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Recommended news coverage Sources?


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Can anyone recommend some decent news coverage on Afghanistan that actually puts things together and into perspective?

All I'm finding are bits here and there: an attack, a death, a victory, politics.  What happened the day after?  Why there?

The battle with the Brits is a prime example: "Brits forced to pull back" goes the headline with mutterings about the Taliban digging trenches.  What happened the day after?

I know, because of operational security, we're not going to get detailed maps with unit strengths and battle plans published for everyone to read, not for years.  But, there has to be something better than seemingly-random body counts from places I can't even find on a map. (Try finding a good digital map of Afghanistan.  Nothing - unless you can read Russian).  I understand it's mostly an insurgency, which is basically a string of semi-random attacks, but I get snippets about NATO fighting some bigger battles...where?  How?  Is there any cohesive description of Operation Medusa?

Any pointers appreciated,


I would love a source like that. As it is, probably one of the most consistant composite of articles is the Sandbox News Thread. Myself, milnewstbay  , Mark C. and others have been tracking as many relevant stories on a daily basis as we can find.

Sandbox Link for December

You can try this link: http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/cdnmilitary/
Apart from checking GAP's latest additions to the news-only thread, here's some fo the places where I look....

ISAF page - Mission page, with news updates & features

UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan - UN mission information

NewsNow: Afghanistan - bit of an aggregated news search page

Pahjwok Afghan News - Afghan news aggegator

Relief Web - main focus is development/aid, but covers political developments as well

Blatant self promo alert  ;D
Milnews.ca - A page I maintain with news on Canada in Kandahar
Milnews.ca:  Background - other sources of news, information and reports on Afghanistan
More Links to AFG news & info
Some others (first four broader than Aftan):

Spotlight on Military News and International Affairs (Canadian Forces College)

NATO Defense College: Research Aids and Resources

Overseas Security Advisory Council (State Dept.): Global Security News and Reports

The Torch (shameless promotion for self and others)


Sun Media: Canada at War: Afghanistan

CBC News In Depth: Afghanistan

CTV: Canada in Afghanistan

Globe and Mail In Depth: Afghanistan

National Post: Canadians in Afghanistan

National Post: Kandahar Blog

Toronto Star: Afghanistan


The foremost and most respected english language news source on earth is The Economist.  They will definitely give you the big picture.  As well, The Christian Science Monitor (mentioned above) has been shown to be the most unbiased english language publication out there.  Yes, the name sounds religious, but the stories and the editorial slant are not.
"Small Wars Journal", a privately-run page run by USMC vets Dave Dilegge and Bill Nagle, maintains a daily news page:

Damned comprehensive - enjoy!

I just noticed that my Afghan news site is mentioned above, but since then it's moved and we've changed the name from MediaRight to Afghanistan Watch.  It can now be found at:


We try to provide a good dose of news from around the world on the Afghan mission, including opinion pieces from all sides.  On most days we've got the daily news up by about 11:00 EST, since we are posting from Saskatchewan and want to wait until most news for the day is in.  I'm sure that many of the opinion pieces will be enough to make your blood boil, but we do try to provide opinion from all sides.  Please also note that we try to go to international news providers as well, because they provide a very different take on things.
DND collects important military stories each day and posts them at - http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/spotnews_e.html
Also see - http://www3.telus.net/helper33/#_PUBLICATIONS,_MEDIA
For the general info of all...here is a great link to get free access to most newspapers and other media..TV radio.

While I am at it I expect everyone knows of the "Canadian Forces College" web page for a daily summary of military news stories.


Enjoy.  :D
I agree with almost all of the suggestions.
From a different perspective.