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Provincial Friendliness (POLL)

In your opinion, which province has the most friendly people?

  • Ontario

    Votes: 16 16.5%
  • B.C

    Votes: 8 8.2%
  • Alberta

    Votes: 12 12.4%
  • Newfoundland and Labrador

    Votes: 21 21.6%
  • Quebec

    Votes: 2 2.1%
  • P.E.I

    Votes: 5 5.2%
  • Nova Scotia

    Votes: 17 17.5%
  • New Brunswick

    Votes: 4 4.1%
  • Manitoba

    Votes: 6 6.2%
  • Saskatchewan

    Votes: 5 5.2%
  • Yukon, NWT, Nunavut

    Votes: 1 1.0%

  • Total voters
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Come visit Charleston NL! Once you come here you won't be allowed to leave, as everyone'll probably be fighting to who feeds you next.
Fry said:

Come visit Charleston NL! Once you come here you won't be allowed to leave, as everyone'll probably be fighting to who feeds you next.

Both families? They probably just want me there to increase thier gene pool. Or worse, so I can marry one of thier daughters and move her to Ontario...
I was only talking about hospitality. As for the gene pool comment... good Lord, no. Haha, you come 'round here and try to marry someone's daughter and drag her off to ontario, you'll be picking shot out of your @ss! :P

There's 20 something families here, and believe it or not, I might be partially related to a couple of them. But I'd rather live here with the freedoms that you don't have throughout most of Canada.
I haven't been out of Ontario yet with the exception of the States and Austria, so I really can't answer your question

I think it's Ontario, so long as we don't count the GTA

Haha, so true!
Armymedic said:
Both families? They probably just want me there to increase thier gene pool. Or worse, so I can marry one of thier daughters and move her to Ontario...

Well there's nothing like a good regional debate to bring out the ignorance in people is there.
I was thinking the exact same thing. Well, that comment made by armymedic just goes to prove that I was right all along! :dontpanic:
Fry said:
I was thinking the exact same thing. Well, that comment made by armymedic just goes to prove that I was right all along! :dontpanic:
Island Ryhno said:
Well there's nothing like a good regional debate to bring out the ignorance in people is there.

What, you two lads not comfortable with your communities level of civilization? Am I touching a nerve here? Can't take the joke?
When you guys get into the military and move off the little island you live on, you'll need grow thicker skin...

BTW the poll is a foolish...Regardless of region, if you go out to the small towns and rural regions of this fine country, West, Central or East, and yes even in Quebec...you'll find the people friendly and hospitable, ready to give your shirt off their back to help a stanger. NO region of the country has a majority.

I'm perfectly fine with my communities level of civilization. I live in a small place called St.John's, you should look it up some time, you may learn something. You know very well you didn't mean to convey it as a joke, it was snide remark, typing it didn't hide the fact. I've been in the military and out, I've also lived in a number of places off my "little island" bro. Don't chuck your bullshit about thick skin to me, you made an asshole comment and now your trying to hide it behind a joke and your tough guy act.
Townies don't have much of a sense of humour, do they?

I'd love to continue this flame war, but I have to go get ready for work tomorrow,where I work with a Memorial U alumni (thats in St John's, right?). And many other friendly people from all across Canada...

"I think it's Ontario, so long as we don't count the GTA"

I dont know about this one. I have been to Toronto many many times and have met loads of friendly people. Most people get scared off because it is a "Big" city when it is the biggest little town I have been to. I remember going to house parties there and meeting people from my home town that I havent seen for years too. I have even been stopped on the street on a few ocasions and ended up having conversations with a lot of different people from all over.
Armymedic said:
What, you two lads not comfortable with your communities level of civilization? Am I touching a nerve here? Can't take the joke?
When you guys get into the military and move off the little island you live on, you'll need grow thicker skin...

BTW the poll is a foolish...Regardless of region, if you go out to the small towns and rural regions of this fine country, West, Central or East, and yes even in Quebec...you'll find the people friendly and hospitable, ready to give your shirt off their back to help a stanger. NO region of the country has a majority.

I beg to differ... because I speak from experience.  Community's level of civilization? Growing thicker skin? I know where I come from, and I like where I come from. I don't even have to lock my house/car doors at night. It's great. The culture is rich here and we have a strong sense of pride.

The poll is a foolish? ... ok.  Then what are you doing, posting multiple messages here? Continuing to argue? If it is so "foolish" then you wouldn't even take the time to consider this poll..thread.. or the people posting here.  Prehaps with that, combined with your ignorant and disgraceful remarks just goes to show who's foolish here. Congratulations, you pulled a XXXXXXXXXl and messed up the whole topic.

Island Ryhno said:
I'm perfectly fine with my communities level of civilization. I live in a small place called St.John's, you should look it up some time, you may learn something. You know very well you didn't mean to convey it as a joke, it was snide remark, typing it didn't hide the fact. I've been in the military and out, I've also lived in a number of places off my "little island" bro. Don't chuck your bullshit about thick skin to me, you made an ******* comment and now your trying to hide it behind a joke and your tough guy act.

Haha, snide indeed. Big internet tough guy, ain't he? Too bad You and I couldn't meet this "chump" down on George on a friday night. He'd be singing a different tune, I'd bet!  :threat:

Armymedic, honestly... I know anyone can get on here and say whatever, but would you say comments like that to our faces in real life? No, you wouldn't. Internet tough guy persona reeks. It's just sad to see chicken-crap people like you who continue these stupid antics.

:bullet: :bullet: :bullet: :bullet: :bullet: :bullet: :bullet: :bullet: :bullet: :bullet: :bullet: :bullet: :bullet:
Anyway, back to the topic... Yeah I found that Nova Scotians are a pretty friendly bunch of people too. Quebec, I found totally different. If you didn't know French, then you weren't a person basically. Ontario... I dunno, everyone from there, including my own family that moved there, are... not really "not friendly", just inconsiderate... even the tourists.

(Edited by Moderator to remove insulting reference to another forum member.)
Gramps said:
"I think it's Ontario, so long as we don't count the GTA"

I dont know about this one. I have been to Toronto many many times and have met loads of friendly people. Most people get scared off because it is a "Big" city when it is the biggest little town I have been to. I remember going to house parties there and meeting people from my home town that I havent seen for years too. I have even been stopped on the street on a few ocasions and ended up having conversations with a lot of different people from all over.


See the "smilie" behind GTA? That means it's a joke! And the rest of you, lighten up!!! The thread was meant in good faith and fun, quit being a bunch of dumasses and reading to much into it. Sheesh.
This is kind of what I would call a fool's bet.

I have been to every province in Canada and 1 of the Territories (Yukon) (and not just driving through..... to me, you haven't "been" in a province unless you've been drunk there, but that's just me....).

I think that this is an attempt at saying that one province, to the exclusion of all the others, is better (in this case, friendlier).

I think Newfoundland has the "nostalgic" vote, mainly due to stereotypes. I have met very unfriendly Newfoundlanders (over there, and at work). People always say that Canadians are soooo polite. I beg to differ..... I've watched people walk over homeless people in the streets of pretty much every major city in Canada..... Well, I guess because they didn't piss on or kick said homeless person might make them somewhat polite....

Being from a given piece of soil doesn't make you any friendlier and less friendly. I would wager that it has to do with upbringing, morals, temperment, etc (I'm not a social scientist, so I'll stay out of all the factors involved...)

Though, if we go by license plates, Manitoba HAS to get the nod (because they wouldn't lie on their license plates, would they?!?!?)

I see that you continue to make friends with people from the Maritime provinces, Ash.... I'd bring up what happened (allegedly, from my "sources") during your TQ3 (remember MacDonald??? I think it was....). And who said alcohol destroyed my memory?!?!
Allan Luomala said:
I think that this is an attempt at saying that one province, to the exclusion of all the others, is better (in this case, friendlier).

Not at all. I was having a private discussion with a few other people nad the topic came up about people being friendly from certain provinces. I mentioned that one thing Newfoundland is known for, is it's friendliness, and I was argued against. So, I decided to poll people in Radio Chatter.
Whoa, did things take a turn for the crazy in here. Ummm.. I would make a newfie joke to a newfie. I have before hehe and my newfie friend laughed her arse off at me. It's called a sense of humor. I don't get mad when my friend calls me woman and asks why I'm not making him dinner.
It's true that there are nice people everywhere, and I would be ignorant to believe that everyone in NFLD is nice. I think there are alot of jackasses in Alberta but I do know alot of nice people too. Same with back home in NB. You can find good and bad everywhere. So let's all be friends. We are all from the same great country  :cdn: >:D
Isn't this another variation of "What Special Forces unit is the biggest baddasses?"

Lame.  :tsktsk:
I'm from the west (BC to be exact) and I have to say that I found the people in Ontario and the eastern provinces to be alot friendlier then they are out here.  Vancouver has become a bastion of snobbery and posing.  I find the people out east are more "real" and not as fake and phoney as they are in Vancouver.  When I lived back east it was so much easier to strike up conversations with people at the bar and what not.  Out here its impossible...most people don't even bother to recognize your existence. 
ReadyAyeReady said:
I'm from the west (BC to be exact) and I have to say that I found the people in Ontario and the eastern provinces to be alot friendlier then they are out here.   Vancouver has become a bastion of snobbery and posing.   I find the people out east are more "real" and not as fake and phoney as they are in Vancouver.   When I lived back east it was so much easier to strike up conversations with people at the bar and what not.   Out here its impossible...most people don't even bother to recognize your existence.  

I have family in Sparwood, BC... snobbery is an understatement!
Fry said:
I have family in Sparwood, BC... snobbery is an understatement!

People in Sparwood are snobs? I didn't know that. I guess I'll have to move out of this unfriendly province. I don't want to be associated with a bunch of unfriendly snobs from BC.  :o
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