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Reaction to Gen Patraeus

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Funny, it seems that no one has seen fit to comment on the Generals
presentation to the congressional committee.I personally thought it
went well for the General,even though the Democrats do not seem
to be listening,my mind is made up don't confuse me with facts,and
seem bound and determined to cut and run just as they did in Vietnam.
I watch the TV news here in Europe,BBC,German and even they are
finding it difficult to find anything negative to say about the "Surge"
in the last couple of weeks.Maybe the good General is really getting
a handle on things in Iraq, anyway one has reason to be a little more
I watched the General's speech yesterday.

I thought he did an excellent job and brought out many valid items that are so easily overlooked by the MSM in the course of their everyday reporting (I use the term reporting quite loosely here). I quite enjoyed his "Who would have thought a year ago" items, noting the success' and advances which have been made regarding the improvements within both the Iraqi government and within the population as a whole.

Indeed, there is cause for optimism.

Well done to him to for his ability to carry on, and through, quite professionally despite the nutbars in pink at the back of the room.

The House briefing was a circus and a disgrace the way the democrat Congressmen treated Petraeus. Not to mention the crazies from Code Pink camping out all night to get their tickets for the event. The democrats proved that they do not want to win in Iraq and they werent interested in doing anything other than grandstand.Whats just as troubling is that their conduct is quite acceptable to their constituents.
I watched the General and the Ambassador on PBS last night and was very impressed by the seriousness and ability of both gentlemen.
Bush may have bungled the occupation but he has sent in some good people to try and find the way out of a situating with no "good" options.

tomahawk6 said:
The best option in any military operation must be Victory.


I'm not a General nor do I play one on TV - However I dont think I'd place the blame on Bush (though as CiC he does wear the burden) fully, I think that Rummy, CPA and "war lite" seriously undermined the intial victory.  I think (based what I see on the ground) that not just the surge but USAID's increased push into more reconstruction and stepping out of the hamstrung PRT's in some cases are helping as well.
  Most of these "insurgents" are out of work - they need to be able to see a future -- I think Gen. Patraeus and the OIF efforts of late are making a lot of people here realise that there can be a good life after Sadam.

Infidel-6 said:
I'm not a General nor do I play one on TV - However I dont think I'd place the blame on Bush (though as CiC he does wear the burden) fully, I think that Rummy, CPA and "war lite" seriously undermined the intial victory. 


I find it very interesting that with all the attempts to find
parallels with the Vietnam situation the Democrats have
stayed away from the most obvious one,the incompetence
of the Sec. of Defence.McNamara was IMO by far the most
incompetent Sec. of Def. that the US Armed forces have
ever had to suffer under,criminally so IMO.Rumsfeld does
not even come close.
PS,I forgot to mention,a possible reason for the Democrats
not picking up on this, may be the fact that McNamara was
a Democrat.
He's a glorified yes-man.  Like he would say something scandalous or against Bush's desires.

Even Gen Petr's boss thinks he's a ass-kissing douchebag.

Gen P is not talked about kindly in army circles.  He may be a good soldier, but he hasn't proven himself as a leader.

Then again, this war was started by a businessman (Rumsfeld) so i don't know how much we can comment here.  The guy is in charge of a lost cause.  What "can" he do?

razorguns said:
He's a glorified yes-man.  Like he would say something scandalous or against Bush's desires.

Even Gen Petr's boss thinks he's a ***-kissing douchebag.

Gen P is not talked about kindly in army circles.  He may be a good soldier, but he hasn't proven himself as a leader.

Then again, this war was started by a businessman (Rumsfeld) so i don't know how much we can comment here.  The guy is in charge of a lost cause.  What "can" he do?


Not sure reading the Daily Kos makes you qualified to make that statement. Petraeus commanded the 101st Abn Division and led the division into Iraq in March 03.Petraeus had to come in and take over the training of the Iraqi Army that MG Eaton had screwed up.Essentially he had to start over the entire process. While CG Combined Arms Center he helped to develop the new COIN manual. As for the supposed issue with Admiral Fallon I am told it didnt happen. Fallon is a class guy.
Razorguns,you may wish to read,In the company of Soldiers,
by Rick Atkinson,to fill out the obvious gaps in your knowledge
concerning Gen.Patraeus´s leadership abilities.
time expired said:
Razorguns,you may wish to read,In the company of Soldiers,
by Rick Atkinson,to fill out the obvious gaps in your knowledge
concerning Gen.Patraeus´s leadership abilities.

gen petr sounds like a glorified 'yes'-man.  even his own boss has said bad things about him.  google it.

shineski was the best general we had during the war.  he was awesome at motivating us.

razorguns said:
gen petr sounds like a glorified 'yes'-man.   even his own boss has said bad things about him.  google it.

shineski was the best general we had during the war.  he was awesome at motivating us.


tomahawk6 said:
The best option in any military operation must be Victory.

Too right, adn I think the info Gen P has provided was well done.

I was there, adn I know where he is coming from. Still a long row to hoe.

razorguns said:
gen petr sounds like a glorified 'yes'-man.  even his own boss has said bad things about him.  google it.

shineski was the best general we had during the war.  he was awesome at motivating us.


General Shinseki was the Cheif of Staff, which is for all intents and purposes an administrative job. The CoS is responsible for the non-combat side of the Army, making sure that combat ready units are getting sent down range, ensuring the Army is getting funded and so forth. Where/when did you serve with him and how many generals have you served with to qualify your observations with any validity. no offense, but you're a specialist. You making observations about the qualification of this or that general is like a 2LT writing on an NCOER "This is one of the best NCOs I have served with in my career."

Red 6 said:
General Shinseki was the Cheif of Staff, which is for all intents and purposes an administrative job. The CoS is responsible for the non-combat side of the Army, making sure that combat ready units are getting sent down range, ensuring the Army is getting funded and so forth. Where/when did you serve with him and how many generals have you served with to qualify your observations with any validity. no offense, but you're a specialist. You making observations about the qualification of this or that general is like a 2LT writing on an NCOER "This is one of the best NCOs I have served with in my career."

Nice try at discrediting a GENERAL.  He was a GENERAL.  Case closed.

Rumsfeld was a POLITICIAN telling a GENERAL how to run a war.  We saw how well that worked out.

Now Bush wants to 'listen to the GENERALs on the ground'.  Um, okay.

Google Shineski.  Military, Political and Historian strategists on boards resoundingly agree that Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz calling the shots was the worst mistake in this war.  And what made it what it is today.  America had to go to the polls to finally kick Rumsfeld out.  How embarrassing for Bush.

Your play on my 'specialist' role just verifies you like to play ranks when it benefits you, and not when it doesn't.  Yawn.

razorguns said:
Nice try at discrediting a GENERAL.  He was a GENERAL.  Case closed.

Which is exactly what you've tried to do - just a different general.

razorguns said:
Google Shineski.

That'll only work if you spell it correctly - ShinSEki...
Loachman said:
Which is exactly what you've tried to do - just a different general.

That'll only work if you spell it correctly - ShinSEki...

I am on a crappy laptop with sticky keys.  Real annoying.  Remind me not to buy DELL.

I wonder if my cell is gonna ring anytime soon, and be mobilized for Myanmar.  It's the hot topic in the rumor mill on army bases right now.  That would be cool.  My unit already served in Bosnia and is well-trained on this.  I'm ready to ship out within 24.  Sign me up!

Are you really suggesting the US is going to invade Myanmar? 

im at the bottom of the food chain.  it could just be over-anxious kid soldiers.  But usually there's some truth to it.  I guess if we are mobilized, i doubt i'll have the ability to post here about it.  lol.  It would make sense though.

i need to hurry up and do my airborne and ranger school already dammit.  the most elite force in the DOD.  I can't keep up my awesome 300 score APFT physical condition forever.  Taco Bell keeps calling my name!

I have a meeting next monday - we'll see what happens.  Wish me luck.  :)
