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Full Member
Reaction score
I just noticed the rating system. How does the plus minus thing work? I don't know because this is the only forum I goto. I wasn't here when they were here before.
When someone does something "good" hit the promote link, when they produce a questionable post, hit the demote button. Users with more than 25 posts can rate others, but only every 5 hours.

The ratings themselves don't determine anything but may be used as one factor in determining a user's viability. I.E. for those who chose not to fill out their profiles, this may provide a "popular concensus" of their standing.

I'd caution not to put too much stock into the rating system, but it may be used in some cases to backup existing notions.

We're just trialling it and there's a good chance it'll be off again soon but we're going to give it a shot.
well, I have more than 25 posts, which is probably more than my IQ, since I can't figure out how to vote for people...
Use the [Promote]  [Demote] links under each user's info on the left.
Agreed, it wasn't... I needed to enable them fully before they were visible, so you weren't missing anything, it was me. :)

  Nice idea or should I say that with 3 negatives in 10 mins......lol

  I would appreciate having the person PMd who did the neg or positive, you know the honorable thing, if your patting someone on the back nice to know if your cutting them down a knife in the back is an anonymous tag on the negative.
+1 for that. I have seen on other forums where you can leave a message with your +/-, leaving you at least the chance to let yourself known.

edit: and explain the reason why.
3rd Horseman said:

  Nice idea or should I say that with 3 negatives in 10 mins......lol

  I would appreciate having the person PMd who did the neg or positive, you know the honorable thing, if your patting someone on the back nice to know if your cutting them down a knife in the back is an anonymous tag on the negative.

Has it been five hours yet?
Will we be giving recognition to the contenders? Something like...and in the category of most popular poster...one free parajump over the atlantic in mid-november goes to (winners name goes here)

I imagine an awards ceremony aka the official army.ca Juno awards!!!


Seriously, though, it looks like a good idea to me. I can think of far more people on here I would promote, but there's been a few times I'd go the other way.

modified to add: it's been 2 hours since I was on the site (more or less) and now I have a +1/-1 rating. Do I get to address the voters and ask them what I possibly said in the last two hours to garner these positive and negative points?
Ratings are a secret ballot, so unless the person makes themselves known to you, it'll remain a secret. Right now the system is a bit of a novelty, so I imagine people are trying it out. I expect things will "level off" shortly.

As I said above, I strongly caution against reading too much into ratings (your or others). Everyone is going to have some postiive and some negative. In the past I've simply used ratings as a highly inaccurate "popular" mesaurement, only to help confirm what I've seen in a user's actions first hand.

It certainly would be possible to create lists of "best/worst" based on this, strictly for entertainment of course...
Mike Bobbitt said:
It certainly would be possible to create lists of "best/worst" based on this, strictly for entertainment of course...

And unrelenting hounding...

whoops, did i say that out loud? I meant constructive criticism.  ;)
Would it be possible to incorporate a system like ebay has for rating users with a seperate comment block (ie:+ that was a well informed post or -don't try to start flame wars)?
What kind of thing would be a "questionable" post, in the intent of this system?  If someone simply disagrees with you, does this mean they should be "demoting" you?
Personally, I don't care about the Ratings....the ole "We don't need no stinking Ratings" philosophy.  If a person makes good Posts you will recognise them for it, and don't really need someone else's rating to tell you that.  If they continually post crap, you will learn to ignore what they say, no matter how they are rated.  If they are a Troll or Poser, they are soon found out and sent packing.  We had Ratings before and some Trolls and Posers used them to inflate themselves and trash others.  The Ratings only mean something if you believe they do.  They don't really mean much, because of the nature of some who use them to exact an agenda on others.

Oh!  Not everyone will agree with what you say all the time, or vis versa, so you will never please everyone all the time, so....  ::)

You just got another plus, as a way of patting you on the back, or a gentle punch to the shoulder.  I think of it as a way of saying Good Job.

Ratings are over-rated.  Not that many of us, I hope, need them to pump up our egos.  I hesitate from using them, as there are many fine, intelligent, articulate and knowledgable people on this site.  There are times that I strongly disagree with something that they say, and sometimes someone strongly disagrees with something that I say, but the weight of their overall posts is what truly counts, not one single instance.  We all post in haste, or make mistakes,.... Who here doesn't have a naval to gaze at from time to time?  Life will go on.  So, relax...Ratings are only a novelty.  Enjoy.

Remember Red Green.  :cheers:
Interesting ... I noticed that I've just been "demoted".  I can only presume it was as a result of raising the question a few posts above.  Does the "demoter" care to identify themselves, and the reason? 
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