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Quick question, help please


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Hello, quick question if anybody could help me out.

I applied back at the start of December for the Infantry position, but that was my only choice I did not pick 2 other occupations when they ask you for 3 just incase you don't get your first pick.
Anyways on http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/13064.3700.html the Application Process Sample thread I see people that applied for the Infantry way after me and are getting to do there CFAT, medical etc before me?
But they also had 2 other trade choices under there first choice Infantry.
If they choose to move forward with there first choice Infantry do they get put inline behind me? or they infront of me now. I don't get it haha.
Hope that made sense tryed to explain it the best I could
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
there is no line...

Are you applying for regular force or reserves?
are the people you are seeing get scheduled for their CFAT, etc at the same recruiting centre as you, or are they somewhere else completely in the country?

application works like this:

you apply online, and North Bay assesses your suitability and collects all the initial documents needed. If the position(s) you applied for is/are open your file will be transferred to your local RC for further processing. Your local RC will call you and schedule you for the CFAT, medical and interview. Not all happen in one day always. Some people have them all in 1 day some have them spread out over months. Each RC is different.

Any one of those things can mess up your application. ie. you can fail the CFAT for the trade you want; you may not meet the common enrollment medical standard; or maybe you really mess up the interview.

IF you make it past all three steps you are given a "score" and placed on the merit list for the trades you are suitable and competitive for. Just because you are merit listed doesn't mean you will ever get a call. The list is constantly changing as people all over the country are added to it. You may be #10 on the list right now, and #50 on the list tomorrow kid of deal if 40 new people are added with higher scores then you.

If you are selected you will be called with a Job Offer.

Whole process can take a few months or a few years all the way to infinity for those that never get an offer, or fail part of the process.

Good Luck!
When did you send in your supporting documents (photocopies of birth certificate and school transcripts) to the recruiting center? Have you not heard anything from them? Have you been checking your email regularly? You should definitely have heard something from someone regarding your application by now. You might need to give them a call or send them an email.
Yes they have my documents
If I added 2 other trades would my process be quicker to start my CFAT, Medical etc
swiftcharger said:
Yes they have my documents
If I added 2 other trades would my process be quicker to start my CFAT, Medical etc

It sure can't hurt by adding two more occupation choices.
I called North Bay months ago and the recruiter added the 2nd and 3rd choices in for me in a matter of minutes..
Being in school doesn't help compared to people applying for the same trades, that are more educated and qualified.
However, I am sure the people that applied for your 2nd or 3rd choice first would get into those before you, I would think..
B.Dias said:
However, I am sure the people that applied for your 2nd or 3rd choice first would get into those before you, I would think..

You would think wrong.
it's better to think of them as 3 first choices. Don't just throw anything in there.

you could be processed and offered a position in any of the 3.
Yes but wouldn't they get me started on my CFAT, medical etc if I had two extra trade options that were open,
even though I want my first trade option not the other 2 they would than see my scores on the PT and CFAT
which im confident that i will kill the physical test and CFAT?
swiftcharger said:
Yes they have my documents
If I added 2 other trades would my process be quicker to start my CFAT, Medical etc

You should have asked for more than one occupation in the first place.  If you're only asking for one occupation, then you are severly limiting yourself.  Nevertheless. the next step of the process is for your application to be sent to your local CFRC and until that is done, everything else is a mute point.  Your still in the "online" application stage, so you have quite a ways to go.......
You better learn to be patient swiftcharger. I waited 8 months before my file was transferred to my local RC and another three months after that to write my CFAT have my medical and interview, while friends surpassed me and were going to BMQ.
Goodeman said:
You better learn to be patient swiftcharger. I waited 8 months before my file was transferred to my local RC and another three months after that to write my CFAT have my medical and interview, while friends surpassed me and were going to BMQ.

Yep, patience seems to be key here. For me, it's been 6 months since I applied, still waiting for my file to be transferred. My buddy's file was just transferred a few days ago to Vancouver.. so I'm waiting eagerly also  :P
You'll just have to wait on it like everyone going through the same process.
B.Dias said:
Yep, patience seems to be key here. For me, it's been 6 months since I applied, still waiting for my file to be transferred. My buddy's file was just transferred a few days ago to Vancouver.. so I'm waiting eagerly also  :P
You'll just have to wait on it like everyone going through the same process.

Wow, 6 months seems like a long time.  Maybe you should re-do your application?
Goodeman said:
I waited 8 months before my file was transferred to my local RC

B.Dias said:
For me, it's been 6 months since I applied, still waiting for my file to be transferred.

Is there some reason for this? Were you getting updates from the CFVRC as to why your application took longer? The way the Master Corporal explained it to me in an email, applications are looked at in order of when the are received (for regular force at least), and a decision made as to if they will be passed to your local recruiting center for processing or not. This would mean unless there were unique circumstances regarding your application, nobody should be getting their file faster than you in general. If there were unique circumstances, please let us know, because your posts are very discouraging to people and setting unrealistic expectations.
First email I got it said I wasnt competitive enough. After I added a few things to my app, I was getting processed again, and then my trades closed. And then randomly, my file got transferred to my CFRC. Im not trying to set any expectations, if you have high hopes, thats great but sometimes the reality isnt always pretty.
JM2345 said:
Is there some reason for this? Were you getting updates from the CFVRC as to why your application took longer? The way the Master Corporal explained it to me in an email, applications are looked at in order of when the are received (for regular force at least), and a decision made as to if they will be passed to your local recruiting center for processing or not. This would mean unless there were unique circumstances regarding your application, nobody should be getting their file faster than you in general. If there were unique circumstances, please let us know, because your posts are very discouraging to people and setting unrealistic expectations.

You really are naïve.

Read this:

Goodeman said:
First email I got it said I wasnt competitive enough. After I added a few things to my app, I was getting processed again, and then my trades closed. And then randomly, my file got transferred to my CFRC. Im not trying to set any expectations, if you have high hopes, thats great but sometimes the reality isnt always pretty.

Right, but you weren't just sitting around waiting, which is what you make it sound like. You were told by the recruiting center why your application wasn't being processed, and you needed to improve it, and then the trade closed. You were told all of this, it wasn't a blind waiting game. If the trade is closed for processing, then applicants shouldn't assume they will necessarily be transferred at all without having to reapply or change their trade choices, as their application might be closed before it opens again.

You may not have been trying to set expectations, but don't you think that people will read your post and get the idea that sometimes the CF just decides to ignore some applicants without reason, and process others instead? You have to be aware that people are reading these threads to base their expectations on the recruiting process, that's the point of most of the new and potential applicants reading these.

I appreciate you clearing this up, and thank you for contributing to the forum, but just try not to make things sound so much worse without clarifying when you have a unique set of circumstances. It's just scaring people for no reason. Lots of people can't afford to go 8 months without hearing anything, they would have to move on in their life and might decide to choose another path other than the CF. It isn't to do with patience, the clock is just ticking for a lot of us as we get older.