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I'm going on course soon and I'm just currious, what happens if you fail your QL3 trainning? Do you get kicked out of the Forces?
Res or Reg?

And no you do not get released you get recoursed, and get to do it all again.
HitorMiss said:
Res or Reg?

And no you do not get released you get recoursed, and get to do it all again.

Actually, that depends.  If you fail you get to sit a review board, and they decide one of the 3 R's:  Release, Recourse, or Remuster.
tomman said:
And how do they decide on which R applies?

I haven't been personally involved in one of the boards.  However, they take a few things into account:
  • How badly are you faling?  If it's close, they're more likely to give you a second chance.
  • Do your marks indicate that you'd be trainable in a different trade?  If, for example, you're training as a tech and fail, they may remuster you into the equivalent operator trade.  Or they may look at your classes and decide that, while this one that you failed prevents you from being trade A, all you need is another class to be trade B
  • How do you present yourself at your board?  Let's face it, the people reviewing you are humans, and if you make a bad impression on them, they're less likely to cut you any slack.

So basically, it's on a case-by-case basis.  But you are involved, and you have a chance to state your case.  I also believe there's an appeals process if you don't like the verdict.

The best way to go, of course, is to not fail in the first place.  If you're having trouble, get extra help.  You'll have plenty of warning before you fail, and that's plenty of time to do something about it.
Thanks man. Always looking for as much info as I can before I go on course.
The army is there to see you succeed. If you fail, depending if its a major exam to the trade, you be pass in front of a board...they will decide of what will happen with you.

You might get a retest, you instructor will give you extra instruction help, you will get help from your course buddy, Pay attention during class, study and give you 110% and you will succeed.
  Keep in mind, not every trade is for everyone.  If you try your best, and happen to not succeed, as long as you're not a bag of crap you will get either re-coursed or re-mustered.  Seems they don't like to release anyone these days.  I've seen some truly pathetic excuses for servicemen get remustered out of our trade for being failures..........and giant bags of crap.
  No worries mate
A friend of mine went in as a Vehicle Tech and he failed his QL3, he really tried but it just wasn't for him. He was remustered. He is now a Supply Tech.
QL's are following SQ?

I never fully understood the full meaning [definition included] of the 'QL' acronym.

ps, I'm Brett.. I just had Vern change my forum name :-]
Nova said:
QL's are following SQ?
Majority of CF occupations do not complete, or have any requirement to, an SQ and go from BMQ to QL. The QL's are defined in the OS's (Occupation Specification's) for each occupation in line with applicable DP's.
Uhhh... I'll say thanks because you gave information - although I still don't get it!  :crybaby: lol.

anyway, sorry to take the spotlight off of whoever started this thread.
Nova said:
QL's are following SQ?

I never fully understood the full meaning [definition included] of the 'QL' acronym.

ps, I'm Brett.. I just had Vern change my forum name :-]

Qualification Level.  No definition required for that I hope.   ;D

There is usually a pre requisite course.  For your MOC (PRes Inf), you do BMQ, then SQ, then "QL3" (often referred to by the Inf Sgt/WOs I know as BIQ).  You have to have BMQ to do SQ...SQ to do QL3...etc.  There is a "building block" methodoligy to the training.

Different MOCs have different QLs.  All MOCs have a QL3, which equates to Basic Trades Training.  QL4 courses for MOCs take you above and beyond that training.  I will use Armoured as an example.

On QL3, you used to learn to drive the a) Iltis for PRes b) MLVW for Reg Force.  Then the QL4 courses, often referred to as PCF (Primary Combat Function) crses lead you to more specialized training, such a Leopard gunner or Leopard driver course.

Now, as another example of something different, I will use 226 ATIS Tech.  As ATIS, you do a BMQ, then go to a course called POET (Performance Oriented Electronics Training).  From there, you do a QL3 course.  Right.  Now...ATIS is Air Force.  NO REQUIREMENT FOR SQ.  ATIS Tech's then go to do their QL4 training, which is not an actual course, it is a OJT package you do. 

So, while lots of army MOCs are similar, like the "zero" (Cmbt Arms MOCs start with 0) trades and Air Force ones in the 500 series (tech's) are alot the same, and the C & E MOCs are alot the same...

What I would suggest is...understand how it works for your own MOC and then suck up the way the other trades train their NCMs.

This now all fits into the DP system.  This is taken from OPME DCE 001, Defence Management, Module 2, Lesson 14 - CF Military Occupational Structure and gives a broad view of the DP system for NCMs.

NCM - An NCM OS has up to four DPs, depending on MOSID. These DPs are the following: (DP stands for Development Periods btw...forgot to add that sorry)

– the Apprentice DP corresponds to the first four years of service and the initial training and experience of an Ordinary- and Able-Seaman/Private. Apprentices generally cannot work independently and, as a result, their employment opportunities are limited. Their priorities are decided by supervisors and their work is closely monitored

– the Journeyman DP corresponds to the rank of Leading-Seaman/Corporal and Master-Seaman/Master-Corporal and can perform tasks independently or under supervision. Additionally, they can explain or demonstrate to others how to perform tasks. Senior journeymen may be called upon to exercise supervisory and leadership skills;

– the Supervisor DP corresponds to the rank of Petty Officer Second Class/Sergeant and Petty Officer First Class/Warrant Officer. Their function is to lead and supervise subordinates. Though their primary responsibility is leadership, they may also perform occupational tasks; and

– the Manager DP corresponds to the rank of Chief Petty Officer Second Class/Master Warrant Officer and Chief Petty Officer First Class/Chief Warrant Officer ranks. Managers are responsible, through subordinate supervisors, for planning, organizing, directing, and controlling various group activities to achieve assigned goals. They are also responsible for the leadership and well-being of subordinates.
Nova said:
Uhhh... I'll say thanks because you gave information - although I still don't get it!  :crybaby: lol.

anyway, sorry to take the spotlight off of whoever started this thread.

What PO2FinClerk is saying is that certain MOCs require the SQ course, and others do not.  Example, any Army MOC requires it.  No Navy one requires it.

Find out what applies to your MOC first, understand that, and throughout your career, you will work with, make friends with and train/deploy with all kinds of MOCs but if you don't understand you OWN MOC first, how will you understand theirs? 


PM inbound.
You are oh so very helpful.

I understand almost everything [I did have to read it over more than once and think about it], but I get it. And I'm not just saying that... I actually understand basically everything you just said. And hey! my question as to what "DP" stood for was answered! lol thanks bud, I really appreciate it!
I didn't make the system...just a messenger.  But yw.

Bill is in the mail...make cheque or money order to "MRM Consulting" please.

Nova said:
QL's are following SQ?

I never fully understood the full meaning [definition included] of the 'QL' acronym.

ps, I'm Brett.. I just had Vern change my forum name :-]

QL acronym = Qualification Level, as it relates to actual trades trg. (I didn't see anyone actually spell it out for you in the thread yet), but that's what the acronym stands for. DRM  ;)  has laid out the entire trg process quite well though.

I still haven't seen your post announcing the new name in the Adm Section under "User name Changes...."  >:D
$1.00 ok? lol. I never knew I had to make a post about it, but I will.
ArmyVern said:
QL acronym = Qualification Level, as it relates to actual trades trg. (I didn't see anyone actually spell it out for you in the thread yet), but that's what the acronym stands for. DRM  ;)  has laid out the entire trg process quite well though.

I still haven't seen your post announcing the new name in the Adm Section under "User name Changes...."  >:D

MRM did spell it out a few posts back ;)