-play has made long pre-deployment trg necessary. If we had the formed units of the '80s, and had them trained as 4 Bde was (with artillery, engineer and armour sub-units routinely working with the same infantry unit) they could be augmented by individual reservists with little work-up.

As has been mentioned, there is little need for PRes augmentees to the reg force infantry, and formed sub-units are political (as are sub-sub-units). There is need in many combat support and CSS trades for individual augmentation though, but that ain't sexy enough for Res2000, is it?

Given that most people here seem to think that there is too much 'tail' on current deployments I was wondering, in light of what goes on in A-stan and Iraq; if there was any move to use reserve infantry types to fill out the support trades - like co-drivers and such.

I think it would help a lot with force protection - like being able to deploy an RRB without having to task riflemen from the Inf Coys cause you already have enough of them within the sig org...

Leave the actual formed sub-units to the regs (make everyone here happy) and then give the support guys some actual built in protection.  I am expecting to get flamed as it would prob make the support elm larger but I thought it was a good idea.  Hence the post.

Guy with a naked man on his cap badge.
Actually I think that there needs to be more 031 tasked out to the support trades, ie convoy detail, RRB protection etc.
little jim said:
Given that most people here seem to think that there is too much 'tail' on current deployments I was wondering, in light of what goes on in A-stan and Iraq; if there was any move to use reserve infantry types to fill out the support trades - like co-drivers and such.

I think it would help a lot with force protection - like being able to deploy an RRB without having to task riflemen from the Inf Coys cause you already have enough of them within the sig org...

Leave the actual formed sub-units to the regs (make everyone here happy) and then give the support guys some actual built in protection.  I am expecting to get flamed as it would prob make the support elm larger but I thought it was a good idea.  Hence the post.

Guy with a naked man on his cap badge.

If I'm not mistaken that role would be handled by D&S plt. So we're already there.
031 are attached to certain support sites for force protection.
They where inserted into the TO&E for the Mission. -- They did not come for D&S.

Personally I think the time has come to make the tail responsible for its own force protection --allowing the teeth to go out and bite. 

Well i'll be in the reserves in a few months (waiting for the call for my tests and then need to do basic and what not). Is there a possibility for new recruits to go to Afghanistan in 2007, or has the maximum amount of troops been met already? (if there is, i'm some-what military illiterate, so forgive me if my question sounded vague.)

I would surely like to go on this tour.   :)
Wesley H. Allen said:
Be careful what you wish for.



Seeing as someone tried to kill 8 of my buddies a couple of days ago....including my brother in-law.

It's a bit different being over here...knowing someone wants to kill you.

ThatsLife..... relax. There will be plenty of time to go on tour, if you get through the pre deployment....TMST training.

You'll get here and wonder why you ever wanted to come to this shyte hole.


It's hard to imagine people arguing as to who "gets" to go on tour... One day very soon we may all get to go on tour, Reserve and Regular.  Some of us will not be returning, this I guarantee.  Canada's involvement ina post 911 world is just beginning.  Try and remember we are all part of the same family. 
PAMWE said:
It's hard to imagine people arguing as to who "gets" to go on tour... One day very soon we may all get to go on tour, Reserve and Regular.   Some of us will not be returning, this I guarantee.   Canada's involvement ina post 911 world is just beginning.   Try and remember we are all part of the same family.  

Do you have anything to contribute to this thread or just more sycophantic babbling? If you have some info that would educate us all as to the upcoming commitment you seem to "know" is coming - spit it out!
I don't see a sycophant here but more of suggestion for someone to lose their chip.
<Posting loaded>

Forgive me, but I have already been on tour, enjoyed it, and want to go again - especially seeing as it IS MY JOB!

If anger at watching others who have committed a fraction of the time and effort that I have be deployed due to political considerations and a sense of "inclusiveness" is considered a "chip" theres a couple of bags up there - SO PI$$ OFF!

Never post drunk...  ;D

PAMWE - too fuzzy In both senses - too warm and cheery and secondly too blurry and undecipherable.

GO!!! said:
Do you have anything to contribute to this thread or just more sycophantic babbling? If you have some info that would educate us all as to the upcoming commitment you seem to "know" is coming - spit it out!

that 2 month deployment was supposed to be for 36 brig, it was only for security for like ammo or something like that in kabul, but it was cancelled and the deployment was giving to units out west, i also heard that the other reserve deployment is an 18 month contract which consists of 1 year work up plus 6 month tour for afghanistan or possibly africa...but then again can you believe anything your higher ups say JUST to make you stay in the mo ?
GO!!! said:
<Posting loaded>

Forgive me, but I have already been on tour, enjoyed it, and want to go again - especially seeing as it IS MY JOB!

If anger at watching others who have committed a fraction of the time and effort that I have be deployed due to political considerations and a sense of "inclusiveness" is considered a "chip" theres a couple of bags up there - SO PI$$ OFF!

Loaded, perhaps, and able to respond to your own postings in advance.

GO!!! said:
Do you have anything to contribute to this thread or just more sycophantic babbling?

GO!!, is it too bad you can't get past your prjeuduces and contribute to this board at a level that your self-proclaimed levels of experience and capability indicate that you should be able to achieve.

Leadership by example also works in the virtual world.
a_beautiful_tragedy said:
that 2 month deployment was supposed to be for 36 brig, it was only for security for like ammo or something like that in kabul, but it was cancelled and the deployment was giving to units out west, i also heard that the other reserve deployment is an 18 month contract which consists of 1 year work up plus 6 month tour for afghanistan or possibly africa...but then again can you believe anything your higher ups say JUST to make you stay in the mo ?

Unfortunately, that's the nature of operations.  Operations change constantly, as do operational requirements.  The Government of Canada makes the decisions where we deploy to, not the Army and the entire chain of command is often forced to "react" as a result; there's no conspiracy theory in play here.  If you want a "sure thing", you might want to look at a different line of work...
a_beautiful_tragedy said:
that 2 month deployment was supposed to be for 36 brig, it was only for security for like ammo or something like that in kabul, but it was cancelled and the deployment was giving to units out west, i also heard that the other reserve deployment is an 18 month contract which consists of 1 year work up plus 6 month tour for afghanistan or possibly africa...but then again can you believe anything your higher ups say JUST to make you stay in the mo ?

The latter tour you mention may or may not happen, but if not, it won't be for a lack of trying.  Personally, I think it would be a good thing to see Reserve units living up to a broader mandate.  If they can get the job done, why not.

I've posted before and will reiterate - a soldier's duty in the Forces shouldn't be tied to his own individual whims regarding whether or not he "gets" or "has" to go overseas, or wondering what everybody else is up to.  He should be supporting the mission; his own missions and the missions of others.

If there is significant reason to find fault in those other missions, address it via the best means possible - hopefully that is the chain of command.  But that doesn't mean you rock the boat because you're not getting enough personally.  Sour grapes are just unbecoming.