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Questions regarding VFS/ re-applying after a "VR" 6 mths ago


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Hi, I recently(almost 2 weeks ago) re applied for the CF after waiting my 6 mths after VRing during BMQ (biggest mistake/long story(posted about it before)) and I have few unanswered questions, any insight would be appreciated... yes I've done a search.

1. When does a file get archived and sent to Ottawa/NDHQ ? I've only been out for 6 months, hoping my file might still be in St Jean.
2. Since my release was only 6 months ago (and i was still in BMQ) will this mean that my VFS could be done quickly? Appose to someone who's been out for years.
3. Best guess.. what kinda time frame am i looking at(considering my circumstance)? I've heard months but that was for members with alot more service time/ more time away... yes I'm gonna keep in contact with my RC trying to get updates.

I gotta say this past 6 months has been the longest, I knew I wanted back in less than a week after i was home... I can't wait to get to back in... If called today and told "you leave for BMQ tommorrow at 7 am... I'd reply- I'll be at the airport for 5". Thanks.
anyone? I'm gonna contact my RC shortly and ask them these questions.. but figured I'd check here first, alot of great info can be found here.
well.... FWIW, pers files are retained for 3 years after release - prior to being sent off to the national archives.  Reg forces personnel are managed by "Director Military Careers Administration and Resource Management" (DMCARM) and these are the guys who should still have control on your file.

Note, having just VR'd expect them to look at your request to get back in with a certain sceptical eye............

Keep in touch with CFRC, they know exactly where your file is.
Thanks geo... I understand that I'm gonna be asked some questions about why I VR'd/ what's different,etc... for which I can answer.... I basically had a couple health issues and lost focus, I've have regretted it for 6 months... can't wait to get back in.

So if my file is being handled by DMCARM... does that mean my file can retrieved quicker? Best guess on retrieval time (general)?
Ohh... with a phone call, they could find the file this morning....... but bureaucracy doesn't work that way.

If you were the one with the health issues.... that'll take even more time.
oh, in health issues I was refering to a couple things that I was experiencing at the time ("I lost my head") I put my VR in but were resolved a week later... I wasn't sleeping at all (maybe an hour/night) which lead to other problems (fatigue/stress/high blood pressure) once I began sleeping at night those other issues went away and I was fine, but it was too late my VR was already in... and I've regreted it since... This time around I've learned from my mistakes, and I'm doing a better job getting ready for BMQ, plus I know if I have problems with sleep this time around I'll deal with it better... It's sound corny but for me "I didn't realize what I had until it was gone", won't happen again.