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Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

I don't know if it is particularly my place to bring this up, however I think that it would be worthy of discussion here.

Please excuse me if i have some military terms mixed up here.

For the past few years when I watch TV, especially recently I see a hard recruiting drive by both the US and Canadian forces. Over a short period of time I have noticed that the Canadian commercials are incoperating more action similar to the US commercials and less people smiling standing beside what they do with a quote "This may be the challenge your looking for" I think it is.

I think that to attract more people to the forces especially infantry (which the recruiters seem to push for the most) they should incorporate more action in the short TV Spots. For example a battery the exceptionally cool M777's, laying waste to targets down range, Showing AF pilots working with international NATO pilots out in Goose Bay? and Cold Lake. They could show a more tactical side of the Navy perhaps displaying weapons systems like the Flalix ? Hell, try to get people interested in JTF2, thats where people want to be right? just like in the movies...

CFRC could also advertise specifically more technical trades like ACS, AVN, VEH, etc... There is allot to advertise regarding the CF for a technical and adventurous career. I just don't think that CFRC is tapping in to they're full potential. People want to be smart and not pay a dime for it. heres your chance. Get in, do your time, learn your trade and hopefully stay 10- 15 years.

Perhaps what we need is more public displays of the capabilities of the CF. When I talk to my friends (usually form 17- 22 (I would think the target age group for recruiting)) All they can say is "Our subs suck/ sink", "Our helicopters are shit", " Our Army sucks". The problem in my eyes here is trying to get over the crappy media thats more interested in how many times Brittany Spears got married and showing what our collective Army can really do.

Even when it comes down to advertising on the highway buses. I just don't think that it is "doing it" for people my age. I think they need to be more aggressive, not a woman in Navy fatigues smiling with a ship in the back ground, or someone in combats cammed up painted on the back of the bus. We need "More".

I'm sure that I'm missing lots here, so please discuss and fill in the blanks.

(I tried my best to use proper grammar and sentence structure/ etc...)

Edward Guy

Guy. E said:
I just don't think that it is "doing it" for people my age. I think they need to be more aggressive, not a woman in Navy fatigues smiling with a ship in the back ground, or someone in combats cammed up painted on the back of the bus. We need "More"

You need more motivation to serve your country? Your friends need more motivation to serve their country?

It is an honour and privilage to wear the flag on my shoulder. I didn't need to be convinced.
I don't need to be convinced, I'll be second gen once I'm sworn in (I have my service number already). At least to the people around here, they would rather spend 12K on a heavy duty mechanics course at the local colledge then serve they're country and do the same thing because the forces dont look that great...
when you get down to it, there is a limit to how much someone can stuff into a 30 or 60 second spot on TV.... but you are right that some of our old ads were a little bit too "nice, nice".
With respect to some of the media ribbing we've gotten about some of the clapped out equipment we have - we can thank the gov't for that. With luck, over 4-6 yrs our current (&next) CDS should put some of the things in place to resolve that subject.

You're right that blue bird buses and the road cruisers on the highway don't inspire people who want to join. I remember people's reaction to being passed on the Highway by a convoy ov LAVs & Coyotes moving at speed...... Yeah - Sexy!

With respect to "selling" all the trades.... people get interested in the army for what it is; a fighting force, not a bunch of clerks & storemen. It's the nature of the beast. Once they walk into the Recruiting centre & talk to the recruiters.... that's when you discuss the range of options opened.... else you'll find someone who will go thru the whole recruiting process only to balk at the end when he's told he needs a haircut AND wear a uniform (it's happened).
Guy E. does have somewhat of a point though. Have you seen some of the USMC commercials....they make me wanna ....well you don't want to know what they make me wanna do in my pants! Well, they make me want to become a marine and I'm not even a yank! :threat:
More emphasis on combat arms trades is what is needed! We are horribly short of fighting troops right now, but every support unit I have come across is either at or exceeded their troop strength! If this keeps up we will have to send our clerks and cooks up into the mountains to hunt for al Queda! :o

This is not a slam towards the support arms side of the house as I realise that we are all part of the team and all serve a vital role but the harsh reality is we NEED more fighters right now, we don't need more support people right now!

Have a nice day!
2 Cdo said:
More emphasis on combat arms trades is what is needed! We are horribly short of fighting troops right now, but every support unit I have come across is either at or exceeded their troop strength! If this keeps up we will have to send our clerks and cooks up into the mountains to hunt for al Queda! :o

This is not a slam towards the support arms side of the house as I realise that we are all part of the team and all serve a vital role but the harsh reality is we NEED more fighters right now, we don't need more support people right now!

Have a nice day!

And From a reserve perspective I wish they would train us a little better in the whole Combat side of things.... some of the guys here in the Mo need a gentle reminder that there is no such thing as a rear echlon anymore, and that the front line is anything outside the wire.... but I digress... our ads do need more aggression and Gung-ho-ness in them... maybe instead of trying to show all branches and aspects in ONE commercial, perhaps they could make several different ones.. highlighting different areas of the CF where there is a need for troops... Im willing to bet you show a bunch of Infanteers doing house clearing in Pet, and Hollywood it up a little with some music and such, you'll have alot more people thinking "hey, I wanna do that". 

Personally 2 Cdo, even as a reservist there are times when I wish we would do a little more Base Defense, Patrolling, and Combat Type Ex's rather then a million DP's where 90% of the time the user unit is a notional one (Read: Imaginary)...

Oh well, it seems the SOP's are slowly changing, hopefully a change in training will not be too far behind.

Yesterday I saw a CF ad on TV when i was watching the Olympics. It was MUCH better then ones I have seen before, but I still think they should show way more action and less people sitting around and watching a radar screen.

That also got me wondering, out of the whole time I watched the Olympics that was the only CF ad I saw. So I was wondering if they expect the ads to work why not have them on TV more? Especially during the Olympics, almost everyone in the country watched them when they were on!
Bograt said:
You need more motivation to serve your country? Your friends need more motivation to serve their country?

It is an honour and privilage to wear the flag on my shoulder. I didn't need to be convinced.

Sounds great.  Smells like BS.  You didn't have to be convinced to join the CF? You just did it without hesitation because you wanted to wear the flag on your shoulder?
The Gues-|- said:
Sounds great.  Smells like BS.  You didn't have to be convinced to join the CF? You just did it without hesitation because you wanted to wear the flag on your shoulder?

I know i didn't need to be convinced! I joined the res in high school and i loved it and now I'm waiting for my transfer to go through to go reg and i can't wait for that to happen!
You need more motivation to serve your country? Your friends need more motivation to serve their country?

It is an honour and privilage to wear the flag on my shoulder. I didn't need to be convinced.

Sounds great.  Smells like BS.  You didn't have to be convinced to join the CF? You just did it without hesitation because you wanted to wear the flag on your shoulder?

I've always been interested in the joining the military. I didn't need some recruiting commercial to convince me, as for the remarks that they should show "cool" stuff like in the movies, no they shouldn't. All it'll mean is people will be dissapointed when they find out its not like in the movies. If you really want to become a soldier then you'll join up as a soldier. Perhaps making the job more interesting for members, as well as getting rid of some of the BS associated with the job will get more people to join up. As well getting rid of the month long waiting times at PRETC will do wonders for the image of the CF.
civvy3840 said:
Yesterday I saw a CF ad on TV when i was watching the Olympics. It was MUCH better then ones I have seen before, but I still think they should show way more action and less people sitting around and watching a radar screen.

That also got me wondering, out of the whole time I watched the Olympics that was the only CF ad I saw. So I was wondering if they expect the ads to work why not have them on TV more? Especially during the Olympics, almost everyone in the country watched them when they were on!

When were you watchin the olympics? I was watching them yesterday morning and a little in the afternoon, I counted at least 8 CF commercials through that time period. I certainly saw that they are stepping the commercials up, from rarely ever to 8 over a short time period. The only negative is that the commercial I saw was the same every time and it is at least 3 or 4 years old.
Seems the CF is now advertising on TSN.ca, too. I only hope there are new ads coming down the pipe soon, the old one is well, errr, not very inspiring.
The Gues-|- said:
Sounds great.  Smells like BS.  You didn't have to be convinced to join the CF? You just did it without hesitation because you wanted to wear the flag on your shoulder?

I didnt need to be convinced to apply, mind you im still waiting but that doesnt change a thing, Heck, i convinced 4 of my friends to get in the car and come and talk to the recruiters and apply with me, thats a different story though. Why would you need to be convinced that serving your country is the right thing to do ? does pride and patriotism not serve enough of a reason?.
GGHG_Cadet said:
When were you watching the olympics? I was watching them yesterday morning and a little in the afternoon, I counted at least 8 CF commercials through that time period. I certainly saw that they are stepping the commercials up, from rarely ever to 8 over a short time period. The only negative is that the commercial I saw was the same every time and it is at least 3 or 4 years old.

I didn't get to watch long yesterday, had places to go. But I meant through out the entire time not only oneday.
I've been in the army since coffee break, but if I remember correctly a psychological exam was not part of the enlistment procedure. I personally liked the CF commercials which were espoused as too "nice."

I felt that they served to raise the profile of the forces to those who were interested in a respectable, challenging, professional career; these individuals may have previously discredited the military as a source of serious employment due to stereotypes propagated in commercials that appeal to adrenaline junkies, 15 year olds doing poorly in school, and people incapable of representing the Canadian Forces in a professional capacity.

What type of people are you trying to attract to the Canadian Forces? I would argue that those who join for the pride and long-term professional development will have a higher retention rate then those who join in order to get into JTF-2. At the very least, those who seek ever greater challenges will push themselves to reach ever higher echelons within the organization, unlike someone for whom the initial adrenaline rush inevitably disappates.
The Gues-|- said:
Sounds great.  Smells like BS.  You didn't have to be convinced to join the CF? You just did it without hesitation because you wanted to wear the flag on your shoulder?


I would suggest that you fill out your profile- it would add credibility to your posts.

Back on track. I like the "This is my Flag" concept.
Close up of maple leaf on shoulder.
Pan out, infanteer in combats says "This is my flag, and this is what I do for it"
Then a series of action shots (street partol, house clearning, jumping from a herc etc...)
Pan back to the flag on his shoulder "and I am proud to wear it."

nULL said:
I personally liked the CF commercials which were espoused as too "nice."

I'm kind of torn on this "nice job" vs. "guns' blazing" aspect.

I agree that the military doesn't actually require that many of the highest-speed, lowest-drag troops. Those civies that are pre-disposed towards that lifestyle are going to be drawn towards the military anyway.

One problem the CF seems to be facing is the number of its members who increasingly see it as just another 9-to-5 bureaucracy. Having the "adrenaline" commercials may be another small reminder that one of the terms of service may include dying.

Do we want to be attracting more people who view the CF as merely an alternative to Walmart employment, but with cool "tanks"? (I've found most non-mil people think anything big & green is a "tank")

If nothing else, the high-speed commercials may help dispel the myth that we're only peacekeepers - - living to wear powder blue beanies....keeping various Slavs & Cypriots from actually sorting out their lives....enjoying UN command because it makes NDHQ seem rational & efficient.......ah, but I'm ranting again, aren't I
Bograt said:

I would suggest that you fill out your profile- it would add credibility to your posts.

Back on track. I like the "This is my Flag" concept.
Close up of maple leaf on shoulder.
Pan out, infanteer in combats says "This is my flag, and this is what I do for it"
Then a series of action shots (street partol, house clearning, jumping from a herc etc...)
Pan back to the flag on his shoulder "and I am proud to wear it."

I could actually see a good campaign regarding that concept. anything from Medics, Pilots, Clerks, Mechanics, Gunners, Cooks, etc.

Very good idea.

I was a marketing manager before I was a baby pilot. Essentially any trade could be showcased.