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Red/ Green/ White Poppies- Does The Colour Matter?- Merged


Army.ca Veteran
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A new kind of poppies were introduced with a black center to more effectively reflect the look of a real poppy. Which do you prefer?

Do you like the black center (new) or the green center (old)?
I think we should keep the symbology and the point of the poppy...not what color its center is.
They are still selling the Red with Green centre because I purchased one a few days ago. I was looking for the new one, but couldn‘t find it. I think the black looks nice, but why didn‘t they do this in the first place. I don‘t know if they should be changing things like this out of respect for those who have fought and died for our country.
Apprently it was black originally, and later got changed to green. The Royal Canadian Legion has been doing lots of research and discovered that people wanted the black-centered ones back. It was their decision, and they‘re currently trying to find out if people prefer them. They still have lots of the old green stock to get rid of (probably why you got one), but all the new ones will be black... for the time being.
I think it stands out a bit more. Makes the poppy more prominant. But that‘s just me.
I was told at work that for the longest time we couldn‘t use poppies with black centers because of a copy right infringement or something along those lines.

I thought that was silly until i remembered that our griffon helicopters could not mount machineguns (c6) on the side/skids because tampering with the skids at all would void their warrenty. Canada is all about warranties and contracts to civilian companies
This thread seems to come straight out of Monty Python. It‘s just silly. The centre was originally black, then changed to green to denote green fields. It was decided at this years Dominion Conference to change it back to the original black. Don‘t minimize it‘s symbology with this goofy discussion or poll.

Your absolutely right! The colour means not a wit.

...at the going down of the sun, and in the morning...we will remember Them, we will remember Them.

Participate on Nov 11th, and remember year round their Ultimate Sacrifice.
Reply To In Flanders Fields
-- by John Mitchell

Oh! Sleep in peace where poppies grow;
The torch your falling hands let go
Was caught by us, again held high,
A beacon light in Flanders sky
That dims the stars to those below,
We‘ll prove our faith in you who lie
In Flanders Fields.

Oh! Rest in peace, we quickly go
To you who bravely died, and know
In other fields was heard the cry,
For freedom‘s cause, of you who lie,
So still asleep where poppies grow,
In Flanders Fields.

As in rumbling sound, to and fro,
The lightning flashes, sky aglow,
The mighty hosts appear, and high
Above the din of battle cry,
Scarce heard amidst the guns below
Are fearless hearts who fight the foe,
And guard the place where poppies grow.
Oh, sleep in peace, all you who lie
In Flanders Fields.

And still the poppies gently blow,
Between the crosses, row on row,
The larks, still bravely soaring high,
Are singing now their lullaby
To you who sleep where poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.
I heard this on the radio today and had to check into it...  Sure enough:


A group of local peace activists are again asking Edmontonians to wear white poppies this Remembrance Day as a symbol of peace.

But veterans across the province are seeing red over the idea.

Patti Hartnagel of the anti-war group Women in Black says the white poppy represents the belief that there are better ways to resolve conflicts than killing strangers.

"When you see them (white poppies), you need to stop and think about what's happening in our world and the fact that the wars have not solved anything," she told the Sun.

Hartnagel explained the white poppy was created by the England-based Women's Co-operative Guild in 1933 to symbolize their commitment to work for peace.

It's not a slight on the war dead, she said.

"We're not saying get rid of the red poppy," she added.

In fact, some people are wearing their red poppies with a peace sign in the middle.

Others are wearing both a white and red poppy, said Michael Kalmanovitch, owner of Earth's General Store on Whyte Avenue, which is selling the white poppies for the third straight year.

"The white poppy says, 'Hey, let's think of other ways to resolve the conflict,' " said the self-described non-violence activist. "It's forward-thinking, whereas a red poppy is looking back."

more at link

Frankly, I'm speechless.
How, what the? Words cannot explain the thoughts going through my mind.

My god, my god  :-[
::)  Nothing stupid people do these days surprise me
Blech. - I don't even know where to begin. So that will have to sum it up.
Unfluckin' Believable. This just disgusts me.

whereas a red poppy is looking back
Looking back? Someone please, go open her eyes NOW!!! Idiot.
"The white poppy says, 'Hey, let's think of other ways to resolve the conflict,' " said the self-described non-violence activist. "It's forward-thinking, whereas a red poppy is looking back."

I'm all for looking forward and trying to find peaceful resolutions when possible, however, isn't the entire point of Rememberance day to look back and remember those who've fallen? Without looking back, you won't know the horrors that we want to avoid repeating.
What's wrong with this, really?  

It takes nothing away from the red poppy.  After all its not like wearing the red is a call to arms, not at all, it is a symbol of remembrance.  I think working towards peace is a noble goal...one worth fighting for, if necessary.  As it is now.



Alcibiades said:
What's wrong with this, really?  

It takes nothing away from the red poppy.  After all its not like wearing the red is a call to arms, not at all, it is a symbol of remembrance.  I think working towards peace is a noble goal...one worth fighting for, if necessary.  As it is now.


Nothing wrong with it. Our military dead gave them that right. The least they can do is pick another f'n day, to remember exactly why they can pull off crap like this. Just my personal opinion.