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Private Members Bill to Opt Out of Paying "Military Taxes"

The Bread Guy

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I'm not making this up - this from Hansard yesterday:
Mr. Alex Atamanenko (British Columbia Southern Interior, NDP):  moved for leave to introduce Bill C-363, An Act respecting conscientious objection to the use of taxes for military purposes.

    He said: Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to present this bill respecting conscientious objection to the use of taxes for military purposes. As an aside, I thank my colleague from New Westminster—Coquitlam for seconding this bill.  According to this bill, once an individual registers with the Minister of National Revenue as a conscientious objector, he or she may then request that a portion of taxes for military purposes be credited to a special conscientious objectors' account. This money would then be used for any non-military peace-building purposes.  I would like to congratulate my former colleague, Bill Siksay, for all his hard work in this area. Details of how this can be implemented are outlined in the bill.  I would also like to thank Anna Kirkpatrick and others from Conscience Canada who worked with me to fine-tune this bill.  Let us give peace a chance.

    (Motions deemed adopted, bill read the first time and printed)
No bill text yet here.

Usual Private Members Bill caveat:  Miniscule chance of passing as law unless supported by the governing party.
Fine.  I want to opt out of paying school/church taxes and the Ontario Health "Premium".  ::)
PMedMoe said:
Fine.  I want to opt out of paying school/church taxes and the Ontario Health "Premium".  ::)
What churches are supported by tax money?  If you're thinking of the Ontario Separate School board, unless you're Roman Catholic, your tax money goes to the public school board.

And don't forget, Health Care is free* in Canada  >:D

*"Free" does not imply "without cost", but rather "exempt from external authority".
Can I opt out of any on my taxes going to support members of political parties I don't agree with?
Michael O'Leary said:
Can I opt out of any on my taxes going to support members of political parties I don't agree with?
Yes :)

I can see it now.  You will get a list of federal departments, and will check off those departments you wish to support.  If you tick off "none of the above", then you get to continue to live in Canada with full benefits, but are exempt paying taxes. 

(I think that worked well for the Greeks, no?)  >:D
I want to opt out of paying taxes for welfare moms - the types that keep popping out kids from different daddies. I have no beefs with single parents who need a hand up, but I have no time for those with their hands out.
*"Free" does not imply "without cost", but rather "exempt from external authority".

Boy, have they taken that one, rode it hard, and put it up wet.....
So if there is a Natural Disaster(fire, flood, snowstorm) or a terrorist attack, do we get to ignore the conscious objector and help everyone else?
I wonder if there will be a registry of those conscious objectors so we know what services they are to be denied.
And after the huge boondoggle, there will be a movement to scrap the  Conscious Objectors Registry, and an equally vehement movement to save it.... >:D
Thucydides said:
And after the huge boondoggle, there will be a movement to scrap the  Conscious Objectors Registry, and an equally vehement movement to save it.... >:D

At a cost of 2 Billion dollars Mr. Bigglesworth.....

I sense a spiral happening here...... >:D

We need a Jedi smiley
As I recall, somebody tried this back in the sixties or early seventies. It went nowhere then and is destined for the same fate this time round. You can bet your parade boots that the usual suspects will make a big thing of it. It will then fade away into oblivion.
GD said:
So if there is a Natural Disaster(fire, flood, snowstorm) or a terrorist attack, do we get to ignore the conscious objector and help everyone else?
HA, YES!!!
"I'm sorry Mr. Objector, but you didn't want to support the military so I can't pull you out from the rubble of your home."
I love it.

P.S. What a retarded bill, can I funnel some of my taxes to create an island of misfit politicians and just send them away?
Canadian.Trucker said:
HA, YES!!!
"I'm sorry Mr. Objector, but you didn't want to support the military so I can't pull you out from the rubble of your home."
I love it.

P.S. What a retarded bill, can I funnel some of my taxes to create an island of misfit politicians and just send them away?

Hey!  Some of us grew up in Montreal, Mr Insensitive!
"I would also like to thank Anna Kirkpatrick and others from Conscience Canada who worked with me to fine-tune this bill."

Don't hand out those thank-you's too quick... :facepalm:
dapaterson said:
Hey!  Some of us grew up in Montreal, Mr Insensitive!
Nice one.  I was more thinking of an iceberg since it's an island that will eventually melt away and solve a few of our problems.
But think of the poor polar bears with indigestion and the environmental damage by sending one of the country's largest producers of co2 emissions and general hot air into the arctic.
Robert0288 said:
But think of the poor polar bears with indigestion and the environmental damage by sending one of the country's largest producers of co2 emissions and general hot air into the arctic.

I think that the Polar Bears would do just fine:

Sure.  Don't pay the tax.  But if the military has to be called in for flooding, SAR or other just bill them after for services rendered.  I would also use CTV's formula for calculating costs for flights, fuel and manpower.