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Questions About Infantry Officer Training

  • Thread starter Thread starter Reid
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    I am slated to start my Reg. Force officer training in January and was wondering if anyone has recently completed the same courses. I am particularly interested in information about the new second language training methods I have heard about, the chances of all my phases being stacked together, and what my odds are of being sent to the Battalion I request. I am prior service so I am not really concerned about information on the phases themselves, I am looking for information about what goes on while waiting for a phase to start, and anything else which would not have been included on the CF recruiting website.
I'm supposed to leave this September for my BOTC and here's the info that I have so far about how the phases work:

In my case, I'll be done phase 1 in December and then in January, I start my language training. It's supposed to be 33 weeks long, or as long as necessary depending on the ability of your class. I'm bilingual already so I don't know if I'll have to sit there for any period of time. Hopefully, again in my case, I'll be able to jump on phase 2 for the spring and then phase 3 for the summer. From there, I'll have to wait until NEXT summer to do my phase 4!!! What I'll be doing in between phases 3 and 4??? No clue... If I am stuck in second language training, I'll get stuck with phase 2 in the summer and wait until the winter to do phase 3 but then the summer is right around the corner for phase 4.

I'm going to call the officer that interviewed me...he should have all the answers since he's from the R22eR.

I was told that phase 2 and 3 are offered two or three times a year and phase 4 only once a year because of budgets and because of the military college people.
There was another thread on the site about what happens with downtime during training, and the fellows were talking about being sent to the PAT platoon, which is for personnel awaiting training.  In my case, it would probably mean being sent to Wainwright, potentially to act as part of the enemy force for field exercises, helping conduct training for new private soldiers, and assorted odds and sods like that.  I was warned to expect to be there for at least some time duriing my training.  If you are out east, you may be sent somewhere different, I don't know.  Hope this helps.
I'm pretty sure that your prefence won't amount to a hill of beans.  Your sent to were they need officers.  That said if there is an opening in the BN you want to go to its best to finish near the top of the class.  Good luck with phase 3.  Been EN force and staff for that and it most definately sucks.