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Prince Harry Deploys to Afghanistan


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I am not sure if this is the right spot for this article I just found it on CTV news and here is the link


It's about Prince Harry serving in Afghanistan according to the article he has been there sense Dec .  Thought that I would post it here for any one interested .
Prince Harry has been fighting the Taleban on the front line in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed.
Harry, 23, who is third in line to the throne, has spent the last 10 weeks serving in Helmand Province.

"I finally get the chance to do the soldiering that I want to do," the prince said before he left.

A bit more of the same, including a statement by UK's Chief of General Staff
Chief of the General Staff and professional head of the army General Sir Richard Dannatt has made a statement concerning media reporting of Prince Harry's deployment to Afghanistan.  After news of the Prince's deployment broke today, Thursday 28 february 2008, on a US website General Dannatt said:

"I am very disappointed that foreign websites have decided to run this story without consulting us. This is in stark contrast to the highly responsible attitude that the whole of the UK print and broadcast media, along with a small number of overseas, who have entered into an understanding with us over the coverage of Prince Harry on operations. After a lengthy period of discussion between the MOD and the Editors of regional, national and international media, the Editors took the commendable attitude to restrain their coverage. I would like to thank them for that and I do appreciate that once the story was in the public domain, they had no choice but to follow suit.  What the last two months have shown is that it is perfectly possible for Prince Harry to be employed just the same as other Army officers of his rank and experience. His conduct on operations in Afghanistan has been exemplary. He has been fully involved in operations and has run the same risks as everyone else in his Battlegroup.  In common with all of his generation in the Army today, he is a credit to the nation. In deciding to deploy him to Afghanistan, it was my judgement that with an understanding with the media not to broadcast his whereabouts, the risk in doing was manageable.  Now that the story is in the public domain, the Chief of Defence Staff and I will take advice from the operational commanders about whether his deployment can continue. I now appeal to the media to restrain from attempting to report Prince Harry’s every move and return to our understanding."

The Sun (UK)

National Post weblog

Drudge Report (.pdf permalink)
Another reason to distrust the media!
Would have been nice to find this out AFTER his tour.
daftandbarmy said:
Prince Harry has been fighting the Taleban on the front line in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed.
Harry, 23, who is third in line to the throne, has spent the last 10 weeks serving in Helmand Province.

"I finally get the chance to do the soldiering that I want to do," the prince said before he left.


Here are pics of the Prince in Afghanistan along with some Gurkhas.





Good on him for serving, but pretty stupid on the media's part to publish this.
I don't think the Brit media brought this up.  Some other country's media organizations found out (anyone care to guess?) and the Brits then just owned up to it.  Apparently there's speculation that he may be getting sent home due to him becoming a HUGE target, since now Terry undoubtedly knows too.

<Edited for spelling like an Admin Clk.>
Le prince Harry a combattu les talibans en Afghanistan

In the french article, he's quote as speaking from hid grand-mother.

Dans un entretien aux médias britanniques, le prince Harry a expliqué que c'est sa grand-mère, la reine Elizabeth II, qui lui avait annoncé son départ en Afghanistan.
«C'est une personne qui sait de quoi elle parle, sa connaissance de l'armée est étonnante pour une grand-mère --je suppose que c'est un peu son travail», a indiqué Harry,
précisant que la reine avait été «soulagée» qu'il puisse accomplir le travail pour lequel il avait été formé.

"The Gurkhas think it's hysterical how I am called the 'bullet magnet', but they've yet to see why."

They're in for a shcok.
The American media is confirming that it was the 'Drudge Report' that first leaked the Prince in Afghanistan story.

I haven't heard anyone in the media state a reason as to why Drudge felt the need to reveal this particular piece of information to the world.

I like that he can do what he was trained to do, without being told he can't. BZ to him :salute:
Sadly, it appears, for not much longer......

Guardian (UK), 29 Feb 08
"Army commanders were making frantic arrangements last night to bring Prince Harry back from Afghanistan after an American website disclosed that he had been serving with other British troops fighting the Taliban.  The prince, who is 10 weeks into a 14-week tour, was believed to still be in the country last night among British soldiers in the southern Helmand province.  The lid was blown on Harry's deployment yesterday afternoon by the Drudge Report, a US political blog, ending a voluntary agreement by the British media to keep it secret until he had returned. His job in Afghanistan was to monitor enemy soldiers' movements transmitted on to screens nicknamed Kill TV ...."

As to who leaked first, that may not be straightforward
"Australian magazine New Idea formed a key part of the media leak that has compromised Prince Harry's secret deployment in Afghanistan.  New Idea was one of the first publications in the world to reveal the Prince's tour of duty, a move which has prompted UK military officials to consider pulling the royal out of Afghanistan for safety reasons.  The leak broke a media embargo on Harry's deployment which was designed to protect the third-in-line to the British crown.  New Idea said in a statement it had no idea any such media embargo existed and would never have knowingly broken it.  By 10am today the gossip magazine had pulled the story from its website.  The news spread around the world earlier after US website Drudge Report posted its own story online, but cited New Idea and the German tabloid Bild as the first to break the embargo.  The source behind New Idea's January 7 story is given as a "close friend" of Prince Harry who attended a farewell dinner for the royal...."

- edited to add leak saga to date -
I would suggest that we follow Arrse's lead in not posting anything more than well wishes for Cornet Wales for PERSEC reasons.Thx

From Cpunk:
Obviously, it would be pointless to ignore the news that Prince Harry is serving in Afghanistan. Nevertheless, Bad_COs ruling still applies. We do not discuss any details of what some of us might know him to be doing, nor where specifically he might be, nor whether any special measures are in place.

If, on the other hand, you want to give him a cyber pat on the back; or contrast him favourably with the children of some of our leading politicians for getting off his arrse and serving his country, then feel free to do so.
tomahawk6 said:
I would suggest that we follow Arrse's lead in not posting anything more than well wishes for Cornet Wales for PERSEC reasons.Thx


Wise advice.

Let's not speculate as to what, when and how Prince Harry is working over there. Respect his PERSEC, just as we'd expect such for any of our fellow Canadians deployed.

Good on him.

The Milnet.ca Staff
A Royal serving in a warzone by his own choosing.  And actually wanting to be there on top of it.  Not for accolades, prestige or PR points.  eurowing states it quite elegantly and simply I believe.