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Questions about Joining

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Hello everyone, first time on the forum so i'm not exactly sure where this should go, sorry if its in the wrong category

Anyways, i'm 17, currently in Grade 12, I'm considering joining the reserves for now, until i finish high school, then go on to joining the regular forces, but i have some questions first, i can't really find the answers to them anywhere

1) How exactly do i join the Reserves? I know i can go to Forces.ca and register there, but what happens after that? Do i have to do BMQ like in the Regular forces? Do i do a health test? aptitude test? So, my question is, what exactly do i have to do to get into the Regular forces?

2) Will i have to go anywhere to do my BMQ? (if there is a BMQ) because i'm in school right now, so i can't really leave to go to Quebec (i think thats where the regular forces do their BMQ, right?) I live in BC btw, if that helps

3) Seeing as how i want to join the Regular forces after i graduate, what exactly happens? IF i have to go through BMQ while in the Reserves, will i have to go re-do my BMQ to join the regular forces afterwards?

4) Also, what exactly does the reserves do? Seeing as how i won't be getting deployed or anything, do we just train? how often do i go?

I have a feeling i have more questions, but can't think of them at the moment... But if anyone could answer those i would appreciate it greatly!
If you are planning on going into the Reg Force right after high school, don't go into the Reserves,  as it isn't an instant transfer from Reserve to Regs.

To join the Reserves, start by going to the unit(s) you are interested in, and talk with their recruiter.  He/she will give you all the details and get you started.  As well, because you are 17, your parents must agree with this and sign on your application to give consent.

Yes,  you go through tests(medical, apptitude, etc) like Regular Force and have the same standards.  Also, yes Reservists do BMQ(Basic Training), why do you think Reservists may not do testing to get into the forces and do basic training?

If you do BMQ during the fall/weekends it is usually in your local area,  if you do it in the summer you will most likely go to a Training base(possibly Chilliwack, BC if courses are still run there or maybe Wainwright, Ab) Unless you go Navy or Air Force reserve you will not goto St Jean or do the full Reg Force course.

As for having to redo BMQ, etc on entering Reg Force, there are many factors in that.

Yes, Reservists train during the year, as well you may volunteer for overseas missions.

Also,  pretty much everything you have asked has been asked by others in the past,  I would recommend reading/searching the forums for more info as well as the websites for the Reserve units in your area to find out what they do,  where they are, contact info, etc  As well most(all?) Reserve units will list what trades/jobs they hire and the training you can/will do to be fully qualified in that trade and any other courses available.
Oh i see, well i still have another 6 months of school, and i wasn't planning on joining Reg right aways, probably a few months after, so would it be worth joining the reserves for about 8-10 months? possibly even a year?

And oh i see, thats good to know, and i just wasn't sure if reserves did BMQ because i know they don't actually get sent out to battle unless they volunteered, so i wasn't to sure, i thought maybe they went to BMQ afterwards if they volunteered, I kind of just thought reserves was something you did to prepare yourself for Regs, by doing drills, gaining some discipline, training, ect...

And so, if i don't do my BMQ until fall does that mean i can't join until fall? or could i join now, and do my Basic Training over the weekends? But it doesn't make sense to me, because when you do BMQ in the Regs, don't you have to go to Quebec for 14 weeks? (I emailed a question to the Forces.ca website and thats what they told me, Basic Training(BMQ) is 14 weeks in Quebec?) So, i would assume the BMQ would be a lot less intense in the reserves? if its only weekends and you get to stay at home? please correct me if i'm wrong lol

And just one last question, i'm sort of unsure of what you mean by "start by going to the unit(s) you are interested in" because i don't fully know what a "unit" is, i always thought the military was just one large unit itself, and the Army, Navy, and Air Force are different sectors within the military, but... there are even smaller Units within the Army and Navy and Airforce? So, do different units in the army do different things? or by "unit" do you mean which career within the military i want to do? like, Infantry soldier for example
If I were you, I would just wait and join the Reg Force.  The process to go from Reserve to Reg Force can take 6 months+  as well the trade may or may not be hiring in the Regular Force at the time you wish to transfer.

BMQ teaches you the very basics to be a member of the Canadian Forces, like how to march, use the C7 rifle, wear the uniform, etc  To volunteer to go overseas you must be fully trained in your trade.  Pre deployment training is focused on getting your ready for tour, not on teaching you how to be a Soldier.. BMQ and other entry level courses are not done on pre deployment training, that is done long before you go on tour or even volunteer for a tour.

Reserves can be a starting point, but many people also stay in the Reserves, might volunteer for a tour(or multiple) and do their regular civilian job or education(college/university). 

You can join the Reserves before a BMQ course starts,  during your time prior to course your unit will teach you some basics to prepare for basic training.

Yes the Reg Force BMQ is much longer and is a full time course,  Reserve BMQ isn't.  Yes, Regular Force BMQ is run in St Jean, but it is also run in some other locations.  On weekend BMQ courses, you may stay in the Armoury(building) the BMQ course is run or go home at nights,  someone here who has done it can give you more info on it.

The Military is made up of lots of units.  The Army is split up into different "groupings" like Areas, Brigades, Regiments, Battalions, Squadrons, etc  It isn't one big everyone in 1 massive unit kind of thing.  There are lots of different units like Infantry, Medical, Signals, Armour, Artillery,  Service Battalion, etc  each one does different things,  and work/support each other.

Also, each unit will not only have 1 job in it, like a unit with nothing but Infantry.  For example a Regular Force Infantry Battalion will have Infantry(majority of unit), Signallers, Clerks, Medics, Mechanics, etc


The only reason i'm considering the Reserves for now is because i kind of want to see what the military is like before i commit myself to a 3 year term, to test the waters in a way...

I just have one last question now, sorry i keep bothering you with them but i keep thinking of more  ;D plus you seem to know a lot about this!

okay, so, if i join the Reg Forces, and go off to my BMQ in St Jean, am i automatically in the military? like, if i decide i don't want to join the military until a few months after i'm finished my BMQ, can i do that? or do i have to join the military and sign my 3 year contract and be placed elsewhere for more training soon as i'm done my BMQ?

Also, I know you have to shave your head in the Regs, right? Do you have to shave your head if you're going into the reserves? Because i'm still currently in school... so i don't really want to have to shave my head yet  ;D
If you want to see if the Military is for you with no commentment* than yes the Reserves would be good for that.  But I would recommend spending atleast a couple years in the Reserves so the unit can at least get something out of you since they are investing time and money into you for courses, and so on.  Plus it would benefit you to gain experience and get courses/training that would help with your career in the Regs as well as help with the transfer to the Regular Force and I assume would help with the Recruit School By Pass(skip Regular Force basic training)

When you want to join the Reg Force, you sign a contract then you are sent off to Basic Training.  You can't just do BMQ for sh*ts n giggles then decide to join or not join the Military.  If you do join the Reg Force you can still quit, but it becomes a bit more of a process especially if you are fully trained.  If you are still in the training system it can be quick to get out of the CF.  Also not all trades have the 3 year contract, some are longer.

Yes in St Jean you will have your head shaved,  but after that you can grow your hair out to a certain limit, its not like you must always have a shaved head while you are in the Military.  As for if you have your head shaved for Reserve Basic, I know some courses have had recruits get their heads shaved,  others haven't.  But,  being in the Military, Reserves and Regular Force your hair will conform to the hair regulations.  Don't think that just because you are a reservist you can still have long hair, etc  You can still have a non military style haircut, but it will be "short'ish" and within the standard.

* You sign no contract to join the Reserves but you still must work X amount of days during a month and show up to X amount of training weekends.  Also,  when you go away for full time employment in the summer, etc you will sign a contract for the duration of the course or tasking.
All the same dress and deportment standards are the same for both reserve and reg force.  When ever you go into your local armory, you'd better be looking presentable, clean shaven etc...

Also the timelines can vary greatly on how long it will take you to even get onto a BMQ in the reserve world.  I've known some people who spent 2 years in PAT PL (personel await training platoon) because of not having spots availible or other reasons.  To the exact opposite end of the spectrum where after dropping off my paperwork months earlier I got a phone call on the monday saying if you can get all your PT,interview,medical,CFAT done by friday we have a spot for you. 

Also if you intend to go reg force anyways, be aware of some potential pitfalls such as your trade might not be open, long wait times, and potentially have to redo many of your courses such as BMQ and SQ/BMQ(L), depending on many different factors such as time in and experiance.

This is not to scare you off of applying for the reserves.  I've known a bunch of people who have CT'd over to reg force both from my unit and those of whom I went on course with and love what they're doing.  This is just to make you aware of that the switch doesn't happen over night.
Staying in the reserves for a couple of years? I wouldn't mind doing that, but once i graduate will i be able to work more than just once a week then? Because the reserves don't make as much money, right? (not that i'm doing this for the money, i just need enough for bills and whatnot) Which is why i was hoping to join the Regs, because once i graduate i'd want to work a lot more than just once a week...

And i see, i don't think i'd mind waiting in line a bit to join the Regs (if i can work more than just once a week in the reserves that is) Because i'm somewhat nervous about being signed in to a contract, and being told i could be deployed at any moment (i'm not afraid to be deployed, i would gladly volunteer, but its just the fact not knowing when exactly you could be told you have to leave, it could be any day)

Also, the two options within the military i'm interested in are either being an Infantry Soldier or Military Police, i'm unsure of which one yet, is there Military Police within the Reserve forces though? Because, people don't live on base... so i wouldn't assume there would be? So, if i'm training to be an MP or Infantry soldier in reserves, it could take years to transfer me over to Regs?
There is full time employment in the Reserves, but there aren't too many full time positions, especially for a new member.  So don't bank on working full time in the Reserves.

jaykay,  in the Army you will not show up to work one day then find out you are deploying the next day, it is not that quick. You will know in advance when your unit is slotted to go on a deployment.  I found out over a year in advance that I was going to Afghanstan with my Battalion,  and the same for the domestic operation I went on(2010 Olympics)

Yes there are MPs in the Reserve,  there is a education pre req for MP though.  Yes if you join the Reserves as MP or Infantry you could be waiting a short period or a long one,  all depends on what the recruiting/manning situation is like for those trades in the Regular Force is at that moment. 

jaykay,  before you ask more questions,  read up on the recruiting website about these trades, and google for the local reserve units in your area, read up about what they do,  talk to their recruiters to find out what they do, etc. 
Oh i see, yes i knew you wouldn't just be deployed the next day and all, i just meant the fact that you could be told you have to go any day (not necessarily meaning you would be leaving anytime soon)

and pre-requirements for an MP? it doesn't mention that on the forces.ca site

"After successful completion of the BMQ course, candidates will attend Basic Military Police Training at the CF Military Police Academy at CFB Borden, Ontario. Over a six-month period, they will learn the basics of Canadian civilian and military law, investigative techniques, and acquire skills necessary to perform daily Military Police functions."

But okay, i think you have answered all the questions i have, i will just have to think about this decision for a while!

Thank you  :) 
jaykay said:
and pre-requirements for an MP? it doesn't mention that on the forces.ca site

Are you sure?


Qualification Requirements
Military Police members must be courageous, dedicated, patient, and tactful. They must have good reasoning abilities, good powers of observation, a memory for detail, initiative, physical and mental stamina, and a genuine interest in working with and helping all members of the community. They must also communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. The minimum academic requirement is a community college diploma in Law and Security Administration, Police Foundations, or a similar program from a recognised Community College or CEGEP. Related employment experience will also be considered in determining education equivalency.
Candidates must meet CF medical standards and successfully complete a selection process consisting of interviews and a wide range of examinations.

Following the initial screening, all eligible candidates will attend a career orientation and undergo aptitude assessment at a Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC), to ensure that they have a realistic view of the Military Police occupation and the potential to succeed.
Oh... my bad, i only looked under the Education and Training tab, *sigh, i wasn't planning on going to university or colledge... Ohwell, there are many options within the military, as you obviously know
I always thought the military was easy to get into, as long as you are in shape and have a 10th grade education or higher, but the more i read on this forum, the more difficult it seems to get in... My grades aren't the best (currently in Grade 12) i have about a C or C- average, do they look at grades when recruiting? i was always told they didn't.

Also, I've heard there aren't a lot of job openings lately? So what happens if i go do my BMQ then the job i want isn't open? Am i stuck just waiting around? I'm thinking about either being an Armoured Soldier, Artillery soldier (air or field) or an Infantry Soldier (first choice). How are the job openings in those fields usually?
You don't get hired if there isn't a job opening. If there's a spot open when you apply, and you are offered that spot and accept it, then there's one less position for everyone else.
Had this been 2007 I'd say no, your marks don't mean a thing and your pretty much right that anyone who wanted to join for the most part could.  Today, however, recruiting has slowed down and the economy is terrible....this means the CF is very competitive to get into.  So to answer your question....no, not everyone who applies will be hired.

As for your trade choices, infantry and armoured are most definitely closed right now....not sure about artillery.
Ball park:  There are three applications for every available position.  That ratio is more for some occpations, less for others.

If you are accepted as an NCM or DEO, you will be accepted in a specific military occupation.  When you start BMQ or BMOQ, you will know what comes next.  Once you are in as a [fill in the occupation] you remain there until you fail training, release or remuster.  Remuster is not a right.  Do not enter in one occupation planning to switch over to another - you may not be able to, and your second choioce may not be to your liking.

ROTP students, on the other hand, finalize occupational chocies after a year or two (I am not current with the process as it stands now).
okay, so you don't actually attend BMQ until there is a job opening? Because thats what i was confused about, what happens if you sign your 3 year term, complete BMQ, then are told there are no openings, because i thought you were supposed to decide which job you would like after completing your BMQ, so how would they know if theres an opening in what you want to go into?

And so, marks DO matter? *sigh... I have awful marks, and didn't really care at the time because my plan was to always just join the military... but now, what if i don't get in? If i don't get into the military OR university or college i'm kind of screwed
jaykay said:
Because thats what i was confused about, what happens if you sign your 3 year term, complete BMQ, then are told there are no openings, because i thought you were supposed to decide which job you would like after completing your BMQ, so how would they know if theres an opening in what you want to go into?

You will not get an offer to attend BMQ unless there is an opening for you afterward.

jaykay said:
And so, marks DO matter? *sigh... I have awful marks, and didn't really care at the time because my plan was to always just join the military... but now, what if i don't get in? If i don't get into the military OR university or college i'm kind of screwed

Yes, marks do matter. They always mattered, just like your parents and teachers told you. Just because you were smarter then they were and decided school wasn't important didn't mean you were right or that you were guaranteed to achieve what you thought you were going to do.

Put in your application, see how you do. And be patient, it can take a while.

jaykay said:
okay, so you don't actually attend BMQ until there is a job opening? Because thats what i was confused about, what happens if you sign your 3 year term, complete BMQ, then are told there are no openings, because i thought you were supposed to decide which job you would like after completing your BMQ, so how would they know if theres an opening in what you want to go into?

You decide on the job you want during the application process, then at the end of your testing they will tell you if you qualify - they will tell you which ones you did qualify for

The Recruiting Centres know what trades(jobs) are open...  do not worry about this.. the recruitering staff will handle all of this for you.

BMQ comes after you have picked a trade and qualify for it and there is a position for you. You will not goto BMQ, unless you actually have a position in a trade.  This is the same for the Reserves as well.  So you are clear, you pick the job you want before you attend BMQ

jaykay said:
And so, marks DO matter? *sigh... I have awful marks, and didn't really care at the time because my plan was to always just join the military... but now, what if i don't get in? If i don't get into the military OR university or college i'm kind of screwed

Theres still time to get your marks up, just have to put in an effort.  Don't think the Military is just a last ditch hope to get a job.
Correct.  You are only loaded on BMQ once you have an offer, which will include your occupation.

Re: marks:  Marks are not the sole thing determining whether or not you get in.  Do you have outside interests?  Other activities you do?  Those may also influence things.

That said, marks may impact your choices.  For example, Artillerymen and Combat Engineers both need strong math skills.

The best people to speak to, to determine what you can do to be a better candidate, are the recruiters.  Tell them that you want to improve your chances, and ask them what they recommend to make your application more competitive.
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