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Regina Rifles?


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Just a quick note, I couldn't decide which forum to put it into, but if there's anyone from the Regina Rifles or any unit in Regina, I'd appreciate a contact. I'm here at Depot and I'm looking for a Remembrance Day ceremony. I'm a piper and I would like to play somewhere in the City and Depot isn't doing anything official. Thanks!
The easiest thing to do is drop by the armoury when you get a chance. You may not be able to play at the cerimony but there are plenty of legions around the city that would love to hear you.

Good luck

By the way, as one of Canada's armed services, why is it that the Depot is not doing a ceremony??????
Depot Division, RCMP?

As for the RRR, try 306 347 6377, or walk into the Armouries on Elphinstone St. Their BOR is on the balcony level almost directly accross from the main enterance when you come in. You can't miss thier huge sign in Regimental Colours.

11 Nov ceremonies are in two spots in Regina, the Agridome which now has a new name, and at Victoria Park where the War Memorial is. Its close to the Legion where drinks are served afterwards. I left 12 yrs back, so I don't imagine its as busy Vets wise as it once was not that long ago.

Up The Johns!

Thanks guys! I'll have to give a call as I have to ve-hicle here at Depot....maybe I can liberate one of the unmarked cars....no, bad idea.
I don't know why we're not doing anything. I gave up playing solo pipes at the Memorial Service held here at Depot in September to one of the other pipers saying that I shotgun doing Remembrance Day, and then they go and screw me over like that :P
Theres someone in my troop from Lumsden, so if I can't make it in Regina maybe I can go outside the city.
Thanks again for the help!
Red836- When I was in Depot (99) there were two contingents for Nov 11th. Those that were far enough into training that they had their Serge paraded at the Agridome, those of us who didn't have Serge paraded at the Cenotaph downtown.

As this is a "Voluntary Parade", they do not force anyone to come out!!! B.S. I know I am preaching to the converted on this site,( you'd think that those about to become members of the RCMP would show up en masse out of a sense of duty and respect to those who have served). We had minimal troops on parade. I hope things have changed and it's manditory now.

P.S Give my regards to another cadet piper Q.P. he should be at about week 12 or 13 now.
Red 836

I am part of the Fulltime Staff with 16 Svc Bn here at the Regina Armouries. If you would like details for the Remembrance Day Ceremony to be held at both locations in Regina I can get you the information after the 30 Oct.

Once I get a response back from you I will provide you with a contact number or an e-mail address which ever is easiest for you.


Trucker935, that would be great if I could get an email contact. Even if you could just find out if they're looking for a piper! I don't have much time during working hours to get on the phone, but I can check email often.
trucker935 said:
Red 836

I am part of the Fulltime Staff with 16 Svc Bn here at the Regina Armouries. If you would like details for the Remembrance Day Ceremony to be held at both locations in Regina I can get you the information after the 30 Oct.

Once I get a response back from you I will provide you with a contact number or an e-mail address which ever is easiest for you.


Greetings from Baghdad!

I know Kevin and Margret Peachey, plus numerous others ( if they are still around), as I was part of the Unit once upon a time. So please pass on my regards to them. Also mention to Keith Inches, that I have a few bits to add to the Museum's collection. I should be back for a visit between May and July.



Greetings Wes

Kevin & Margret Peachey are still around. Kevin is the CO of 16, 17 & 18 Svc Bn's and Margret is now with 10th Fd Regt. I will pass on your greetings to them the next time I see them.

As for Keith I will let him know that you will be back to see him in 2007.

Stop by and maybe I can meet you and let you know how the unit has evolved.

