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Question for all you airsofters.

  • Thread starter Thread starter cameron_highlander
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Careful guys go read those profiles. Based on ther medals and wings they're sporting they are real hard core BTDTs.  ::)

I wonder if they wear their ribbons on the special fleece "walking out dress" that their dress regs authorize for trips to mickey Ds?
These guys are serious joke, I think they skip there shaves to make them look more bad ass ::) WATCH OUT! they have the whole NATO fleet including truck to back them up lmao
Anybody else think there is a connection between Capt Sonic and RSM Reccegoof and these guys?

These guys are a bit to into it, especially having a PR uniform  ::) an giving themselves medals. I hope the guy who has airborne wings actually earned them; I know some guys wear them after going sky diving. Some of these guys are better equipped than most soldiers.

Most airsofters aren't like this though. There is quite a few guys/girls that play who are Reserve/Reg Force here in Canada an in the US.

Danjanou, I clicked the link an got this
An Error Has Occurred!
The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you. 
OOPS sorry guys try this.

How does that Jack Johnson song go? If you aien't hurting nobody you're not bothering me?

There is always a pecking order. Reg force talks shit about reserves, reserves talk shit about cadets, cadets and reserves talk shit about civilians 'playing army'.

I remember when 'Tacsit' was talking his shit. Super poser wannabe me and a lot of us were out for blood. A reg force recce platoon warrant career soldier basically said put your guns away boys, who gives a fuck -  and it made a lot of sense. Why does it bug you?

So these guys are playing soldier and giving themselves medals and pats on the backs and awards, who cares.
If you're worried that it's somehow taking away the prestiege of your job then maybe you need to do some thinking.

Making ones self feel better by putting down someone else is a huge issue in the CF (When it comes to regs vs reserves and trade vs trade).

If these guys are having fun pretending then good, mockey is the highest form of flattery.
Airsoft is actually a real load of fun, and I enjoy alot playing it once in a while, granted I haven't bought anything for it, borrowing a gun from a friend and erm, maybe using some military equipment.

I will admit these kids take it way too far though, ranks are not supposed to be fun, they are a necessity... And the cash they invest into that is impressing and topping most regular force soldiers, and not even speaking about poor reservists like me (I almost cried at first when I thought I saw a Crye Precision shirt on one of them).

However, it's an hobby like another, some people collect cars, others play golf, some even pay ridiculously high ammounts of money for hockey cards, and if what they enjoy is enacting a very televised view of armed forces without commiting to national security or the risks such a job brings in your daily routines, it is their thing and we live in a free world (if we aren't then my commitment to this armed force is useless and wasted).

[Edited some spelling]
Its true that some people on this forum are just trying to start fire, but its not with the intent to put people down. Its these people playing war and using gear that should only be in the hands of real capable people (soldiers and serving men and women). No one is hating anyone just having a lack of respect for these people because they are imposture's to the real deal. That is my opinion!
I agree that if these guys want to spend a heap on their wanna be hobby, then feel free.  As long as they aren't coming out and saying they are "as good as the regs" or such nonsense.  Or posting opinions as "experts" as a result of their "field experience". 
However, if they are such tools, perhaps a platoon challenge from a REAL PPCLI company or reserve equivalent would be fun.  You know the wankers would jump at the chance.  Would any one else out here be able to eat that kind of crow if they lost? 

Where this will loose its amusement is when one of these guys heads out (not at Halloween) and starts tooling around town and gets waxed by a police officer that can't tell he is just "having fun". 

Well done to Danjanou for finding that link.  That is an instant classic! :salute:
Im with Zipperhead_Cop on that one.

I think the idea of airsoft would be a blast. you get the chance to go out there and re-enact your favorite hollywood war movie action scene. the problem with these kids is that its gone from being a buch of kids/guys having fun enjoying a hobby to, lets start an organized millitia..  I play paintball from time to time, and ive got some old OD combats i throw on when I play. one cause it does look better then ratty clothes, and two. theyre durable, and they were free. when I was younger I used to want to play airsoft too. now that ive got my PAL, id rather shoot the real thing, and invest my paycheck in that hobby. but thats me.. I dont have a problem with Airsofters either.
except when they A) start thinking theyre the real deal, B) start taking themselves way to seriously (like these guys) or C) like Zipperhead said. start being stupid and walk around with the guns in public... you wanna go out dressed like a GI Joe thats fine... but leave the sidearm at home... remember kids.. you have plastic BB's, the Cops have .40 Calibre JHP. and on a dark night, from 20-30 feet away, Airsoft and the real thing look pretty much the same...


personally I think that the Canadian Airsoft Regiment sounds like it was formed a a bunch of Ex Cadets who aged out and didnt want to accually join the army.
ShawnSmith said:
P.S How does an airsoft m203 work? Does it shoot a golf ball or something?  ???

The basic plastic airsoft M203's by Toyko Mauri are three round pumps. Most other m203's use aluminium grenades that can hold anywhere from 24 to 100+ 6mm bb's in it. The grenade uses various types of compressed gas to propell the bb's. (Propane, Duster, ect)

Normally I'd avoid a topic like this like the plauge but since MikeL has come out of the closet I figure I'l stand up and say a word. I'm a casual player and like most people I own a few set of BDU's, and a basic blackhawk rig, nothing more. The sport costs a fair chunk to get into but the reward is a nice escape from the suck factor of real life. Some people use the sport as a way to just escape and forget. Some people go to church and talk with god, some drink heavily, and some play airsoft. Just like any sport or hobby the average 9-5 joe invests in, its just an escape. Some people need to immerse themselves extremely deep into the sport to get the full effect, thus leading to full set of cadpat, rank, nametapes, HSGI Weesatch and what not.

Thats just my out look on the sport. No different from someone who spends a few thousand on a lift kit for his Jeep TJ so he can go wheeling or the fellow who just dropped the money for a new set of goalie pads.

(I will agree that wearing fake badges, medals and insignias is a bit out there, but you could just compared those folks to a weekend hockey warrior who punches out the Ref for a bad call.)

zipperhead_cop said:
I agree that if these guys want to spend a heap on their wanna be hobby, then feel free.  As long as they aren't coming out and saying they are "as good as the regs" or such nonsense.  Or posting opinions as "experts" as a result of their "field experience". 
However, if they are such tools, perhaps a platoon challenge from a REAL PPCLI company or reserve equivalent would be fun.  You know the wankers would jump at the chance.  Would any one else out here be able to eat that kind of crow if they lost? 

Where this will loose its amusement is when one of these guys heads out (not at Halloween) and starts tooling around town and gets waxed by a police officer that can't tell he is just "having fun". 

I've never heard someone try to gloat that they are on par with any military unit, reg or reserve. Its safe to say if anyone heard that drivel it would result in a verbal assault or two and maybe a boot up the ass or ten. Everyone who is in the sport can only hope that people who ever have the idea to take thier airsoft rifle/pistol into public falls to darwinism before the local authorities notice. The gene pool doesnt need them.

Feel free to send me to the leper colony now.
Nah, you sound like you have your head on right.  There is nothing more true than "a fool and his money are easily parted".  Hell, I still collect comic books.  Some people think spending $50,000 on a "bass boat" is a good idea.  I don't fish that much bass, but the ones I have caught didn't seem to care that I was in a canoe or at the edge of a dock. 
Maybe the Airsoft guys should take the initiative and make a challenge to a unit?  Probably a reserve unit would be most receptive.  Maybe you could just act as enemy force for a weekend, although it sounds like with the simulated weapons you have, you would have the Res unit outgunned. (a fake M203??).  Maybe if you set up a weapon exchange for the weekend--one days training everyone used the air guns, the next day everyone straps on the Miles units [crap, do we still use those?].  If nothing else, maybe a few decent guys would be motivated to slide over to the Regs and make a useful contribution. 
Plus, for all you Res units out there:  always be on the lookout for a RICH honorary colonel.  And where better to pick one up--highly expensive Army games. (yes, my love is always for sale).
Its these people playing war and using gear that should only be in the hands of real capable people (soldiers and serving men and women).

If they wanna pay for it then hell it's helping the economy right? They can play with whatever they want. They can even use JTF velcro patches :)

I don't see a platoon vs airsofters challange as anything more than fun and some posturing.  Hiding behind a plastic rainbarrel or thin wall works in airsoft but not in real life.
Thats one of the reasons why I've always been a little iffy about using paintball as a training aid. Teaches some bad tactics.  Like hiding behind bushes when using miles gear. Trees stop lasers but won't due shit for bullets.

If a bunch of people wanna pretend they are the real deal then go nuts
Better to play hero and draw fire in a game of airsoft than in real life right :)

If they are going to make ranks for themselves then  big deal. The only way it should really bother a real soldier is if that soldier is insecure about their service.
I never really understood Airsoft. How do you play it out side? you shoot little plastic BBs in the bush, well those arnt going to go very far or actualy hit anything on purpose. Also how do you acutally play like what you yell I got you and the other guy yells no you didnt and then you yell back and forth yes I did, No you didnt, yes I did etc etc untill someone gets tired of yelling and leaves?

In paintball you get a big splat of paint on you so people know they shot you. so in airsoft it's like what your word against his and if the guy you shot feels like leaving or not?? seems kinda dumb to me but hey to each his own I guess.

But people have said on here I would just rather spend money on a real gun and go hunting or skeet shooting or something.
Thats one of the reasons why I've always been a little iffy about using paintball as a training aid.

Back before I got CFRed, I knew I was going to have to get in shape for BOT/BOAT, and I knew that part of that was going to include running around in the bushes in FFO. So I got this crazy idea that maybe a day of paintball (which I had never done before) might be a way of evaluating my current fitness level. The way I figured, if I could play paintball in FFO with no fitness problems, then I was probably good to go for section attacks and recce. Plus it would highlight any problems with my gear, so I could sort them out before I showed up. And hey - it might be fun to play Rambo for a day.

So I went to a local paintball place and signed up. I wore fully packed webbing (including weights to simulate loaded mags) civvie t-shirt, combat pants, combat boots. I brought the helmet, but it interfered with the paintball goggles/facemask so I tied it to my buttpack.

First thing I learn is that playing lone wolf Rambo gets you killed *really* quickly. The site (which was huge, probably a grid square of light woods) had a wadi cutting it in half, with one "camp" on each side of it. At one point, I snuck along the border of the site, slipped into the wadi, leopard-crawled along the base of it, and when I stuck my head up over the lip to get my bearings - got shot in the throat. I didn't even see it coming - head pops up, WHACK!

Things like that happened over and over. Super Ninja Sniper sneaks his way into awesome position, makes contact with the enemy all by his lonesome, and then dies gloriously in a much shorter timeframe than he expected.

And then as it happens, one of the guys on my team turned out to be an RCR corporal on leave. We hooked up as a fire team, started doing fire and movement together, and from that point on, we were pretty much invincible. Both of us were shocked at just how well covering supressive fire moving in bounds worked (as were our victims!)

It wound up being a real eye opener, and was totally worth it - just not for the reasons I first expected.

You're right that there are tactics that work in paintball that would NOT work in a live fire situation... but there are plenty more tactics that work with blanks and "I shot you first!" that don't work when actual projectiles start flying around. As far as I'm concerned, paintball makes good training. And we'll be doing some Simunition training this spring, and I'm *really* looking forward to that.

We use Symunition too.  That is the best training we do (aside from the critical victim services, and cultural sensitivity, and reviewing internal policies).  The old saying "train as you would fight, and you will fight as you trained" is very relevant.  If you are thinking "he can't get me through this drywall panel" then you may make that dumb assumption in real life when the shit hits.  If you take it seriously, and genuinely think in terms of "I just got killed" you should get some good value out of whatever exercise you are on. 
Anyone ever been to Fort Knox for the armoured simulators?  CATT I think it is called now.  It was easy to think of it as a big video game, until the unit you were in made the big "POP" sound and went all dark.  Then you and your crew got to sit there for a second and think about if a HESH round from T-72 had really just torn through your hull, life would really be sucking about now.  You play the next round a lot smarter. 
Medals seem a bit nebbish...I would hate to see some clown walking around with a Airsoft VC on his jacket, or any other real medal.  I'm sure a bunch of creative individuals that came up with the whole program could come up with authentic looking designs that don't mimic real medals.  Hell, they could even come up with fake war journals so that fellow medal holders could see the illustrious achievements of their simulated brothers in arm.

As long as they don't want to march in a Remembrance Day parade.....
Having airsofters go against a platoon of Reserves woulden't work out. Where are they gonna get the airsoft guns? Not a lot of people have extras that they can rent out, an kinda expensive for a unit to buy just for a one time thing. But if a unit did buy some airsoft guys, it would probably be an pretty good "weapon" for FIBUA type training.

Airsoft guys do have pretty good range, especially the upgraded ones. As for calling out hits, its on the honor system. But its pretty obvouis to tell when someone is cheating, an if you get caught cheating repeatedly, you aren't gonna be welcome at anymore games.

Some reenacting groups use airsoft for their reenactment events.

Airsofters are not wannabes or anything like that, yea there are some, but thats a small minority. Just something to do for sh*ts 'n giggles on the weekend every once in awhile.

From the looks of that team that was posted, their medals aren't even real, just some work a guy did in MSPaint or whatever. I don't think they actually go get medals made up an pin them on uniforms or whatever.

When I played out in BC, there were quite a few ex/current Reservists an Reg Force guys; 1-2 of them fought in the Medak Pocket aswell.
OMG....I just read the org chart, and one of the kids on it is in my regiment  :D...did my 3's with me...

He's the guy, that if any of you may recall, lit his pants on fire before and inspection...We called him the "little General". And here he is...

You guys think I should out him? ;
Unless he was posted to the internet against his will....


BTW, having cruised around the Airsoft site a bit more, I have to admit, they have a better photo gallery than us, at least one part:


This marketing tangent may have a lot to do with the appeal...