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RCMP prevent attack - 10 Aug 2016

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While I can sympthasyse with the father, if is son is deserving to be scooped up as one of the "watch listed gang", then so be it.  Shared under the fair dealings provisions.

Winnipeg man considered radical extremist by CSIS, his father says

Military member worries his son, a convert to Islam, could get scooped up under new anti-terror law

By Joanne Levasseur, CBC NewsPosted: Mar 06, 2015 4:00 AM CT|Last Updated: Mar 06, 2015 7:50 AM CT

A career member of Canada's armed forces said CSIS has informed him his 23-year-old son is now considered a radical extremist. He worries he could be swept up when new anti-terror legislation comes into force.

The man, who serves on an Alberta military base, says his son in Winnipeg goes by the alias Harun Abdurahman and runs a Twitter account that sides with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

The 56-year-old man agreed to speak to CBC News on condition of anonymity, fearing for his safety. He says his son went through a difficult childhood, and converted to Islam in 2008 while living in Ontario.

"Harun just started getting radical last year," he said. He found out when CSIS agents paid him a visit in December.

At that time, CSIS considered Harun a "radical extremist."

Agents pulled out a file three centimetres thick, documenting Harun's tweets and retweets. 

"Some things made me want to throw up," the father said. "People beheaded — he's commenting on them like it's some big joke, and he's applauding their actions. There was picture of Christian kids being assassinated, and he said they deserved it."

It came as a complete shock to the father, who identifies himself as white and Christian.

"It was just horrifying to know that this was what my son doing," he said.

"How can my son be into something like this? He grew up in a Christian home. We took him to church."

On Monday, CSIS agents called him again to tell him concern about his son is escalating because of the volume and seriousness of his tweets. They said he was being monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week.                             

"Well, here you've got your national security force, if you will, monitoring your child," he said. "How would you react to something like that? I didn't know what to say."

Bill C-51 would allow suspects to be detained based on less evidence, and would let CSIS actively interfere with travel plans and finances.

The young man who answered Harun's phone didn't want to be interviewed yesterday, but earlier in the day Harun tweeted: "I may be in some very big trouble."

His father, who has a 15-year military career, only has sporadic contact with his son through text messaging. At one point, he lost contact for more than two years.

The father first saw changes in his son when the boy was only seven years old. That's the year his mom got sick and died of brain cancer.

"It was like he turned out the lights and put a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door," the father said.

He was withdrawn, unwilling to talk about his grief or accept the psychological help his father said he offered.

The depressed boy turned into a defiant teen.

His father recounted a meeting  when his son was in Grade 7. Harun told a police officer, a truancy officer and his principal they could not force him to stay in school or stop him from smoking dope. 

"'All you can do is arrest me if you find it on me, and good luck with that,'" the father recalled him saying.

The turmoil grew until Harun turned 16 and left their Ontario home.

Cleaned up his act

"He went and lived with social services at some halfway house, and they finished raising him," the father said.

Harun returned to live with his father as a grown man four years ago. Harun told his dad he had cleaned up his act and converted to Islam in 2008.

Harun didn't appear to be outwardly religious when he moved in with his dad, who had been transferred to Winnipeg a couple of years earlier. But he did fast for Ramadan and ate halal meat, something his father went out of his way to purchase to make him feel at home.

"We were loving, accommodating, respectful," although he admits hoping the conversion was just a phase.

"When he was living at home, he was very secretive; a lone wolf. He didn't bring friends over, never talked about where going and what doing" he said.

Today, communication between father and son remains sparse and strained.

The father fears the boy he loves may be lost forever: "He says he wants to move to live in an Islamic state. He doesn't want to be a Canadian."

"He's gone, he's lost, I can't help him," he said, adding he hopes the Islamic Association of Manitoba can get through to him.

"I want other parents out there to realize that we all don't know what our children are doing behind our backs. We want to think we know. We want to think we have control, but when the bottom line comes right down to it, we really don't."
With files from Caroline Barghout


- mod edit of thread title to better reflect how events have unfolded -
Kat Stevens said:
Way to go, CBC, for phoning up a guy on the watch list so he can get a decent head start.  He'll just go under ground and slip away.
Not to worry - if he's saying this in the open on Twitter about an hour or so ago ....
Please locally delete all conversations with me.
.... he doesn't strike me as the kind of (alleged until charged and convicted, of course) person those who hunt for such folk for a living will have a load of trouble tracking down.
RCMP thwart 'imminent potential terrorist threat'
CTVNews.ca Staff
Published Wednesday, August 10, 2016 6:48PM EDT
Last Updated Wednesday, August 10, 2016 7:03PM EDT
RCMP say they have stopped a potential terrorist threat, after police forces were put on high alert.
The RCMP said in a statement they received "credible information of a potential terrorist threat" earlier Wednesday.
"A suspect was identified and the proper course of action has been taken to ensure that there is no danger to the public's safety," the statement said.
"The safety and security of Canadians is of the utmost importance to the RCMP and we take all such threats seriously. As this is still an unfolding matter and that the investigation is still underway, we are not able to provide further comment at this time."

No information available to ascribe motivation.  Very premature to stick that arrest in this thread.
He doesn't look the same as the other assholes who've tried that shit here before.  More like a wanna be Ninja idiot.

I am a very pro law enforcement kind of guy, and currently work in the system.

That being said, this better not be some completely fabricated bulls**t by the RCMP again. 

Guess all we can do is wait for more information to be released, an actual photo of the suspect, and a bit more on the specifics.
Here's all the RCMP's Info-machine is sharing right now ...
Earlier today, the RCMP received credible information of a potential terrorist threat.  A suspect was identified and the proper course of action has been taken to ensure that there is no danger to the public's safety.

The safety and security of Canadians is of the utmost importance to the RCMP and we take all such threats seriously. As this is still an unfolding matter and that the investigation is still underway, we are not able to provide further comment at this time.

We encourage Canadians to remain alert and to immediately report any suspicious or unusual behaviour to their local police or by contacting the National Security Information Network at 1-800-420-5805. More information will be provided as it becomes available. 
Per CTV, one white male in custody. Suspected ISIS ties. Planned to carry out a suicide bombing in a major Canadian city. Op was executed by RCMP in Strathroy, Ontario. I can say with considerable confidence from the photos CTV has that that's an RCMP Emergency Response Team member.

Assume you're talking about the first photo, and not the individual in black...
dapaterson said:
Assume you're talking about the first photo, and not the individual in black...

LOL, yes, the multicam. Not the ISIS-Ninja.
Brihard said:
Per CTV, one white male in custody. Suspected ISIS ties. Planned to carry out a suicide bombing in a major Canadian city. Op was executed by RCMP in Strathroy, Ontario. I can say with considerable confidence from the photos CTV has that that's an RCMP Emergency Response Team member.


Holy crap; holy crap!  :help:

Suspect is now reported to have been killed in the raid:


Lone suspect killed in anti-terrorism operation in southern Ontario
CTVNews.ca Staff
Published Wednesday, August 10, 2016 6:48PM EDT
Last Updated Wednesday, August 10, 2016 10:16PM EDT

A suspected ISIS sympathizer believed to be the lone suspect in a suicide bomb plot on a major Canadian city was killed Wednesday during a dramatic police takedown in a southern Ontario town, CTV News has learned.

Aaron Driver, 23, was killed inside a home in Strathroy, Ont., a community about 225 kilometres west of Toronto. He was well known to Canadian intelligence and police officials for his support for the Islamist terrorist group.

Police believe Driver was acting alone in the alleged plot, and there is no threat to public safety. But officials were swarming the Strathroy house until late Wednesday night, concerned about what may have been inside.

Security officials are seen in Strathroy, Ont., a community about 225 kilometres west of Toronto, where a police operation has been linked to a suspected terrorist threat.

Police officers are seen in Strathroy, Ont., where a police operation has been linked to an alleged terrorist plot.

Neighbours reported hearing a loud explosion and gunshots during the police operation, which included swat teams, a bomb squad, the RCMP and Canada’s military special operations forces.

According to an internal government memo obtained by CTV News, the suspect allegedly planned to use an IED to carry out a suicide bombing mission in a public area. His alleged plan, according to the document, was to create mass casualties.

Officials feared that the plot could’ve been carried out on Wednesday during rush hour in a busy location.

The RCMP has not said what city was allegedly targeted. Security officials say there is no longer a threat to national security.
He was also well-known to the RCMP, having been under a Peace Bond since February 2016:


Peace bond will limit activity of Aaron Driver, ISIS supporter
Driver will no longer have to wear GPS ankle bracelet

February 2, 2016

Aaron Driver, who authorities fear might get involved in terrorist activity, says he had no choice but to agree to a peace bond.

"If I fought it, they would have added even more conditions than I'm already under," Driver told CBC News Tuesday at the Winnipeg courthouse, as he waited to sign paperwork at the clerk's office.

Driver will not go to trial. He is not facing criminal charges, but his lawyer and the Crown agreed to a peace bond to limit his activities.

During a court hearing Tuesday morning, the Crown said by agreeing to enter into the peace bond, Driver is "consenting or acknowledging that there are reasonable grounds to fear that he may participate, contribute — directly or indirectly — in the activity of a terrorist group."

Michelle Falk, executive director of Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties, said consent in Driver's case is debatable because Driver would have faced additional restrictions on his freedom had he not agreed to the bond.

"We don't really think he had a choice in the matter," Falk said.

The peace bond does not require Driver to wear a GPS monitoring bracelet or undergo religious counselling — two conditions that Driver faced when he was released on bail in June.

He will, however, have to continue living in Ontario, where he has been staying with his brother in recent months, and seek written permission to own any cellphones, computers or mobile devices. As well, he must stay off social media websites until the end of August.

Here's a picture of the clown without him being a coward and hiding his face:

Kidding aside Wicked job by the RCMP and CSIS.  I realize there's reasons for it but I wish they would take these traitors out a lot sooner.  What a happy ending.
Jarnhamar said:
Kidding aside Wicked job by the RCMP and CSIS.  I realize there's reasons for it but I wish they would take these traitors out a lot sooner.  What a happy ending.

No trial?  No public evidence?  Just someone labelled as "evil" without an opportunity to defend against the charges "taken out"?


dapaterson said:
No trial?  No public evidence?  Just someone labelled as "evil" without an opportunity to defend against the charges "taken out"?


From this link:

Driver was well known to police and intelligence officials. He was known for tweeting his support of ISIS, and he applauded the 2014 attack on Parliament Hill and encouraged ISIS to target Canadian military and police.

I don't think I'll lose any sleep tonight over any of this, assuming that statement is reasonably true/accurate.  Sometimes the enemy is at the gate.  Sometimes he is on our side of the fence and looking in my, your or someone's back yard. 
CTV also made reference to CANSOFCOM involvement. My guess would be CJIRU given the threat.
Brihard said:
CTV also made reference to CANSOFCOM involvement. My guess would be CJIRU given the threat.

Or it could be explosive/IED experts given it was a threat of a IED/Suicide bombing, they might of called for military experts in said area of expertise