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RCN Fleet Air Arm, HMNZS Canterbury, A medical frigate.  RCAF;AH.Mk.7 Lynx, SA 330 Puma, Eurocopter Tiger, Pilot Officer, Flight Sergeant.  Nelson Knots for RCN Officers, Forage Caps for the RCAF, so on and so on......!  Service Women wearing skirts again.  Mapleleaf shaped Pips for Army Officers. I believe people will be more inclined to join if uniform, rank and insignia changes were made to better reflect the RCN, Canadian Army and the RCAF!!!!! Some new kit to or at least the notion of having an investigation into the kit suggestions I've made.  I may be no Psychologist, but theses simple Uniform changes may help those suffering from the effects of service in Afghanistan, like my Brother.  Introduce some new uniforms for various purposes would keep the mind busy while the meds and therapy do the rest.  Introduce a "Voluntary Service Medal", much like the one issued to Canadians during WW II!!!!!!!  For sure, having 'AFGHANISTAN' added to Regimental Colours..........1
B2B... whoa!
With you other post, you're all over the place & not making much sense.

If you read preexisting threads, there has already been discussion on our rank badges.  You should read up on THAT before flying off in all directions...

Changing uniforms & rank badges will not help combat veterans resolve PTSD issues.
Matter of fact, it'll make em angry because we'd be spending money on something so trivial while other kit is broken, missing or we don't have at all.
Back to Basics,
What are you talking about?  That's just keyboard diarrhea.  You've dumped all your thoughts on us, but I cannot connect them well enough to tell lunch from supper.

You need to get back to the basics of communicating.  Write in sentences with complete thoughts.  Group related thoughts into paragraphs, and present us with some thinking that flows & that can be followed.