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Reapplication-how much do they know?


Reaction score
Hey quick question if anyone is in the know.
I had applied for the forces approx. five years ago, after my aptitude test and interview circumstances in my personal life required a withdrawal for consideration. Five years later and I'm smarter, more physically fit and mature; and the forces is still looking like the lifestyle I want to pursue. So my question is this...

What kind of file (if any) does the forces retain after an application is closed? Will my next application process basically start from scratch again? One would think if they keep an electronic record then my CFAT scores would still be on file, and transcripts ect...

Also why aren't they hiring for my trade until Jan(2011)!!? I wanna get into St. Jean and get started!
      I applied in 2002, and under similar lost track of my application(waited and moved so they closed my file)  When I re applied this year my cfat scores were kept on record so I didnt have to redo that test but i did have to redo everything else.

    As per your other question i cant answer that, only CFRC can

RTG :cdn:
Please remember that while we appreciate you want to get in, in the long run the CF does not have to give you a job, so reign it in before it causes you problems. There has been discussion on the boards regarding the hiring freeze, take some time and look through them.

Milnet.Ca Staff
From what I was told they keep you on file for 3 years(Don't take that as a official answer)
When I was in recruiting, a paper file was kept for three years and then destroyed if there was no activity with that file during that three years.  However, all information is entered electronically and can be easily accessed by the CFRC that processed you or by another CFRC if required.  The CFRC will be able to tell you what you need to resubmit to begin the application process again.  Good Luck.
As memory serves (dating back to may of this year) the CFAT is kept undefinately, but all other tests expire after 3 months??? maybe Otis or another recruiter can correct me as i am by no means in my lane on this topic.

RTG :cdn:
Awesome, very helpful responses thanks so much guys. I wonder if I could redo my CFAT and take the best score out of both attempts...  ;)

Also to the chap reminding me to reign in my enthusiasm (ex-dragoon I think) I was just wondering in what way it would hinder my application? Yes I'm aware that a career with the Forces is not a sure thing, and have faced the facts that it may be a year or two before all the wheels start turning. But I've got a great job and a stable enviroment in which to reside whilst passing said time. I appreciate all guidance offered at this stage and if you could elaborate that would be great.
sunshinethewolf said:
Awesome, very helpful responses thanks so much guys. I wonder if I could redo my CFAT and take the best score out of both attempts...  ;)

Also to the chap reminding me to reign in my enthusiasm (ex-dragoon I think) I was just wondering in what way it would hinder my application? Yes I'm aware that a career with the Forces is not a sure thing, and have faced the facts that it may be a year or two before all the wheels start turning. But I've got a great job and a stable enviroment in which to reside whilst passing said time. I appreciate all guidance offered at this stage and if you could elaborate that would be great.

You will only have to redo the CFAT if you did not meet the minimum score for the trade you are now applying for.  Your enthusiasm is great but what Ex-Dragoon is only cautioning you on is that there is a hiring freeze on and the trade you want may not be available at this time and the CFRC may not even process you if it isn't.  Just be prepared for that and realize that no matter how pumped you are in joining that may not happen as fast as you think it should.  Remember the place to get answers is at the CFRC and not on this site.
Yeah, I spoke with a recruiter today and was informed that my application will be put on hold until January at the earliest. So thats not too bad, a few more months to prepare and investigate can only help. Maybe I'll go watch Bill Murray's 'stripes' in the meantime...
sunshinethewolf said:
Yeah, I spoke with a recruiter today and was informed that my application will be put on hold until January at the earliest. So thats not too bad, a few more months to prepare and investigate can only help. Maybe I'll go watch Bill Murray's 'stripes' in the meantime...

I would use this time to train and eat better. Wait for April (Fiscal Year) to roll around and then apply. You can redo your CFAT after 6months and the score is kept forever (Little iffy about the 6mth wait, consult the application booklet you get). You can't pick between the best scores, only your latest test score is kept. Best of luck!
sunshinethewolf said:
Yeah, I spoke with a recruiter today and was informed that my application will be put on hold until January at the earliest. So thats not too bad, a few more months to prepare and investigate can only help. Maybe I'll go watch Bill Murray's 'stripes' in the meantime...

I applied last summer for combat arms' trades (Inf, Armored, Combat Engineer) but put it on hold, when I went back some time ago this year they still had all my stuff on file and I didn't need to retake my CFAT. They still let me re-apply though, it's worth a shot.