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Rebuilding the RCMP


Army.ca Legend
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From Newsbeat 1


Monday, January 30, 2006
RCMP- understaffed and underfunded........

Welcome Instapundit readers! Thanks Glenn!

Swearing-in day at Depot, as the training facility here is known, is a time for such blue-sky optimism -- a moment for grads to reflect with pride on joining the world's most iconic police force. But reality quickly intrudes. No sooner have Johnston and 27 fellow graduates scattered to postings across the country than the federal auditor general releases a report revealing that many of those positions he covets aren't actually getting filled. Newly released numbers show the Mounties have fallen some 600 officers, or 25 per cent, below normal strength in federal enforcement areas like drug interdiction and organized crime.

Who benefits when they can't adequately fulfil their mandate -Maintiens le Droit? Basically they have been using bandaid solutions when the artery is haemorrhaging.They were transformed into a paper shuffling bureaucracy from the effective crime fighting organization they used to be.One only has to look at the recent track record and the length of time it takes to conclude investigations.

Good fortune may be smiling on them as one of  Prime Minister Harper's key points is law enforcement.
We in E Div are expecting to run 200 vacancies by the end of the year.  That number could be as high as 800 by the end of next year.  The RCMP is in a crisis right now.
Is the major problem getting enough people interested or lack of budget for training, full staffing, etc?  If the issue is largely about funding I'd imagine there could be a pretty good case to be made for an increase, however if the problem is actually getting people in the door that could be a huge issue.  Given the outrageous spending promises made by all parties during the last election campaign it'd be bizarre to trot up the "there's no money" claim in regard to the RCMP >:(
The problem is that the RCMP committed to a hiring freeze just like the CF for awhile.  Now you have a large portion of the Force that is at or near retirement time, and not enough replacements on the horizon.  I don't think it's a money issue.  The RCMP is fully funded.  But what they may need to do is depart with tradition, and open a second Depot.  I seem to remember reading somewhere that Depot can produce 1600 recruits a year, running at full capacity.  It is not capable of producing enough recruits to fill current and anticipated vacancies.
I can't wait till I can apply for the RCMP if I decide I don't want to do the military for a career. Apparently alot of applicants dropped out when they brought in the poly, but another problem in recruiting is the issue of not getting paid during training. If the military can pay recruits during Basic, I don't see why Mounties can't get a livable wage while at Depot.
Thanks Blackhorse!

    Given the number of members at or near retirement age I don't think 1600/year leaves much margin for comfort.  I read somewhere that most organizations figure on a 3 or 4% loss rate; resignations, retirements, etc.  The "boomer generation" retiring is gonna have some pretty interesting consequences, I think.
Hi Guys

  FYI, according to the RCMP Depot Division website it normally handles an average of 1020 recruits per year so 1600 per year is really ramping things up!

My understanding is that the RCMP were looking at opening the training facility that they had purchased from the CF at Chilliwack as a 2nd training Depot to ensure that they could train the anticipated numbers once they received the official go ahead from Ottawa. Secondly, it's not just the Mounties who are suffering from a lack of recruits. All of the Municipal Dept's are in the same position. One merely has to look at the trade magazines to see the recruiting advertisements. The spots are there to train, it's the calibre of recruit that is lacking.
blueboy said:
The spots are there to train, it's the calibre of recruit that is lacking.
What are your thoughts on recent Vancouver recruits? I know Vancouver has been on a massive recruiting drive the past couple of years but I was under the assumption that applicant levels were also quite high. One recruiting detective told me that on average, for every candidate that makes it to through the recruiting process, there are almost one hundred applicants. I guess it only makes sense that some decline in recruit "quality" would occur due to the assumption that the talent pool remains the same but the number of recruits needed is increased. Any thoughts?
I can say without a doubt that the "civilianization" of RCMP Depot has affected the quality of recruit coming out of Depot.  There seems to be a whole lot more "me, me, me" attitude in many recruits coming out of training.  Depot used to be tough.  They broke you down, and made you what they wanted you to be.  It is now more like a Police college.

As for CBF Chilliwack, right now it is being used as the hub for training in E Div.  Great facility, but it would need to be tripled in size to handle any degree of Depot style training.  As it is right now, between the RCMP and CF, you are sometimes lucky to get a seat in the dining hall.
Regarding what Gate Guard is referring to, the quality of the "recruit" is not lacking nor is there any lacking in numbers of persons applying for the positions. What we find is what Blackhorse 7 notes is the "civilianization" of the Policing world. We have recruits who are not drawn to the career path as a calling, but rather see it and preform the role of a Peace Officer as a job. This is not merely a nine to five occupation, it's much deeper than that. We in the community whether you wear the red or the blue surge, are the thin blue line that will stand and protect the silent majority from those who would gladly prey upon them.
blueboy said:
What we find is what Blackhorse 7 notes is the "civilianization" of the Policing world. We have recruits who are not drawn to the career path as a calling, but rather see it and preform the role of a Peace Officer as a job. This is not merely a nine to five occupation, it's much deeper than that.

We often hear the same comment about the Forces.  I wonder if it's part of a bigger issue with how people in general feel about their careers -- how many of us still view our work as a "calling", compared to, say, ten or fifteen years ago?
I strongly believe that the education provided to our youth is lacking along the line somewhere. Our nations youth are more interested in short term Rather than than long term gain. Everybody wants to drive a new car and live a "million Dollar" lifestyle on a beer budget. The concept of debt load is lost on kids today. I've observed that young adults play violence based video games which inturn desensitize themselves to violence, and then have the inability to talk themselves out of a conflict. They forget that life doesnot have a reset button. This is one of the base rooted problems we have encountered in the recruiting arena. Yes everyone makes mistakes, however it's the Lazare fare attitude of these applicants thats astounding us. It's like they've lost their morals and values and expect to be hired because society owes them.......Sorry for my Rant.
blueboy said:
I strongly believe that the education provided to our youth is lacking along the line somewhere. Our nations youth are more interested in short term Rather than than long term gain. Everybody wants to drive a new car and live a "million Dollar" lifestyle on a beer budget. The concept of debt load is lost on kids today. I've observed that young adults play violence based video games which inturn desensitize themselves to violence, and then have the inability to talk themselves out of a conflict. They forget that life doesnot have a reset button. This is one of the base rooted problems we have encountered in the recruiting arena. Yes everyone makes mistakes, however it's the Lazare fare attitude of these applicants thats astounding us. It's like they've lost their morals and values and expect to be hired because society owes them.......Sorry for my Rant.
BLUEBOY spot on, you hit the nail right on the head here.!!

To the speculation ( if i can call it that ) that youth today are looking at short term and want fansy vehicles and big houses is very true..... with some exceptions. Out of my graduating class of around 250 students.....2 ( including me ) are looking for a long term career in the rcmp.... and i beleive 4 were wanting to join the armed forces. It is very seldom today that "kids" feel that they should serve their country....they would rather grow pot and get rich quick. Until the force finds'em  :salute: I come from a well-to-do family that owns a dealership....i dont care about money.....i dont care about fancy things... i want to serve my country. A long term career in the rcmp is what i beleive is my destiny. I think one problem any force has to deal with is the fact that some people want to join purely for the power that they can abuse... if the rcmp could be full of people like me who want to make a positive difference, defend then helpless, and "Maintiens le doit" (up hold the right) then it would be an even greater force. Youth today need someone to shake their heads. If a ww3 or crisis it like it ever occured these days and our country called for volunteers i think alot of todays youth would not care about the plight of our country or ally and rather continue their drinking and smoking drugs ( unlike the gallant men and women of our past who had volunteered  :salute:  ) Sorry for the rant but i had to get it off my chest. I beleive in Canada and what she stands for... other people of my age (19) couldnt tell you about our history or even modern day topics like politics, military and sadly geography.
Not all youth are like that.

I would gladly serve my country. I have a decent idea of what's going on with our country and what I would do about it. If I was out of high school right now, I know where I'd be applying...  >:D

Problem is, I'm 16.
i did say there were a few exceptions! good for you for keeping up to date on the country...I am from BC and many, many people my age think im stupid for joining the rcmp. A majority of todays youth have lost the level of pride for the country that makes them want to be in one of our uniformed services ( CF and rcmp)
Crown-Loyal said:
To the speculation ( if i can call it that ) that youth today are looking at short term and want fansy vehicles and big houses is very true..... with some exceptions. Out of my graduating class of around 250 students.....2 ( including me ) are looking for a long term career in the rcmp.... and i beleive 4 were wanting to join the armed forces.

Thats weird, in my experience it has been the other way around. People are joining the Armed Forces to better their chances for selection into the RCMP. Although its just 4 that you say, those 4 stills trike me as a strange phenomenon.

Im not going to get into depth here, but do remember, that just because one serves their country, wears a capbadge, shoulder flashes, or bears arms for Canada, it doesnt exclude them from producing, selling and abusing narcotics. People think the Uniform makes the man, but its really the man that makes the uniform. (Or woman, to be politically correct  ;) )
maybe i didnt state that clearly enough....2 of my class are joining rcmp...4 are joining military. I could see how doing a stint in the military would help to get into the rcmp but im kind of talking about long term stuff. not like 5 years service in either force then leave and go get a civ job. There may be more percentage of students in other areas of the country that want to serve but in bc we hardly ever see any military presence... but lots of rcmp.

and definitly there is truth to the man makes the uniform.... in a perfect world there would be no corrupt police or corrupt soldiers but in reality there are. And those found guilty should be punished beyond what the canadian justice system can do currently. Disgracing our military or our police forces should be a crime against her majesty, therefor a crime of treason. That should not go lightly sentenced.